sf_limbo [COMPLETED]
This is my first map for Source Forts this map was really only made for me to test the forts entities, but while I was testing the map I forgot to password the server and players joined, they said that I should release it as it was better than some of the customs they've seen, so here it is.
I will also probably put the map up for an official map submission once its completed.
There is no download at the moment (at the time of writing this post) because I don't want people running it on thier servers untill I am happy its completed, but keep an eye on this thread and within the next week I should have the first beta available download, we sometimes run a playtest version on one of our community servers if your interested look there.
-Fix Ammo Boxed so that enemys can't use them (DONE)
-Sort the lighting of the map
-Make the spawn rooms/doors look more interesting (DOORS DONE)
-Make the water look better (REMOVED WATER)
-Make the block spawner spawn 3 of 2x3 and 1x5 blocks (when the buttons are pressed) (DONE)