Thread: NPL League
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Old 02-02-2010
NocturnO NocturnO is offline
Fort Warrior
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 1,610
Default NPL League

Az and Ravil have been working on setting up a league for the last 2 weeks.

The NPL, wich stands for No-Pro_league, is a league for new players.

A good way to get new clans up ( and even servers), and to keep some multi-mods/games community playing SourceForts.

The format is standard 5v5.

We have already obtained results during the last 2 weeks: new servers opened (besides Nox' servers ofc),

several new clans were formed : APR|, ::MG::, etc...

This league is guaranteed to go as it stands now, but we'd like to invite more players to form a team and join up.

If you are interested, leave a response in this thread and join the steamgroup @

The Winning team will get a server set up by Az.


Az and Ravil

Last edited by NocturnO; 02-02-2010 at 09:04 PM.
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