...a freaking mind blowing way to do integration by parts.
Say you want to integrate this:
This would take forever to do using normal IBP, but using the "table trick", you can shortcut through the problem in no time.
Make two columns, starting with your two terms.
For the left hand column, pick the term that you can differentiate all the way to zero (like a polynomial) and write down each derivative until you hit zero.
On the right hand column, keep integrating that term until you have a matching entry for every entry in your left hand column. You end up with a table like this:
Alright, ready? Here comes the voodoo. Write alternating + and - signs down the columns and draw arrows from each left hand entry down the right hand entry on the line below, like this:
Now the plus and minus signs tell you if a term is positive or negative, and you multiply down the arrows to get all your terms.
BOOM. Done!