many of you "lag" in SF? I never experienced it much before until a few nights ago on my server, I just blamed it on the fact my server was full (

) and my evod sprint wireless modem.
After arena mentioned packet loss and how the console command net_graph 3 will show you if you lose any packets during play, I discovered "choke". I asked what his choke was and he said 0...mine was 96 stable, 150ish combat. I was sad...
So I looked up choke and net_graph 3 on google to see if there was any tweaks for it. And I discovered the nifty console command "rate".
My default rate was to low...I've never set it before nor has such a thing been mentioned to me. So I set this rate to... "rate 5000" and pow the choke was down to the 50's, so I said fuck it, and "rate 99999999" and POW 0 choke. No more choppy-ness on crowded server.
Perhaps there are other nubs out there like me who never knew I'm sure most of you guys already knew this.
So if you lag try this people!