Quick Info
Server: irc.gamesurge.net
Channel: #sourcefortsmod
"But Stieffers, I've never used Irc before!11!??!1/1one". Don't worry! I will save the day! Internet relay chat is basically "multiplayer notepad". It is just an internet chatting service. You have a server which hosts channels. Pretty simple. In some cases, like in Gamesurge's case, you have multiple servers connected together hosting channels. They are all sync'ed together, but at times, one or many servers will disconnect from each other.
The first thing to do is to download an Irc client. I suggest
Silvere X, an X-Chat 2 client. It has cool features, and better text readability than some other clients I have used. The nicest feature by far though, is the colored nicks. Different people's nick names will be displayed by different colors.
Once you have downloaded and installed it, you need to setup the server and channel stuff. Run SilvereX / X-Chat, and a
Server List should popup. If it doesn't, hit
Ctrl + S. The first step is to enter your desired nick names. The client will choose from the three depending if the one above it is already taken. Enter your real name if you so desire.
Next we need to add GameSurge to our list of networks. Hit the
Add button and enter GameSurge into the highlighted list item. With the item still selected, hit
Edit. You will see a "Servers for GameSurge" section of the new window that has appeared. In it replace the default with
irc.gamesurge.net. Don't worry about the number following it, you can just erase that. That is the port for the server, but GameSurge uses the default port, so none needs to be specified.
Next you need to enter the channels to join on start up. Enter
#sourcefortsmod and you are done. One last thing, check the "Auto Connect to this network on startup." This just makes it easier to manage all your servers and junk. Now restart X-Chat and be done.