View Full Version : Help & Support
- Fix for steam ID is not valid error when joining a Sourceforts server.
- Skybox not showing
- Multiple Errors Creating SF Dedicated Linux Server
- game auto crashes after valve logo
- SF servers?
- any SF enthusiasts around?
- 1.9.4 or
- Can I play sf with nvidia promotion pack..?how?
- Crashing to desktop
- Offline Bots
- Engine Error: Could not load library client
- In- Game error. Need help!
- PM box full
- SFFixed Installer 0.3b
- Different fixes, thoughts and ideas
- Servers
- SF Fix (December 2010)
- Please Help Me!!!
- crashing
- No server-list
- Community?
- Everybody, somebody, anybody, and nobody
- Crash on Startup
- Ban Nox
- Engine error.
- Server Problems
- Source Forts not showing on steam games list
- deal whtch (14)
- Source Fort Not Showing Up
- Cant play the game
- Can't Play the Game
- help me so i can make forts with u guys!
- Registration error
- Any way to disable grenade and death PEEP sound?
- Invisible Block Lag?
- Steam isn't showing SourceForts
- Unable to load....
- driver help
- New pc
- Sourceforts not showing in game list
- I cant join in public servers!
- Hl2.exe has encountered a problem
- SourceForts not showing in list
- Someone fucking tell me
- Can't find the game.
- "Valve's Steam not found" and all other installer application errors
- Plateform Error : module failed to intialize
- "hl2 has stopped working" and some other minor problem
- Bind RCON-Commands
- Vavle's steam
- HELP!!<:-(
- Strange sky-texture
- Problem
- Disconnect: Server uses different class tables
- Need ideas for powermac
- help
- HL2 error XP 64bit
- SF won't load :(
- hl2.exe error with Vista 64Bit
- Valve's steam is not isntalled
- Crosshair scale
- Demo Recording
- costum crosshair
- Weapons are pink and black
- Where to download maps?
- Can't play
- Have the newest version, cannot connect to any servers
- [HELP] Crashing To Desktop on Startup
- Global?
- HL: Deathmatch is a must for SF?
- Can't get on any servers
- Steam not working at all.
- i have a problem
- Ummm... Doesn't show up on Steam Games List???
- Random crashing
- Cpu + motherboard help
- Problem with sourceforts?
- Computer Troubles
- I need help
- Steam sucks shit
- instal help
- hl2 exe has stopped working.
- Own voice in demos
- Since 1.9.4, SF doesn't work!
- Error: Server usees diffrent class tables
- Platform Error: module failed to initialize
- Memory could not be read!
- Game not in steam
- Need hl2?
- Can't play the game
- I'm going to kill it
- Best Place To Learn C++?
- gfx feul.
- Newegg sucks dick
- L4D sucks dick
- models duffed up ?
- SF is making CSS bug!
- Audio help!
- Source Forts is not showing up in steam games list!
- Can't Play the Game.
- Just installed... Oh ?Validating steam files?
- cant see any servers
- SF wont show up on games list
- installer doesnt work...
- sourceforts crashes when I boot it up
- sourceforts will not load into steam
- overload textures
- Plugin writer
- Dedicated Server
- Sourceforts won't showup in Steam!
- NO servers???
- SourceForts crash loops when "Find Servers" is selected
- Issue with the mod not showing up
- Is there
- overloaded prebuilts?
- Need Help
- problem since 1.9.4-1
- How do i play like -mk- Fores?
- Does anyone have sf_flood?
- Cross hairs
- Black Screen
- freeze in motd
- No servers are listed
- crash when something enters FOV
- Program Not Responding
- How to get rid of that beep
- sf_canyon
- How2Get Old 1.9.3 blocks in 1.9.4
- SRCDS question wil SF
- Can anyone help?
- Sourceforts map creating.
- Crash while loadingscreen -- no error
- Gradual Block Health Loss
- Source Fort not in my steam list?
- "Disconnect: Server uses different class tables"
- This game is currently unavailable.
- new pc
- Server out of date
- decals + displacements
- Dosnt show up in my games
- Setting Up Source SDK for SF 1.9.3
- Server with Linux
- Help Locating Ammo Crate Open & Close Sounds
- mic issues
- SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_canal/refinery_02_sk
- umm cracked servers?
- help seting up server please help
- Installed, but won't run?
- Compile with 2 Skins
- Still Can't Play SF?
- Any chance of some help
- DVD help
- server uses different class tables?
- Game still crashing
- (forums) halp!
- Question about the score...
- Bug with trigger_hurt
- some help with modems
- Program keeps dying
- portal model to source forts
- Map Compile
- Save Maps in S.F.
- Team Fortress 2 likes crashing
- downloading maps
- its dead right?
- My console ate GTA IV, now what?
- What tools needed for SF?
- moar bugz :<
- server join failures
- Graphics?
- a bug :<
- Help desperately needed
- Ramping/skyforting??
- Where is everyone?
- Looking to buy new Video Card.
- Sf Fgd
- help with crash problem please
- FAQ issues.
- xp vs vista
- Different Class Error
- Bt Home Hub Users
- ports
- TF2: Paged Pool Memory Error
- Error 500 & Undelivered Mail returned to sender ..
- Help - Engine Error
- What the hell
- little help plz:)
- oops....
- infinite loop
- Problem with your Sourceforts Mod? This may help! (2008)
- i read the sticky, but i have HL2DM! so why does it say i dont own it?!
- Sourceforts keeps crashing on launch
- Need Help
- need help......again
- I Need Help Installing The Mod
- I am new, and need help.
- Half life 2 needed!!!
- Broken Headphone
- help a newb?
- Sourceforts closes shortly after opening
- Dunno how to install; wiki not working
- Wut
- game crash
- Engine Error(Dont shoot,FAQ not connecting)
- Steam loads the wrong game.
- whats wrong with my pc
- datacache.dll
- Buffer Overflow in Net Message
- desktop + windowsbarstartbutton gone. explorer.exe not loading
- The SF-Sound
- Engine Error: Could not load library client
- Game Error: Internal driver error in Direct3DDevice9:: present()
- Crashes at startup - Confused
- Computer Problems.
- Help me.
- Q's from an aspiring modder
- Coverting Demos to video files?
- installing help
- CTD if I skip the opening cutscene
- How to install a second weapon skin?
- Source Forts crashes after opening cutscene
- Randomly crashing
- Memory cannot be read, tried everything
- Need help with custom skins
- help please
- Not able to play multiplayer on designated account
- Install - loading problem
- Oi, halp!
- So.... bans?
- Localization Problem Causes Crash on Load
- "This Steam account does not own this game."
- READ FIRST - Help & Support Rules
- SourceForts Guides and Tutorials
- Halp!
- Speedy Firefox
- how do i change crosshairs in .3?
- Steams Broken
- Grey square at top left of screen?
- How do I shot screens?
- Admin Problems
- Ack, Goddamn Crashes. Help Plz!
- Soundpacks
- quick specmode fix
- My v1.9.3 server
- Computer restart.
- clean install of server and client 1.9.3 yields class tables error
- SF + HL2 Gift
- "jerking" Issue with 1.9.3
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