A General
Meaningful Organisation Against Rational Corparate Politics [MOARCP]
I am organising a 1 v 1 PvP competition, and a 3 v 3 fleet battle competition for members of [MOARCP]/CumSwarm, and non members who may be interested, The whole idea is to have fun and win some prizes!
Single PvP
1ST place: 3 months subscription to EvE, or any game for purchase on steam up to $70.00AUD.
2nd place: 1 month subscription to EvE, or any game for purchase on steam up to $30.00AUD
Fleet PvP
1st Prize: Each member receives 1 Month subscription to Eve or $100.00AUD prize money.
Ships are
frigate class only, and Tec1, with fitted Tec1 or named equipment, no Tec2 equipment, this insures fairness for all players. For any questions add master_czar to steam, or masterczar to Xfire. (Or PM) So train those skills and see you in game.
EDIT: All new players are offered the once off 500,000 ISK bonus to fit a ship. However for the tourny I am willing to add another 500,000 ISK to that. Remember, this is a fight to the death.