New Devs?
Hey, just outta curiosity, who are the new devs?
What are your positions (coders, mappers, modellers, etc?)
What previous experience do you have?
What are you planning on doing with the mod? Meaning, where are you planning to take it. I mean, SF has always been fun, but it hasn't ever had a lot of original content, and it has been pretty buggy from the start. That is understandable since it had only one person doing most of the work (other than the goodly number of mappers) and as far as I understand Knifa didn't have much modding experience? Dunno, just what I heard. But I've been waiting a while hoping SF would get an actual dev team (complete with multiple coders, modellers, animators, etc, in addition to the already good mappers). It's nice that it has that now, but are you planning on taking SF in a new direction or just refining what's already there? Are you going to add new content (new weapons, etc) or just keep it more or less HL2 + the forts.
Hehe, I know it's a lot of questions, but I REALLY have been wanting SF to get a Dev team. I mean, I go down the list of mods that are huge sucesses and don't see too many run by one person :lol: