Is anyone here a bad enough dude to consider joining me in a
dwarf fortress succession game logged on these very forums?
We'll use the version before the current one because of all the broken stuff, of course.
We'll do 1 year segments (roughly 2-6 hours of play time depending on what you decide to do) and then pass it on to the next person in the list.
For those not in the know, dwarf fortress is an unbelievably complicated ascii game where you buld a fort with dwarfs. It's free, has a learning curve that was, by reviewers, compared to thrown at a rock cliff without any knowledge of climbing, and is seriously rewarding once you get it! It's pretty much a 100% keyboard game, and if you don't have a numpad you might have problems with the default key setup but there are instruction on how to fix that
here under the subheading 'laptop keyboard'
There is no way to win, but damn on infinite ways to lose, be it goblin invasion, flooding your fortress with lava accidently, starving your dwarves or
watching a legendary warrior go mad and start killing everyone else in the slowest way possible... while ON FIRE
It looks like this, which is awesome:
I learned to play from
this tutorial which also includes a download link in "setup" section for a special version of the game made ready for you to follow what he does on the tutorial.
If anyone fancies joining me, and we'll have a load of fun with this so you should, then make yourself known! If you're less confident with the game, i'll put you later in the list so everything is set up for you to run and expand from.