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View Full Version : Mapping, Modeling, & Coding Help

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  1. Block Damage
  2. Maya to Source: Model Exportation Guide
  3. some old work
  4. Need help with hammer!
  5. vvis, vbsp, vrad>>> access is denied
  6. [tuto] displacement cylinder
  7. C++ Spectrum of audio input ?
  8. Entities not appearing.
  9. (WIP) SF_PAST
  10. pkarat wont add some textures
  11. Dear Draken,
  12. Can somebody
  13. Porc-Epic's textures
  14. map with a movable buildwall?
  15. Map Ideas, Inspiration
  16. somebody to compile this?
  17. Most my map sources as well
  18. Porting the Episode 2 Trees over to SF
  19. Requesting Sf_nobridge
  20. All My Map Sources
  21. Need Decent Map Ideas
  22. How to export feom 3ds max ro mdl?
  23. Map tips
  24. How to do passable but bullet proffwall?
  25. sf_skywalk - sky texture name?
  26. gameinfo.txt Error
  27. trigger texture...
  28. hammer
  29. Validation Fail
  30. subversion repository hosting
  31. Problems with the hammer.
  32. Problems with the hammer.
  33. Am I hallucinating, or are thrown weapons not teleporting?
  34. Weapons spawning in random locationS
  35. How to (Teleport with Random destinationS) for OrangeBox
  36. SF class property
  37. Unfreezable blocks
  38. counting phys_physboxs
  39. Why does this crash the game?
  40. C# / General Coding
  41. Compile CPU limiter
  42. Witch map editor?
  43. physbox
  44. I made something.
  45. Desk lamp
  46. PortalFlow
  47. help me make prebuilts
  48. Issue with blend texture and bump maps?
  49. Custom model/skin in map
  50. sup
  51. What kind of maps do people like?
  52. "Repair" sf_shoebox ?
  53. func_breakable
  54. greenhorn texture
  55. 'slam model'
  56. Importing textures...
  57. infodecals
  58. Compiling mod files
  59. random numbers
  60. sf_abandoned
  61. Wind
  62. Mapping Bug found...
  63. sf_crete Skybox
  64. Final Questions
  65. Scrolling textures
  66. No Build Zone
  67. Wind?
  68. item_ammo_create, team only, how?
  69. Couple of Questions
  70. Voice Actor Needed ! [sf_airport]
  71. new 1.5x4 block, not in env_block_spawner
  72. No .bsp Problem
  73. Included in 1.9.4?
  74. sf_airport [WIP]
  75. about the compilers and linux?
  76. 3ds Max 9 32-bit to Source ?
  77. Bending brushes?
  78. The Bullet
  79. Using Fog
  80. Map leaks.
  81. Blending textures.
  82. Water Fail
  83. Porting to Sourceforts
  84. sf_control_v1
  85. Models in map, not going through to game (prop_static)
  86. models/textures
  87. the compiler don't compile .. what is wrong
  88. Map idea
  89. water
  90. Multiple func_monitor and point_cameras question
  91. Good Idea or Great Idea?
  92. Compile my map
  93. Makin Maps
  94. Feather Weight Physbox
  95. my first map [290608]
  96. How to properly build cubemaps for HDR Maps
  97. whats wrong with my ladder?
  98. Mmmmm..mm.. My ideas and yours?
  99. Syphos : Beginning at mapping for sourceforts
  100. Gameevent hooks ?
  101. func_breakable and Game_text help...
  102. Help, I have fallen and cant get up!!!
  103. Super Awesome Fun Thread!
  104. Looking for a coder.
  105. Source SDK in Linux
  106. Bullet Penetration Glass
  107. Water texture is not working
  108. whiteforrest_screen
  109. video in game
  110. my trigger_push won't work!
  111. Hammer Wont Compile
  112. Wip - dock
  113. whats wrong with my textures?
