- Request for overhaul of KG's Custom Blocks
- [Request]Green Neon Slime
- Sf_2fort
- Custom weapons models. are there any?
- Discuss textures for inclusion in 2.0
- SourceForts 2.0 Community Textures
- [RELEASE]sf_noname_01
- sf_dustcrete [WIP]
- Can we please make this a rule for all maps?
- <Wip> sf_compound
- [WIP] sf_plaza
- [[alpha]]sf_buildmap
- sf_watervalley2
- Looking for SF_REFLECT
- sf_Peninsula anyone?.. (warning lots of pics)
- sf_rolls, includes vmf. Playability is an afterthought, and my it's delicious.
- sf_bridges
- sf_parked
- sf_command
- Updated: READ THIS FIRST: Posting Information
- sf_grounds
- [[Release]] sf_snowcomplex
- sf_noname_lights_02 (Unoffical name.)
- sf_aqueduct
- sf_faceoff
- sf_glassbox
- My OW Wallpaper!!
- My SF Wallpaper!!
- sf_hill [beta] + pics
- Deviantart Piece Blocks
- sf_playground Final Release!! [56k Warning]
- sf_nightcrawler [Updated 26 Sept]
- True Cell-Shaded Blocks
- Drawn Shaded Blocks
- sf_signal current concept (map in development)
- New Pics of sf_Peninsula
- sf_octagonal [beta]
- Sorry for all the old map bumping.
- Map design, Combine style
- Update on sf_Peninsula
- sf_slopic
- sf_racingisland
- Instructions: How to make an overview screenshot
- sf_kingofthehill
- sf_platinum
- Various works in 2d Art
- A late bloomer sf_Peninsula **Under Construction**
- sf_circulation
- Team Fortress Forever, ill give it a go..
- [WIP] sf_citystreet (my first ever map)
- sf_Domino[e] Final Release (pictures *Warning 56k'ers)
- SF_DOMINOE Is here and ready to roll!!! (thankyou lego)
- sf_complex_b1
- [BETA3] sf_playground NEW UPDATE!!!!
- sf_dodgecube
- sf_proximity Pic updates
- sf_proximity
- Sf_Angle
- [Request]Cubical
- sf_forever
- Texture Library
- [WIP] sf_junkyard
- Elegant Tile
- sf_toxic
- sf_name?
- [REL] sf_flood
- PhongForts
- sf_particle_v1
- sf_head2head
- sf_albatross
- [BETA] sf_runway_b3 [56K Warning!]
- sf_march17
- sf_neon (Finished)
- [HEAVY]sf_hotel
- sf_midnight_arena
- sf_supply
- [Needs Testing] sf_ramps
- Beta Team Question
- How do we convert pre 1.92 textures to work with 1.92????
- Round and About
- sf_hex
- sf_blackholes
- sf_mini_cityV1
- --> sf_crydes [56K WARNING]
- sf_bridge_wars_v2 *Updated*
- Low res blocks of excitement for version 192
- sf_refuge
- sf_medieval [Play Test 1]
- sf_sewer *RELEASE*
- [WIP] sf_caverns
- Map Inspiration
- [WIP] sf-(tobenamed) [small map]
- [WIP] sf_shithole
- [Release]sf_highlow_v2
- IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- [RELEASE] sf_moonbase - Klip
- sf_ThreeFloor
- sf_moonbase
- Broken Forts [56k Ya Wai]
- sf_lookouts
- sf_skytactic[IDEA]
- sf_field
- sf_facingworlds - 56k Not WELCOME
- sf_warehouse - 56K NOT WELCOME
- sf_towers - my first map
- sf_cemetery
- sf_reflect [RELEASE]
- [WIP]sf_watergate
- [WIP] sf_warehouse
- [WIP] sf_reflect (Lots of HUGE images - IE/56k not welcome!)
- sf_jumpers Episode One: sf_longjumpers
- sf_stairs
- sf_pipes
- sf_pipes
- sf_vertigo
- Lego's Fantastico Crosshair Thread
- sf_test
- sf_subway
- [[RELEASE]] sf_stargate
- sf_onetower [wip]
- [WIP] sf_flood
- sf_skybase_1
- sf_metalurgy_v2
- Chicken "CAPITOL" USA vs Chick Fil-A
- Needed files that aren't in the guides
- Burger King vs McDonalds!!!!
