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Old 10-07-2006
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Khuskan Khuskan is offline
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Default Updated: READ THIS FIRST: Posting Information

This forum is for showing off your great maps.

Please make a seperate thread for each map, with the map name as the thread topic, for ease of navigation.

Include screenshots with your map!

Best way to get non overview screenshots is to use the following commands:

sv_cheats 1
cl_drawhud 0
impulse 200

Now just fly around and press F5 (default) to take screenshots, be sure to turn your graphics settings to high for maximum quality!

A lot of people are just going into games and noclipping to get an above shot. This is fair enough, but sometimes this misses layout designs such a tunnels, and can cause visual errors. Instead, follow these instructions to generate an ortheograpic overview

1: Load your map
2: Enable cheats and disable hud with cl_drawhud 0
3: switch to combat phase (togglephase in console)
4: Move to the most centeral point of the map you know of
5: type in console cl_leveloverview X (where the X is 1 or above).

The number after the cvar indicates the zoom. Once done, simply hit F5 and a screenshot will be dumped to your screnshot file

So you've made a map, and you want to share it with the world? There are many places you can get your map hosted, but they all have advantages and disadvantages.


nebulaUpload is operated by our very own mc_nebula, allowing 500mb uploads for a free user, and 2gb uploads for registered users.


FileFront is a very stable system that hosts hundreds of thousands of gaming files every day. Although queues for files can build up to about 5 minutes at weekends, the download speed is very fast and downtimes are near non-existant. Similar to Unknown Files, FileFront allows you to upload some screenshots and a readme file.

You don't need to be registered to upload (though it is recommended) and uploads can take quite a long time depending on how busy the server is. It is recommended that instead of uploading directly to filefront, to send your files to hl2 Files and they will handle all the uploading for you, as well as giving you some exposure on the Hl2Files website. However, this can take a long time (weeks) to get processed, so only do this if you're willing to wait for your file to go up.


RapidShare is the self proclaimed 'worlds biggest one click webhost'. Their service is solid and downloads are always available and never time out, but come with some distinct disadvantages.

Firstly, there is no option to post comments/screenshots/anything with your file. This means that it cannot also act as a base of images of your map so you'll have to find an alternate host.

Also, a large ammount of people (at least 20%) can't download from RapidShare at all. You cannot use RapidShare with some web browsers and there are often long waiting times for popular files. The download speeds, however, do tend to be fast once a connection is reached, but I would recommend not to use RapidShare unless you are also hosting using another method.


IHud is a similar system to RapidShare. You select a file and it uploads pretty quickly, and there arn't often long queues to download files. Its pros are definatly its simplicity, but like RapidShare, there are a few people (though far less than RapidShare) who can't use it at all. Again, you don't have the option to upload screenshots or file descriptions, and files on IHud tend to go missing if there is a server crash. If you host using both Ihud and RapidShare, you should get about 100% user coverage.

Upload Temple

Upload temple is a solid one-click webhost. Download speeds are acceptable, and no registration is required, nor does it bug you to get a paying account. The only downside is the low filesize limit (30mb) may not cover your needs very well.

FINALLY: If you map becomes popular and you'd like the chance for it to become official be sure to submit screenshots, bsp's and vmf's to the Offical Map Submissions Topic. HERE

If you don't want the vmf to be public, simply PM one of the staff or email it to
fljo: this game sucsk and kukshna/khuskan thinks he to good since he a [dev[

Last edited by Sayyan; 01-09-2008 at 05:51 PM.
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