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  1. Request for overhaul of KG's Custom Blocks
  2. [Request]Green Neon Slime
  3. Sf_2fort
  4. Custom weapons models. are there any?
  5. Discuss textures for inclusion in 2.0
  6. SourceForts 2.0 Community Textures
  7. [RELEASE]sf_noname_01
  8. sf_dustcrete [WIP]
  9. Can we please make this a rule for all maps?
  10. <Wip> sf_compound
  11. [WIP] sf_plaza
  12. [[alpha]]sf_buildmap
  13. sf_watervalley2
  14. Looking for SF_REFLECT
  15. sf_Peninsula anyone?.. (warning lots of pics)
  16. sf_rolls, includes vmf. Playability is an afterthought, and my it's delicious.
  17. sf_bridges
  18. sf_parked
  19. sf_command
  20. Updated: READ THIS FIRST: Posting Information
  21. sf_grounds
  22. [[Release]] sf_snowcomplex
  23. sf_noname_lights_02 (Unoffical name.)
  24. sf_aqueduct
  25. sf_faceoff
  26. sf_glassbox
  27. My OW Wallpaper!!
  28. My SF Wallpaper!!
  29. sf_hill [beta] + pics
  30. Deviantart Piece Blocks
  31. sf_playground Final Release!! [56k Warning]
  32. sf_nightcrawler [Updated 26 Sept]
  33. True Cell-Shaded Blocks
  34. Drawn Shaded Blocks
  35. sf_signal current concept (map in development)
  36. New Pics of sf_Peninsula
  37. sf_octagonal [beta]
  38. Sorry for all the old map bumping.
  39. Map design, Combine style
  40. Update on sf_Peninsula
  41. sf_slopic
  42. sf_racingisland
  43. Instructions: How to make an overview screenshot
  44. sf_kingofthehill
  45. sf_platinum
  46. Various works in 2d Art
  47. A late bloomer sf_Peninsula **Under Construction**
  48. sf_circulation
  49. Team Fortress Forever, ill give it a go..
  50. [WIP] sf_citystreet (my first ever map)
  51. sf_Domino[e] Final Release (pictures *Warning 56k'ers)
  52. SF_DOMINOE Is here and ready to roll!!! (thankyou lego)
  53. sf_complex_b1
  54. [BETA3] sf_playground NEW UPDATE!!!!
  55. sf_dodgecube
  56. sf_proximity Pic updates
  57. sf_proximity
  58. Sf_Angle
  59. [Request]Cubical
  60. sf_forever
  61. Texture Library
  62. [WIP] sf_junkyard
  63. Elegant Tile
  64. sf_toxic
  65. sf_name?
  66. [REL] sf_flood
  67. PhongForts
  68. sf_particle_v1
  69. sf_head2head
  70. sf_albatross
  71. [BETA] sf_runway_b3 [56K Warning!]
  72. sf_march17
  73. sf_neon (Finished)
  74. [HEAVY]sf_hotel
  75. sf_midnight_arena
  76. sf_supply
  77. [Needs Testing] sf_ramps
  78. Beta Team Question
  79. How do we convert pre 1.92 textures to work with 1.92????
  80. Round and About
  81. sf_hex
  82. sf_blackholes
  83. sf_mini_cityV1
  84. --> sf_crydes [56K WARNING]
  85. sf_bridge_wars_v2 *Updated*
  86. Low res blocks of excitement for version 192
  87. sf_refuge
  88. sf_medieval [Play Test 1]
  89. sf_sewer *RELEASE*
  90. [WIP] sf_caverns
  91. Map Inspiration
  92. [WIP] sf-(tobenamed) [small map]
  93. [WIP] sf_shithole
  94. [Release]sf_highlow_v2
  95. IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  96. [RELEASE] sf_moonbase - Klip
  97. sf_ThreeFloor
  98. sf_moonbase
  99. Broken Forts [56k Ya Wai]
  100. sf_lookouts
  101. sf_skytactic[IDEA]
  102. sf_field
  103. sf_facingworlds - 56k Not WELCOME
  104. sf_warehouse - 56K NOT WELCOME
  105. sf_towers - my first map
  106. sf_cemetery
  107. sf_reflect [RELEASE]
  108. [WIP]sf_watergate
  109. [WIP] sf_warehouse
  110. [WIP] sf_reflect (Lots of HUGE images - IE/56k not welcome!)
