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Old 10-23-2008
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Stieffers Stieffers is offline
It's stee - ffers damnit.
Flag Capper
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Bmore, Merlind
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Default New Ladder Outline

  • Ability to create clans and join existing clans.
  • Clan leaders can invite members and boot existing members.
  • Clan leaders can challenge other clans who are in their ladder.
  • Each clan has its own page with wins/losses, a member list, and an image.
  • Each member can leave or join a clan. Joining must be approved by clan leaders.
  • Each member can set a Steam ID. (based on forum accounts)
  • Each clan can join one ladder at a time.
  • Clans can leave ladders but will lose their record.


Each ladder will be based on a point system. If a clan beats a team above them, they receive two points. If the clan beats a team below them, they receive one point. A tie will result in no points. Ladders will last a designated time, allowing for one match per week. Tis will be a hard coded limit, not a recommendation. Clans who do not take advantage of the one match per week system will be only hurting themselves.
Hey there.
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