



HavenForts: Construct JetFists - The Chronicles of Wargasm (Episode 2, NeoForts)
Old 08-11-2006
Flag Defence
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 60
Default Some binds for everyone =]

//binds number keys to slots, uses all 10 for ingame menus like voting
bind "1" "slot1"
bind "2" "slot2"
bind "3" "slot3"
bind "4" "slot4"
bind "5" "slot5"
bind "6" "slot6"
bind "7" "slot7"
bind "8" "slot8"
bind "9" "slot9"
bind "0" "slot10"

//addon command
bind mouse4 "freezestatus"

bind [ "screenshot"

//gets list of players + steamids, and saves it to a file in sf folder
alias +cndmp "clear;status"
alias -cndmp "condump"
bind l "+cndmp"

//text binds
bind f1 "say_team Drop the flag\Press Z!"
bind f2 "say_team I DONT THINK SO SISTA;kill"
bind f3 "say_team Roger that\Thanks!"
bind f4 "say_team Negative!"

bind f5 "say_team Cover Me\(Un)Freezing\Repairing!"
bind f6 "say_team Enemy Engineer spotted! Watch the walls!"
bind f7 "say_team Repair the blocks!"

//if you don't want to download any sounds from servers, still allows maps and such
cl_downloadfilter "nosounds"

//disable the onscreen help, not reccomended for newer people, so commented out =p can enable it if you want

//cl_help 0

//this smooths out player movement or something, seems to lag a lot of people so turning it off
cl_smooth 0

//net graph, displays various things, ping/connection related and your fps
net_graph 3
does a few things in there =] mainly the status bind and freezestatus bind ;o good for reporting griefers. the f-key binds are fun too =p (f2 is a joke so you can remove that :P)

freezestatus is a plugin that most servers have, point at a block and press the key and it says who froze/unfroze it last =]

just press the status bind key and it does everything, find the file in "Steam\SteamApps\SourceMods\sourceforts\", named like condump###.txt

to use them (Installation):

Originally Posted by devicenull
Create a file called "userconfig.cfg".. put any aliases there, it's executed right after config.cfg.

Config.cfg is rewritten every time you launch the game, and only includes binds/cvars. It will never included aliases.
note, all config files goto "Steam\SteamApps\SourceMods\sourceforts\cfg\"

change the keys as you wish as well =] just a generalization, not everyone has mouse4 so do what you want

any questions feel free to ask on here or pm me in irc, if you want any help making a script i can do that as well

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Old 08-11-2006
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You better leave cl_smooth on, though.
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Old 08-11-2006
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Why? from my experience it's counterproductive.

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Old 08-12-2006
Vanderdecken's Avatar
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FECK. I used your shoddy little binds, and pressed the condump key about five times yesterday evening, thinking I was going to nail 5 people for griefing. I go into my SF folder, sure enough 5 condump###.txt files are there, I open them in notepad... THEY'RE ALL BLANK!!
Find me at PCGF. Jurassic SF. Digital Bugspray.

Originally Posted by ToBeL View Post
REPOPULATE... most here are MALE... and number girl has a reload time of ~10 months SO WHAT R U DOING?
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Old 08-12-2006
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Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 60

Originally Posted by Vanderdecken
FECK. I used your shoddy little binds, and pressed the condump key about five times yesterday evening, thinking I was going to nail 5 people for griefing. I go into my SF folder, sure enough 5 condump###.txt files are there, I open them in notepad... THEY'RE ALL BLANK!!
lag relative, it worked for me =p can add a billion waits if you prefer. or make it like this;

alias +cndmp "clear;status"
alias -cndmp "condump"
bind key "+cndmp"
updated my post to use that instead. hold down key for a moment(ie dont just tap it) before letting go, should work better.

and i apologize for the missed steamids =/ should have just done that from the start

as for cl_smooth, i can't see any gain in leaving it on. tried playing with it and saw no difference, i think i missed more with it o_O
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Old 08-12-2006
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Originally Posted by holy_devil
lag relative, it worked for me =p can add a billion waits if you prefer. or make it like this;

alias +cndmp "clear;status"
alias -cndmp "condump"
bind key "+cndmp"
updated my post to use that instead. hold down key for a moment(ie dont just tap it) before letting go, should work better.
Don't worry, I worked it out for myself: bound f3 to clear;status then f4 to condump - now i just have to press both in quick succession.

Oh, and I found out last night when I exited, I checked my config.cfg file, and all the custom binds had disappeared - is that normal? Doesn't that mean I have to paste them into the file every time I play SF?
Find me at PCGF. Jurassic SF. Digital Bugspray.

Originally Posted by ToBeL View Post
REPOPULATE... most here are MALE... and number girl has a reload time of ~10 months SO WHAT R U DOING?
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Old 08-12-2006
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Originally Posted by Vanderdecken
Originally Posted by holy_devil
lag relative, it worked for me =p can add a billion waits if you prefer. or make it like this;

alias +cndmp "clear;status"
alias -cndmp "condump"
bind key "+cndmp"
updated my post to use that instead. hold down key for a moment(ie dont just tap it) before letting go, should work better.
Don't worry, I worked it out for myself: bound f3 to clear;status then f4 to condump - now i just have to press both in quick succession.

Oh, and I found out last night when I exited, I checked my config.cfg file, and all the custom binds had disappeared - is that normal? Doesn't that mean I have to paste them into the file every time I play SF?
Create a file called "userconfig.cfg".. put any aliases there, it's executed right after config.cfg.

Config.cfg is rewritten every time you launch the game, and only includes binds/cvars. It will never included aliases.
Want to eliminate cheaters from your server? Check out SteamBans
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Old 08-12-2006
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Posts: 60

Originally Posted by devicenull
Create a file called "userconfig.cfg".. put any aliases there, it's executed right after config.cfg.

Config.cfg is rewritten every time you launch the game, and only includes binds/cvars. It will never included aliases.
yea, userconfig is best bet =o but config.cfg should have saved them, thats weird. anyway updating post, forgot about that, thanks dev =]
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Old 08-14-2006
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Originally Posted by devicenull
Create a file called "userconfig.cfg".. put any aliases there, it's executed right after config.cfg.

Config.cfg is rewritten every time you launch the game, and only includes binds/cvars. It will never included aliases.
My Hero. Now, to the griefing report cave! With bumlove.
Find me at PCGF. Jurassic SF. Digital Bugspray.

Originally Posted by ToBeL View Post
REPOPULATE... most here are MALE... and number girl has a reload time of ~10 months SO WHAT R U DOING?
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