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Old 04-11-2005
Kris2456's Avatar
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Default Kris2456's Guide to Source Forts for 'n00bs'

[b]WARNING: This guide is for the 1.4.2 version of SourceForts. Many of the features mentioned in this guide no longer exist in the new 1.9.X series of SourceForts. Obsolete material has been marked with ** at the start and end of the obsolete passage.

Kris2456's Guide to Source Forts for 'n00bs'

This guide is for n00bs who do not yet know how to build forts well, or the fundemental skills and designs that are used. Therefore, i made this guide so that n00bs can see what fort building is all about.

Tools, and using them
Your main tool is the gravity gun, you use this just like you would in the game. The other use of this gun, is to freeze objects while they are being held **(server permitting). To freeze something while holding it, first pick it up, and then press X to freeze it in place.

The freezer gun does what it says, it freezes things. To freeze a block in place, simply aim and click. You can also unfreeze things, by using the secondary fire on this tool.**

Edit: Instead press the R key to freeze/unfreeze blocks

**Your last tool is the repair gun, this is used to repair blocks that have been damaged by enemy fire. Blocks that have been damaged are darker than others, and how dark they are indicates their damage level. When a block is completely black, you will no longer be able to freeze it, or pick it up, until it has been repaired. To repair a block, get close to it, and hold the mouse button, if it is repairing, your screen will flash green every second. Once this stops, it means the block has been fully repaired.**

Edit: Repairing is now handled with the gravity gun, and can only be done in combat phase. Blocks return to 100% health at the start of each build phase. The system for noticing damaged blocks is still the same.

Building and Fighting
In SF, a certain amount of time is allocated for building and fighting. The counter in the top left shows the time. During build time, the idea is to build a fort, so that you can defend your flag (the ball/mine thing). In the first round of build time, teams will typically try and build a good fort. In subsequent build times, teams will try and repair and upgrade their fort, as well as finishing off any work that wasnt done.

During fight time, players will leave their fort, and try and assault the enemy base in the hope of capturing their flag. Other players will defend their fort, and try and stop attackers. **With frags, comes money, and using money, a player can buy weapons with which to fight with for that round only. To buy a weapon, press the B key, and keep pressin B until you find something that is in your price range. Then, to buy it, press the corresponding F key.**

Working as a team
This is very important, especially during build time. If players dont work together at building a fort, then they will very likely lose. The general rules are, if you dont know what to do, help someone else with what they are doing. If you see someone making a tower, pass them up bits using the gravity gun. If you see someone trying to line something up, but they cant do it. Offer to help them. If you see someone with the flag, cover their back, and follow them, if they die, the flag wont respawn if you pick it up.

Movement techniques
Many people know these, but i shall cover them anyway. To get up on higher obstacles, one must use the crouch jump. All you must do, is run up to the obstacle, jump, and press crouch at the same time. This will allow you to get up onto the object. The other one is the long jump. You must sprint, then jump, then hold crouch, this will allow you to go that tiny bit further. Last but not least is the stacking method. For this you will need a friend who knows what to do. Your friend must run to the wall of the enemy base, and crouch. You must then run, stand on his head, and jump into the base.


Wall fort
This fort is a commonly used fort, that looks very neat, and can be very effective if used properly. Big panels are lined up vertically in a long line. Often, these will be supported on the other side, by blocks and such. A ramp is usually neccesary to exit this fort quickly.

Brick fort
Similar to a wall fort, except constructed from 2 layers of big blocks. This fort has much more protection from rolled grenades, and is slightly tougher than the wall fort. However this fort is a pain in the arse to construct and takes a while to build.

Vertical wall fort
Exactly the same as a wall fort, but this time the panels are lined far. This offers more protection from stacking, but takes a lot of time/pieces.

Bunker fort
This fort is basicly an uber fort, which takes loads of pieces, and takes absolutely ages to build. However this fort is usually imperveous to attackers, and will have lots of accessories added on to it.

