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Old 12-24-2005
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cellarmation cellarmation is offline
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Default "My Server Doesn't Work", The Help File

Ok this is probably very incomplete but i think there needs to be some sort of thread on trouble shooting with setting up a server.

The main goal of this article is to get your server working; you can do the optimising and customising yourself

Setting up a listen server

This is very simple if you have a functioning version of sourceforts. When sourceforts loads click create game and choose your options.

Setting up a Dedicated server

To do this you firstly need Source dedicated server installed, this can be found on steam. Secondly you need to COPY your sourceforts folder into the dedicated server folder like this:
Copy this folder : <steamdir>\SteamApps\SourceMods\sourceforts
To here : <steamdir>\SteamApps\<username>\source dedicated server\sourceforts

Obviously you need to replace the <steamdir> and <username> values.

Trouble Shooting
Setting In Game Varibles

Check the value of "ip" by typing in "ip"
If this is not set to your global ip and you are behind a router change it!!!
It is quite possible it will be set to your local ip e.g. "localhost" or "192.168..."

Type in the console "sv_lan 0"
In a few moments a message should appear saying "connected to steam servers, VAC enabled" or "Cannot connect to steam servers, VAC disabled"

Note: if you get the first message well done you are working! don’t panic if you can see yourself on the list, if you are behind a router you never will.

Note: if you have to change the ip value, you will need to change it every time you set up a server, to make this easy put it into your .cfg file. this is server.cfg or listenserver.cfg in the sourceforts/cfg folder! This way it will be run every time your server starts.

If you still get cannot connect, you must have a router or firewall problem!

Firewalls & Routers

Firstly any software firewalls must be configured to allow hl2 to execute and server. If in doubt disable the firewall to test the server, do not do this permanently.

If your router has a firewall or NAT you need to forward the ports to your computer. You do this by finding the configuration page of your router; this could be or

For more information look to :

Other Programs

Close other programs that access the internet, such as Xfire, Web servers and firewalls. Close everything you can to see if it helps!



The console is a drop down menu in game that lets you type in commands. You will need this at some point. If you are accessing this for a dedicated server you can get it via a tab. If you are in a listen server you can press "`" to access it (the button to the left of 1) If this doesn’t work you need to turn it on, press escape > options > keyboard > advanced options > tick "enable developers console"

Listen Server

A listen server is a server that allows the host to play the game on the same machine that hosts it. This is very good for temporary games, but is not advisable for a permanent server as it will be slower.

Dedicated server

A dedicated server hosts the game without entering a player into it. This can be run on Windows or Linux.


A software of hardware device that blocks data transfer to and from the internet. This will allow through data through configured ports.

Broadband Router

Some people do not have the luxury of connecting directly to the internet. They connect via a router; they often have inbuilt firewalls and NAT. A routers job is to supply one or more computer with the internet. Many routers if they work over a network connection have a web based configuration page. Try , or look in the manual!


NAT is a clever thing that routers do to let multiple hosts behind a router send and receive data through certain ports. To get sourceforts working it is needed to forward these ports to your computer.


An IP is like the address of your computer, if you are behind a router you will have two IP's a local ip and a global ip. To find your global ip go to:

To find out your local ip address go to:
Start > Run > Type "command", press enter.
Type "ipconfig", press enter.
Your IP is the one that begins with "192.168"

I hope this article has been of some help, more to be added im sure.