- America vs World
- buh-buh-buh BUBBLES
- SourceForts Logo Template + Font
- sf_warehouse
- Extracting models
- Request: touch-ups for league play
- sf_suburbia *COMPLETE*
- sf_metalurgy
- Colorized Gravity Guns!
- sf_castles
- sf_mini_city beta
- sf_forting
- sf_shockwave_beta_v2
- sf_skirmish [Final Release]
- [NEED PLAYTESTERS+HOST] sf_spawnflag
- creating of a mini city map
- Emoforts!
- sf_columns_rev
- sf_oase?
- sf_marsara
- sf_fishers_areas(_b)
- [WIP]- sf_towers
- sf_conduit prerelease release with free upgrade!
- setting up and installing block skins:
- What do you think about a block-limited map?
- ideas for a map?
- My map, W.I.P.
- Net-Jam Custom Skins!
- {REQUEST}Net-Jam Blocks!
- sf_close - The Flags Are So Close!
- sf_carpark
- sf_zones
- A quick request
- sf_cross
- League Blocks #1
- New Dirty Panels for both the public and HTH
- 2fort?
- ROFL new old school HTH block skin.
- sf_olympic
- My staind glass
- sf_tactical style map
- Stained Glass Blocks
- Chocolate Wrapper Blocks :)
- wtfz?
- Some New Textures
- Some really good textures :)
- Red vs Blue Machinima Skins
- [Release] Concrete²
- Requesting an older map
- [Release] Concrete
- dreamy sig tutorial.
- Golden grav gun
- Map in the works: sf_airship
- Total Annihilation - Arm Vs Core
- A map request
- WTF? Khuskan makes MAPS?
- sf_twotowers
- [Release] Carbon Fiber
- [Release] Marijuana
- The perfect map (request)
- [Release] Background
- sf_sphinx
- Day Of Defeat: Source Map
- sf_myriad
- Everyone showoff they sprays!!!
- Skin Request
- Cold War Block Skins
- Come Together and Create A Community Map
- sf_silence_v2 *Final*
- ComMand & ConQuer themed blockskins, GDI vs. Nod
- sf_pillartower (by vulstar)
- sf_fishers
- I got off my lazy ass everyone and made some EVIL LEGOS!!!
- Main Menu Screen
- Textures, Request Here.
- help me, normal maps suck.
- Kylegar.net Map Upload Cleanup
- sf_diag
- sf_PilarTower by vulstar
- Second try at textures, grungy tiles
- Ugly Camo Textures, this is my first try at textures.
- how to creat custom textures?
- sf_temple
- sf_precinkt
- sf_monopoly
- sf_agility_beta3b
- Ripple blocks! The first **MUST TRY** skins! [56k stay-away]
- sf_assault
- Parallax Shader
- where to put it all?
- "Simple" Textures
- FPS Issues? Here's your skin! (fps boost!)
- sf_blockade
- RELEASED: sf_dusk_b1
- sf_rax0r by vulstar
- sf_spillway beta ver 1.0 Download!
- sf_levetation
- sf_sunder
- sf_blockfort - Mario Kart 64 classic
- fearians new map: sf_battleground [WIP]
- sf_blockwars release
- sf_concrete
- neon lights
- A Map Request
- sf_lavabarrier
- This lovely map - Sf_Columns
- RELEASED! reskins! Something for everyone. (56K warning)
- sf_sforts :: FINISHED!
- Rocketmen
- Animated Tetris Blocks! Hot off the press!! Ready to DL!
- Tetris Block Teaser
- Animated Block skin
- some textures (attn. big images)
- Rust Map Texture
- Coca Cola vs Pepsi.
- "Rivet"ing Commie Blocks Come and get 'em!
- What some are considering the "best blocks ever"
- Artistic Blocks xP
- Block Reskin!
- How to make a reskin?
- Brushed Skins! Come and get 'em!