Big Ass Tree fort
Ive seen this done a few times, but it is rare. It all hinges on making a massive tree out of blocks, the defenders then sit in this, and rain fire and grenades from above. However this type of fort is very susceptible to grenades.

Garbage fort
A fort that is litterally rubbish. The idea is to put stuff in as little order as possible, causing a big heap of stuff. These look really naff, but are hard to enter usually.

Fort Acessories

Grenade Panels

A popular add on. These panels are placed sort of like battlements, which means that any low flying grenades will bounce off.

Note: Since the 1.9.X series, explosions no longer pass through walls - in 1.4.2, rocket explosions could kill you even if you were behind a panel. This no longer works. Take this into consideration when building grenade defences as there is no longer a need to get the grenade as far from your walls as possible

Flag mazes

I personally hate these, but they are basicly a maze, that is used to guard the flag.

**Sliding doors
A witty invention that makes a �€œdoor½â‚¬ï¿½ that slides along a specially made groove. Very clever, but slightly impractical, as many people do not coordinate enough.**

Note: Although it is still possible to make sliding doors, blocks freeze on phase change and take a lot more damage when unfreezed realitive to 1.4.2. This means they are no longer a practical enterance solution.


A very useful add on that allows you to climb up above the enemy and shoot at them. They are however prone to being grenaded.

This is my personal favourite bunker, but there are LOADS more versions to choose from. All you have to do is run up, and crouch when being shot at. You are also high up, so getting hit by a rolled nade is small.

Firing stands
There are 2 types of these. The block, and plank methods. I personally like the block method, but it is purely on looks. Using these, defenders can look and shoot over the edge of the fort, but they can also use it to exit the fort.

Building techniques

Getting a panel vertical
This is a key skill to learn. To do this takes practice, but it is very easy once you learn it.

1)Place the planel on the floor facing towards you.
2)Pick the panel up, and look up, until it is vertical.
3)Drop the panel, and when its teetering, pick it up again.
4)Voila, a vertical panel.

Thanks to Warrior2k for this method:
Or if you find it easier, just stand really close to a panel untill you're almost facing directly down at it (how vertical it is depends on how close to it you are) and pick it up, there you have a pretty decent vertical panel for use

Building bridges
First of all, get the piece that you want to use as the main bridge material, and place it in fron of you..
Crouch down, and pick it up. Now your piece is ready to be placed. Keep doing this for every part of the bridge.

Reinforcing Walls
You should do this when you see that the enemy is making short work of your walls. Simply take a piece, and prop it against the wall, then, push it using your body so its vertical. Then, freeze it with your pistol.

I shall add to this as i have time, but use what there is, and if u want me to add anything, please PM me with the text you want to add, and i shall credit you with it.

PS: I shall add more pics as-well[/i]
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Old 04-11-2005
Posts: n/a

Unfortunately, this will probably be outdated soon
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Old 04-11-2005
Kris2456's Avatar
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Posts: 254

Maybe, but the core building i doubt will be taken away. And that is what the point of this guide is.
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Old 04-12-2005
Posts: n/a

Now this is absolutly a great newbie guide. (if thay accually read it :P )
Anyway, I'll se if I can get someone to put a link to this thread on the mainpage...
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Old 04-12-2005
Kris2456's Avatar
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Posts: 254

OK, ive added loads more pics.
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Old 04-12-2005
Posts: n/a

please dont put any flag guarding strategies let people come up w/ those by themselves. mine works close to flawlessly and i'd hate to see it get knocked off in some random pub
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Old 04-12-2005
Kris2456's Avatar
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I dont think i will, unless somone asks me too. I hate flag guarding anyway, its gay.
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Old 04-12-2005
Posts: n/a

thanks for the mini manual mate! good work!
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Old 04-13-2005
Posts: n/a

I like it. you should be a bit more detailed on teh repairing section.

very good noob guide.
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Old 04-13-2005
Kris2456's Avatar
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