Just posted an ad for a level designer on our FB page (which you should all like!):
New poll up on our FB page: What maps should we redesign for SF2? Cast your vote!
Heads up: /r/gamemods has a SF server up and will be playing today. Take a look!
SourceForts is looking for beta testers - apply today! - sn
Sup tweeps! We just released some Haven screens, check them out! - sn
Mary Xmas. Check the site for an incredible news update from Zoc! -st
Help out SF maybe? Read more: -st
As Tobel has been harrasing me for this, Project Haven is on hiatus until the exam period is over. -dr
Don't worry, we didn't forget about you twitter. -st
I'll just leave this right here -
I forgot this existed. Whoops. -dr
Holy batman! The top 100 mods and indie games of 2009 is out on ModDB NS2 and OG FTW! Vote for us for Mod of the Year! -dr
Forums are back, along with the news feed. -st
News feed is down while the forums are being upgraded. Worry not. -st
Expect some Christmas presents (hopefully) in regards to the next version. Also check forums for OpenSourceForts info. -st
Khuskan is making a very pretty map. Seriously, I think I came a little. -dr
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