- SF 2-2 Cup Server - I Need ID's
- SF 2on2 CL1 Cup
- SF 1on1 Cup SERVER
- SF 1on1 Engineer Cup
- Syphos is back and also brings you...
- [PEDO] Recruiting.
- Money Tournament?
- I miss battles in SF
- Challenge
- New Ladder Outline
- New Ladder System
- Rules For New League
- Reinstate the Ladder
- "EMPTY."
- mK challenges Signal
- 1.9.4(.1?) Knockout Tournament - The Setup!
- Oh Fusion....
- 1.9.4 Knockout Tournament - Signups!
- 1.9.4 Knockout Tournament - With a Twist!
- Starting a clan.
- Roflmao
- anyone want to scrim us...
- Ni66a Clan forums
- 1.9.4 Team Stuff.
- Revolt
- mK
- Clan Ni66A?!?
- xcalibur vs. safo now!
- The end of a great clan
- FIST. Are Recruiting.
- New clan liek lolz
- Hmmmmm.
- About SyN and the army rumors
- FcN|
- -mK- Recruitment
- Source Forts Clan League
- A Thread About the Clan Russ Is Going to Make
- Suverin?! Recruitment
- [Team Russel] vs [Sofo] (or whatever.)
- Syndicate Announcement
- SF Match Server (-mK-)
- In future scrims/pugs
- C.U forums.
- Suverin
- Suverin accept our challenge ffs.
- Attention [PENIS]
- |.M.| (copying czar's thread)
- d.C Please Read.
- Congratz!
- SFML Players ->
- Free agent
- SF's Unmixed league
- Draft Interest Thread
- We are the biggest clan
- 1.9.3 league???
- This forum needs a topic.
- .:pcp:.
- Discussion of beverages and nothing to do with the [C.U] wanting scrims whatsoever
- INF accepting scrims
- We challange bE.
- Challenge
- Challenge
- Nade jumping speed
- {Hospital} Seeks New Members - Non FF Thread!
- -mK- Clan
- We are seeking new members!
- E.M.P Recruitment
- Exiles challenges your clan
- We have a server. :D
- Pretty Ponies
- xElites Recruitment
- Cobra Unit Recruitment Drive
- xElites Recriuting
- Server Var to Prevent people from cheating with materials.
- Oops!!
- Fed up of your current clan recruiting noobs?
- -=Suverin=- VS ANMF * 4
- Decrease block limit?
- Oops!
- People are saying they are suverin here the Proof.
- Suverin done recruiting!
- Suverin are looking for talented player!
- People interested in running a regular tournament.
- A Clan Tournament.
- Suverin!!
- blau Einheit.
- Hey anyone?!?!
- League script
- *popeyes?! challenges you!
- Pegpro {peg} recruiting
- Add a Forfeit Win row
- Looking for a clan
- 5v5 scrim on piege anyone?
- Bovine on Temp leave...
- Looking for Clan
- Fixes For League Maps
- x-forts... to little to late...
- Just to make it official
- League Question
- League Admins
- The Lazy Salamanders!
- Scroll Jumping (logical arguments only please)
- Motion to ban Scroll Jumping
- League Rules
- HTH recruiting
- Hi everyone
- League page score problem.
- Date for ±SS± vs [O.U]
- Starting clan: Suvarin
- >SI< Recruiting (Preferably AUS)
- HTH v EV [postponed]
- League cfg
- Random Demo Requests
- League results.
- Custom Crosshairs in league
- Xforts makes a change.
- WE SELL BRAN NEW Sony Ericsson K500i-- US$180
- [4:20] Clan Recruiting...
- Maps?
- Xforts, RETURNS!
- League Suggestion
- Byob
- New clan
- UK/Euro clanless players...
- Clanless....
- Aight im sick of it
- Perp needs a clan.
