Thread: sf_void
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Old 02-23-2007
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That is absolutely amazing work for a first map! Most people will tell you to never release your first map, but I think we can make an exception for this one :wink:

The light bridges sound like a very interesting idea - I can't wait to see what gameplay opportunities they present, although a good gravnader will still be able to wreak havoc and dominate in that area. I like your maps architecture - it reminds me, as said before of a quake map.

Just a few quick questions: do ammo crates, health, and suit chargers work only for their intended teams? Is the void (not the real void, but the fake void that you have created) a disposer?

Just a suggestion: If you ever plan to re-release to fix things, woukd you put a trigger_push entity surrounding the tops, and sides of the map? Because you have used the tools/toolsblack texture (presumably) for the walls of your map, it will be hard for players to tell how far the walls extend from the platforms, and when they do reach this edge they will be abruptly stopped. Putting a trigger_push here will make the stopping smoother and will eliminate the 'boxed in' feeling. It's more of a feature than anything else, but whatever.

Nice map anyway, and happy 18th! Be sure to get plenty drunk!

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