Originally Posted by Sayyan
They would be excellent, though it should show the maps off, not just the flag or the build wall :P If you know what I mean. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th are all what I'm looking for; although I'd also like some with actual gameplay taking place if possible. 
Those were just random examples - like I said, I have over 150. The build wall was for ID - so newbies know what the build wall looks like - I have some more educational ones of it. Flag for the same reason - it's slightly artistic, educates on what the flag looks like, and it looks cool!
I haven't got any gameplay ones for two reasons:
1) sv_cheats 1 needs to be enabled to remove the HUD. Ergo, you need to be on a cheats enabled server, with non cheating players - not common.
2) My PC won't run those graphics settings in multiplayer (with gunfire and explosions) - I'd have to turn off AA and put filtering down to trilinear.
Originally Posted by hobbes
Haha, nice anna picture red =P, I notice she soaked the ground around her to!

Incredibly low graphics settings burn my eyes. Get out. Plus, her name's Alyx, not Anna.