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Old 06-11-2009
DreadCosmin DreadCosmin is offline
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Post How to create a SourceForts server

Creating a SourceForts server

First, you will need to download the SourceForts server content from here

Now unpack the recently downloaded file into
steamapps\account-name\source dedicated server\sourceforts
Make sure there is a gameinfo.txt file directly in the SourceForts folder not another nested sourceforts folder. If this is the case, cut everything from the nested SourceForts folder and paste in the parent SourceForts folder. Once it has finished moving you can now safely delete the nested folder.

You now have a SourceForts server. However to put get an administration system on your server you will need to install Metamod: Source and Sourcemod.
First download Metamod:Source 1.7.1 and unpack the archive contents in
steamapps\account-name\source dedicated server\sourceforts
Then download this and place it in
steamapps\account-name\source dedicated server\sourceforts\addons
Metamod should now be installed.

Now to install Sourcemod.

Download SourceMod 1.2.1 and unpack it in
steamapps\account-name\source dedicated server\sourceforts
Sourcemod should now be installed.

It's time to make yourself an admin.

steamapps\account-name\source dedicated server\sourceforts\addons\sourcemod\configs\admins_simple.ini
Go at the bottom of the file and write:
Admin by SteamID
Admin by IP
Admin by name
Where it writes <TAB> , you need to press TAB
You can find this examples within the admins_simple.ini file.

The letter z is the root admin level, means the admin with this flag has access to every command.
You can find all the different admin flags located in
steamapps\account-name\source dedicated server\sourceforts\addons\sourcemod\configs\admin_levels.cfg
The number 99 is the immunity level, this works like:
99 can execute commands on 98, but can't execute commands on 100
98 can't execute commands on neighter 99 or 100.
100 can execute commands on both 99 and 98.

And that's it, you now have your server files, Metamod Source, Sourcemod and made yourself an admin.

It's time to see if all this works.

Restart Steam, go in your Tools tab, and start Source Dedicated Server.

Set the server like so:
Game: SourceForts v1.9.4.1
Server name to whatever you want
Pick your desired map
Network: Internet
Set your maximum number of players
Port: 27015
Set the RCON Password to whatever you want [Don't make it simple, whoever knows the RCON Password can take control over your server]
Check the option Secure

Now press Start Server and wait till your server starts up.

Click the Console tab and write
meta list
A list should come up saying:
Listing 2 plugins:
  [01] SourceMod (1.2.1) by AlliedModders LLC
  [02] SDK Tools (1.2.1) by AlliedModders LLC
That's it, if the list came up, it means that Metamod:Source and SourceMod are working.

ATTENTION!: If people can't connect to your server, that means you are behind a router and need to port forward the UDP port 27015.

Special thanks to arenaceous

Last edited by DreadCosmin; 06-12-2009 at 10:52 AM.
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