  114. hammer gone weird
  115. Filtered Buttons
  116. light help
  117. importing to max
  118. Im trying to break my Batton!
  119. Lighting...
  120. textures
  121. Error
  122. Entities menu wont show up!!
  123. WIP: Torch
  124. Hammer Troubles With Lights.rad
  125. SMD to MDL?
  126. Learn how to map!
  127. That lighting file...
  128. need help! hammer failing to map
  129. 3DS Max
  130. [lighting]
  131. RatPak?
  132. Texturing Q...
  133. Vmf
  134. Skyboxes?
  135. How to do displacments? Look here and find out :D
  136. MP3 player
  137. Hammer
  138. map layout for 2.0
  139. [WIP] sf_mall
  140. using cst
  141. fail compiler ._.
  142. SF Source
  143. how to spawn a 1x1
  144. dont look at this.
  145. Toggle light_environment?
  146. So... um wtf?
  147. DoD:S weapon pickups?
  148. [Help]Barrel
  149. Need help with mapping
  150. point_clientcommand
  151. Dear Khuskan
  152. Interview with the creator of C++
  153. [Rel] Flag Stand
  154. map help?
  155. Some fgd edits
  156. Release: Block Buttons
  157. TogglePhase crashes game
  158. water = lag?
  159. Make a func_breakable pass damage
  160. testing block
  161. One block at a time
  162. 2d_2x2_blocks in hammer
  163. Commando ....
  164. sf_bridge
  165. func_disposer_selective
  166. [WIP] Turret
  167. SimCity Source Code GPL'd
  168. Source Forts Design Forum !
  169. Build Walls
  170. question: select all of a particular entity?
  171. Max Particle Systems
  172. WIP: Stunstick
  173. Modelling programs
  174. [WIP] Shotgun
  175. 5 things trigger.
  176. How 2 make trains turn 90 degrees.
  177. Help again
  178. looking for healthvial and healthkit
  179. Maps compiling in HL2 instead of SF
  180. Those completely new to mapping...
  181. [WIP] Ammocrate
  182. WIP: Nade
  183. What is torus for?
  184. Damage activated Func_?
  185. wire frame ?
  186. This is kind of off subject but I don't know where else to ask.
  187. Release: Health Charger
  188. Light_environment
  189. How2fix?
  190. Official Mapping Guide for 1.9.4
  191. Visleaf Question
  192. SF Configuration won't work...
  193. Camera doesnt work
  194. Hammer for 1.9.3
  195. Diary: Origami
  196. Release: Block spawner prefabs
  197. Mapping help needed
  198. Maya to Source: A Model Exportation Guide
  199. Custom Flag?
  200. Diary: WIP Block Spawner
  201. My toolbar has gone missing
  202. How do i run hammer for source forts?
  203. Car WIP
  204. BlockSpawner
  205. Brush not there ?
  206. 1.5 x 4 blocks?
  207. 2x2s
  208. broken hammer
  209. Compiling problem
  210. Requesting Mapping Ideas.
  211. Learn to use source?
  212. EMP-Nade Model
  213. Toys <3
  214. custom block and player skins
  215. Glass Ashtray
  216. pushstyle tutorial
  217. Blockmodels
  218. How do you make midfield controlers?
  219. Mappers make go now.
  220. [tutorial]Ammo Crate on a stick (movable ammo crates)
  221. Only 3D Wireframe
  222. Mapping help
  223. Source limitation...
  224. Compiling help
  225. how do you use displacements?
  226. Fatal Error
  227. Midterm model!
  228. spline "patch" ?
  229. Model of Bespin
  230. func_confiscation
  231. Help with this new Greif Plug in...
  232. env_sprite
  233. could some1 email me an old map
  234. Portal Block Vote
  235. REQUEST. sf map tut.
  236. New block models with Blender
  237. Endless Blocks
  238. Pic-o-the week
  239. Replaceable flag
  240. Question...
  241. teleport spawn
  242. Ogg
  243. I need help finding my drawings!
  244. where to start?
  245. Help: I need an uncompiled map :o
  246. Stats Plugin Need Your Help
  247. Hammer messing up my BSP file...
  248. c++ books
  249. No Button Block Spawner Prefab
  250. custom entities