



HavenForts: Construct JetFists - The Chronicles of Wargasm (Episode 2, NeoForts)
Old 05-13-2007
porc-épic's Avatar
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Default the facts about grav-nadeing

The grav-nade is the most powerful weapon in the game. It has one of the longest ranges; the rocket and crossbow have longer ranges but you can easily dodge a rocket, it’s very easy to see and is a lot slower than a grav-nade.

A sniper is more accurate than a grav-nade but again is a lot slower plus a sniper doesn’t have a massive explosion radius. In a way the grav-nade is more accurate than the sniper, as I’ve just said the sniper is slower so although is may have pin-point accuracy the person you’re shooting at can move out of the way, it’s much harder to dodge a grav-nade.

If with a grav-nade you miss by a few feet it will still kill them and kill/damage anyone within the blast radius, if you miss by more than a few feet lets say two yards it will still damage their health.

To summarise these last few points; the grav-nade is the most powerful weapon in sourceforts and I think it’s probably the most powerful weapon in any online multiplayer. I think it should either be taken out for 1.9.3 just to see what happens or make it a lot less powerful (50% less).

I think someone said it was one of the only ways to stop stalemates, nearly all the games I’ve played of sourceforts have ended with at least one or two touches in fact the only matches I’ve played where it’s been a stalemate is where there was a lot of grav-nadeing (mostly from members of SF clans). Actually the only matches I’ve played where there has been a draw is when there’s a lot of SF clan members playing which brings me on to my next point that I’ll be posting in another thread in a few days.

Can anyone find a reason to keep grav-nadeing in sf?

Last edited by porc-épic; 05-13-2007 at 02:31 PM.
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Old 05-13-2007
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Yes, because its a handy way to get rid of base campers..
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Old 05-13-2007
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Just lob in a few grenades? Grav-nades are stupidly fast and the range is too far.

Plus grav-nades seem to encourage base camping. Either the people who start base camping are too "scared" to go out of the safety of the base walls or they just start grav-nadeding too from their base.

Last edited by porc-épic; 05-13-2007 at 11:56 AM.
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Old 05-13-2007
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if a game is a stalemate due to too many grav naders, then less people should be engineer and try rocket jumping in or something.

anyway grav nades arent that hard to dodge if your out of your base. Just keep moving away from where the grav nader is nading and they will have trouble getting you.
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Old 05-13-2007
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I can hit someone easier if they stay in base than if they come out, coming out means you have to time when you let go on a nade, otehrwise you just switch and let it fly for maximum distance
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Old 05-13-2007
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grav nades are fine, dont like them being used against you then go catch them yourself
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Old 05-13-2007
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Yeah but every match now on servers like digis just seem to be "how many grav-nade kills can you get" and it's very anoying. The constant grav-nadeing only seems to happen when so called "pro" players come on (clan members).
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Old 05-13-2007
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Gravnading is sort of like the shock cannon in UT. Not all players can do it, but its damned satisfying when you pull it off, and some people have trained themselves to be better at it.
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Old 05-13-2007
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Anyone can do it once they know how...

I'm not saying it isn't good at killing campers but its also good at killing people coming out of spawn or people getting ammo.
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Old 05-13-2007
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I would find it good if they were alot easier to catch, such as in hl2dm, where gravnading isn't that powerful as in SourceForts.
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