  111. sf_jumpers Episode One: sf_longjumpers
  112. sf_stairs
  113. sf_pipes
  114. sf_pipes
  115. sf_vertigo
  116. Lego's Fantastico Crosshair Thread
  117. sf_test
  118. sf_subway
  119. [[RELEASE]] sf_stargate
  120. sf_onetower [wip]
  121. [WIP] sf_flood
  122. sf_skybase_1
  123. sf_metalurgy_v2
  124. Chicken "CAPITOL" USA vs Chick Fil-A
  125. Needed files that aren't in the guides
  127. Burger King vs McDonalds!!!!
  128. America vs World
  129. buh-buh-buh BUBBLES
  130. SourceForts Logo Template + Font
  131. sf_warehouse
  132. Extracting models
  133. Request: touch-ups for league play
  134. sf_suburbia *COMPLETE*
  135. sf_metalurgy
  136. Colorized Gravity Guns!
  137. sf_castles
  138. sf_mini_city beta
  139. sf_forting
  140. sf_shockwave_beta_v2
  141. sf_skirmish [Final Release]
  142. [NEED PLAYTESTERS+HOST] sf_spawnflag
  143. creating of a mini city map
  144. Emoforts!
  145. sf_columns_rev
  146. sf_oase?
  147. sf_marsara
  148. sf_fishers_areas(_b)
  149. [WIP]- sf_towers
  150. sf_conduit prerelease release with free upgrade!
  151. setting up and installing block skins:
  152. What do you think about a block-limited map?
  153. ideas for a map?
  154. My map, W.I.P.
  155. Net-Jam Custom Skins!
  156. {REQUEST}Net-Jam Blocks!
  157. sf_close - The Flags Are So Close!
  158. sf_carpark
  159. sf_zones
  160. A quick request
  161. sf_cross
  162. League Blocks #1
  163. New Dirty Panels for both the public and HTH
  164. 2fort?
  165. ROFL new old school HTH block skin.
  166. sf_olympic
  167. My staind glass
  168. sf_tactical style map
  169. Stained Glass Blocks
  170. Chocolate Wrapper Blocks :)
  171. sf_LEGOBOLLOCKS_b2.5
  172. wtfz?
  173. Some New Textures
  174. Some really good textures :)
  175. Red vs Blue Machinima Skins
  176. [Release] Concrete²
  177. Requesting an older map
  178. [Release] Concrete
  179. dreamy sig tutorial.
  180. Golden grav gun
  181. Map in the works: sf_airship
  182. Total Annihilation - Arm Vs Core
  183. A map request
  184. WTF? Khuskan makes MAPS?
  185. sf_twotowers
  186. [Release] Carbon Fiber
  187. [Release] Marijuana
  188. The perfect map (request)
  189. [Release] Background
  190. sf_sphinx
  191. Day Of Defeat: Source Map
  192. sf_myriad
  193. Everyone showoff they sprays!!!
  194. Skin Request
  195. Cold War Block Skins
  196. Come Together and Create A Community Map
  197. sf_silence_v2 *Final*
  198. ComMand & ConQuer themed blockskins, GDI vs. Nod
  199. sf_pillartower (by vulstar)
  200. sf_fishers
  201. I got off my lazy ass everyone and made some EVIL LEGOS!!!
  202. Main Menu Screen
  203. Textures, Request Here.
  204. help me, normal maps suck.
  205. Kylegar.net Map Upload Cleanup
  206. sf_diag
  207. sf_PilarTower by vulstar
  208. Second try at textures, grungy tiles
  209. Ugly Camo Textures, this is my first try at textures.
  210. how to creat custom textures?
  211. sf_temple
  213. sf_precinkt
  214. sf_monopoly
  215. sf_agility_beta3b
  216. Ripple blocks! The first **MUST TRY** skins! [56k stay-away]
  217. sf_assault
  218. Parallax Shader
  219. where to put it all?
  220. "Simple" Textures
  221. FPS Issues? Here's your skin! (fps boost!)
  222. sf_blockade
  223. RELEASED: sf_dusk_b1
  224. sf_rax0r by vulstar
  225. sf_spillway beta ver 1.0 Download!
  226. sf_levetation
  227. sf_sunder
  228. sf_blockfort - Mario Kart 64 classic
  229. fearians new map: sf_battleground [WIP]
  230. sf_blockwars release
  231. sf_concrete
  232. neon lights
  233. A Map Request
  234. sf_lavabarrier
  235. This lovely map - Sf_Columns
  236. RELEASED! reskins! Something for everyone. (56K warning)
  237. sf_sforts :: FINISHED!
  238. Rocketmen
  239. Animated Tetris Blocks! Hot off the press!! Ready to DL!
  240. Tetris Block Teaser
  241. Animated Block skin
  242. some textures (attn. big images)
  243. Rust Map Texture
  244. Coca Cola vs Pepsi.
  245. "Rivet"ing Commie Blocks Come and get 'em!
  246. What some are considering the "best blocks ever"
  247. Artistic Blocks xP
  248. Block Reskin!
  249. How to make a reskin?
  250. Brushed Skins! Come and get 'em!