Great name, great layout, I really like the instrumentals. I liked banja and loved Urn. Listening to in the dark right now and it's quite nice too!
You're singer seems OK but for some reason I went from

to :| every time the lyrics started.
I'm not sure if it's a indie/progressive thing and maybe I just don't like the genre, but there never seems to be much of a chorus in your music. I like to hear music that has a catchy chorus, something that'll jingle around in my head. I don't listen much to lyrics (to the point I don't even internalize the words the singers are saying) so I can't really judge much about your lyrics, I'm sure you have some beautiful lines. The songs just felt like a big long poem (that doesn't have a lot of rhymes) sung/read aloud instead of something a bit catchier/memorable.
More memorable choruses (Repeat a jingle)
Maybe try less hard on trying to be profound with lyrics and just make 'em sound good.
I'd timidly suggest you guys try doing lyrics of a song or two in a similar style to
Cake, a bit more rhymed and a more speaking/rythm/singing instead of the "indie" whispery/talk/sing.
If this is just my indie/progressive ignorance speaking feel free to take this with a grain of salt. I just think you might find a lot of appeal in trying a bit of a tried approach. Many popular songs follow a seemingly very uninspired formula- something like: intro, chorus, verse, chorus, verse, bridge, (verse?), chorus, end. Where yours kinda just goessssssssssssssssss and ends without much repetition.