- Block Damage
- Maya to Source: Model Exportation Guide
- some old work
- Need help with hammer!
- vvis, vbsp, vrad>>> access is denied
- [tuto] displacement cylinder
- C++ Spectrum of audio input ?
- Entities not appearing.
- pkarat wont add some textures
- Dear Draken,
- Can somebody
- Porc-Epic's textures
- map with a movable buildwall?
- Map Ideas, Inspiration
- somebody to compile this?
- Most my map sources as well
- Porting the Episode 2 Trees over to SF
- Requesting Sf_nobridge
- All My Map Sources
- Need Decent Map Ideas
- How to export feom 3ds max ro mdl?
- Map tips
- How to do passable but bullet proffwall?
- sf_skywalk - sky texture name?
- gameinfo.txt Error
- trigger texture...
- hammer
- Validation Fail
- subversion repository hosting
- Problems with the hammer.
- Problems with the hammer.
- Am I hallucinating, or are thrown weapons not teleporting?
- Weapons spawning in random locationS
- How to (Teleport with Random destinationS) for OrangeBox
- SF class property
- Unfreezable blocks
- counting phys_physboxs
- Why does this crash the game?
- C# / General Coding
- Compile CPU limiter
- Witch map editor?
- physbox
- I made something.
- Desk lamp
- PortalFlow
- help me make prebuilts
- Issue with blend texture and bump maps?
- Custom model/skin in map
- sup
- What kind of maps do people like?
- "Repair" sf_shoebox ?
- func_breakable
- greenhorn texture
- 'slam model'
- Importing textures...
- infodecals
- Compiling mod files
- random numbers
- sf_abandoned
- Wind
- Mapping Bug found...
- sf_crete Skybox
- Final Questions
- Scrolling textures
- No Build Zone
- Wind?
- item_ammo_create, team only, how?
- Couple of Questions
- Voice Actor Needed ! [sf_airport]
- new 1.5x4 block, not in env_block_spawner
- No .bsp Problem
- Included in 1.9.4?
- sf_airport [WIP]
- about the compilers and linux?
- 3ds Max 9 32-bit to Source ?
- Bending brushes?
- The Bullet
- Using Fog
- Map leaks.
- Blending textures.
- Water Fail
- Porting to Sourceforts
- sf_control_v1
- Models in map, not going through to game (prop_static)
- models/textures
- the compiler don't compile .. what is wrong
- Map idea
- water
- Multiple func_monitor and point_cameras question
- Good Idea or Great Idea?
- Compile my map
- Makin Maps
- Feather Weight Physbox
- my first map [290608]
- How to properly build cubemaps for HDR Maps
- whats wrong with my ladder?
- Mmmmm..mm.. My ideas and yours?
- Syphos : Beginning at mapping for sourceforts
- Gameevent hooks ?
- func_breakable and Game_text help...
- Help, I have fallen and cant get up!!!
- Super Awesome Fun Thread!
- Looking for a coder.
- Source SDK in Linux
- Bullet Penetration Glass
- Water texture is not working
- whiteforrest_screen
- video in game
- my trigger_push won't work!
- Hammer Wont Compile
- Wip - dock
- whats wrong with my textures?
- hammer gone weird
- Filtered Buttons
- light help
- importing to max
- Im trying to break my Batton!
- Lighting...
- textures
- Error
- Entities menu wont show up!!
- WIP: Torch
- Hammer Troubles With Lights.rad
- SMD to MDL?
- Learn how to map!
- That lighting file...
- need help! hammer failing to map
- 3DS Max
- [lighting]
- RatPak?
- Texturing Q...
- Vmf
- Skyboxes?
- How to do displacments? Look here and find out :D
- MP3 player
- Hammer
- map layout for 2.0
- [WIP] sf_mall
- using cst
- fail compiler ._.
- SF Source
- how to spawn a 1x1
- dont look at this.
- Toggle light_environment?
- So... um wtf?
- DoD:S weapon pickups?
- [Help]Barrel
- Need help with mapping
- point_clientcommand
- Dear Khuskan
- Interview with the creator of C++
- [Rel] Flag Stand
- map help?
- Some fgd edits
- Release: Block Buttons
- TogglePhase crashes game
- water = lag?
- Make a func_breakable pass damage
- testing block
- One block at a time
- 2d_2x2_blocks in hammer
- Commando ....
- sf_bridge
- func_disposer_selective
- [WIP] Turret
- SimCity Source Code GPL'd
- Source Forts Design Forum !
- Build Walls
- question: select all of a particular entity?
- Max Particle Systems
- WIP: Stunstick
- Modelling programs
- [WIP] Shotgun
- 5 things trigger.
- How 2 make trains turn 90 degrees.
- Help again
- looking for healthvial and healthkit
- Maps compiling in HL2 instead of SF
- Those completely new to mapping...
- [WIP] Ammocrate
- WIP: Nade
- What is torus for?
- Damage activated Func_?
- wire frame ?
- This is kind of off subject but I don't know where else to ask.
- Release: Health Charger
- Light_environment
- How2fix?
- Official Mapping Guide for 1.9.4
- Visleaf Question
- SF Configuration won't work...
- Camera doesnt work
- Hammer for 1.9.3
- Diary: Origami
- Release: Block spawner prefabs
- Mapping help needed
- Maya to Source: A Model Exportation Guide
- Custom Flag?
- Diary: WIP Block Spawner
- My toolbar has gone missing
- How do i run hammer for source forts?
- Car WIP
- BlockSpawner
- Brush not there ?
- 1.5 x 4 blocks?
- 2x2s
- broken hammer
- Compiling problem
- Requesting Mapping Ideas.
- Learn to use source?
- EMP-Nade Model
- Toys <3
- custom block and player skins
- Glass Ashtray
- pushstyle tutorial
- Blockmodels
- How do you make midfield controlers?
- Mappers make go now.
- [tutorial]Ammo Crate on a stick (movable ammo crates)
- Only 3D Wireframe
- Mapping help
- Source limitation...
- Compiling help
- how do you use displacements?
- Fatal Error
- Midterm model!
- spline "patch" ?
- Model of Bespin
- func_confiscation
- Help with this new Greif Plug in...
- env_sprite
- could some1 email me an old map
- Portal Block Vote
- REQUEST. sf map tut.
- New block models with Blender
- Endless Blocks
- Pic-o-the week
- Replaceable flag
- Question...
- teleport spawn
- Ogg
- I need help finding my drawings!
- where to start?
- Help: I need an uncompiled map :o
- Stats Plugin Need Your Help
- Hammer messing up my BSP file...
- c++ books
- No Button Block Spawner Prefab
- custom entities