- Rules Updated
- The Low Tech Looking For All Players
- <FU> Needs comp
- :{SR}: vs -=Suverin=-
- H T H
- :{SR}: Clan welcomes new remember and stops recruiting
- League Maps
- -=Suverin=-
- I've had it with |HTH| (Rant)
- When 2.0 comes out, will beta testers be aloud to play in league?
- Deadline
- Funny Convos with Flare
- The new public face of signal
- Recruiting a Team
- Guru3D (Formally No One Survives)
- League Finish Date
- league page is busted again.
- Make Your League Suggestions
- Demos?
- Ladder
- an idea for league ladder ranking
- Custom Map League
- config file? and what maps can we use?
- so...
- Looking for Clan
- League has begun
- I Played on the PWNT clan server today.
- The league is broken
- clan tourny
- unban me from overwatchers
- Announcing: BedroomBuildersâ„¢
- Pur!ty is Recruiting (AUS only)
- League Rule Amendments
- note to a-e and signal (im really pissed off)
- SignaL wants a game
- Multi clan scrim
- {TEO} is now recruiting!!!!!!!
- Ptg Recruiting
- How will the ladder work?
- Want to sign up Red Roars
- League Meating: Sunday, December 3rd
- League Rule changes for meeting
- Server looking for clan ;)
- Why did the Christian Clan ban us?
- {Hospital}
- Next League Meeting (TBD)
- Xfire's?
- Christian Crew!
- The [-INSIGNIA-] Clan is going in a new direction.
- Basic advice for starting a new clan
- HTH looking for scrim
- Come on guys lets stop all the clan bashing
- Suverin Website
- League Suggestion:
- Looking for a scrim
- so many new clans! post here!
- The top 10 worse clans
- PTG vs. Suverin
- [-INSIGNIA-] Clan Server.
- Match Reports on Wiki
- {a-e} Current Roster
- Shameless Self Promotion from [PWNT]!
- Dear God...
- SwiTcH vs RJM
- PTG VS. AKA (I think)
- -=F-N-X=- Clan Site Is Now Up
- -=F-N-X-= Is now recruiting
- A Team Apart is Recruiting
- Looking for a serius active clan
- clan [PWNT] is looking for more clans to scrim.
- looking for clan that has confidence they can beat -=Suverin=-
- Overload...please?
- {A-E} vs |AKA| Skywalk Scrim (sorta)
- Question for Clan guys
- PTG vs INS scrimmy today
- Guardians of Doom - French Team seek war
- HTH vs PWNT Scrim
- Clan [PWNT] is looking for new members!
- =[SOS]= vs. [STARS-MBO] scrim - report
- Top 10 Clans ?
- Beta of League Scripts
- clan [PWN] is recruiting.
- League map suggestions thread?
- Fat man Recruiting for clan
- Anyone Recruting or Want to Start a Team?
- offical maps?
- SOS vs -=AM=- Match
- Assault Mercenaries Scrim
- HtH got pwnd by pubbers
- scrimage against ItsGameOver
- What would make a good league play map?
- |Hâ€ÂÂ*H| is Recruiting again!
- Need League Rules / can't acces league site
- 4on4 War !
- The League and Ladder and stuff
- [SignaL] is recruiting!
- Mapping Clan?
- League question/suggestion.
- hPI looking for a scrim
- Make the non build area on overload smaller
- League round times
- Recruitment Guide
- I really want to be in a clan
- Looking For Active Clan w/ Server
- The GunGraves [Recruiting]
- League Page Suggestions
- Noob looking for fun clan
- How to get in?
- [L4WD] Recruiting :D
- Our Vent, Cuddly Like a Teddy
- TA| Recruiting
- Yep You Guessed It
- League Admin Signup
- League map revision
- League v1.2.0 Suggestions
- A discussion about friendly fire
- League.cfg file?
- =[SOS]= recruting
- =[SOS]= Maplist and rotation
- League Map List
- active clans?
- Making the league page more intuitve and in-depth