Thread: sf_close_battle
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Old 04-17-2009
nick12506 nick12506 is offline
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Good first map but most people here are going to say something like this

Jake: GTFO.
Major Pain: STFU JAKE.
Draken: Suck my dick Jake?
Jake: .
Frozen: All of you be nice.
Jake: GTFO
Draken: inb4 lock. Edit: Nocaedit: Draken was banned for this post.
Black: Next post like this will get banned.
Jake: STFU
"Draken unbanned"
Draken: Sorry . Edit: Black: Draken was banned for this post.
"Draken unbanned again"
Draken: WTF. Edit: Black: Draken was perma-banned for this post.
"After sucking more dicks Draken is unbanned for 1 minute"


Last edited by nick12506; 04-18-2009 at 01:39 AM.
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