Network and Community News
RSS Feed of GameSurge Community and Network NewsenSeasons Greetings
The stockings have been hung with care, the cookies have been baked
and frosted, the tree has been trimmed, and the presents have been wrapped.
The only thing left is to wish you Seasons Greetings and the happiest of New Years from all of us at GameSu ...BlindOldMan2011-12-24Hostserv 2.1
After a few months of development, Hostserv 2.1 is now available for users. New features include the ability for users to vote on new custom titles, the ability to reject group host invitations and to view the available title list in IRC.
As a reminder ...crad2011-07-17Increase in ChanServ userlimit
We have increased the maximum number of users you can add to your ChanServ userlist (!users) from 256 to 512. This should cater the needs of our larger channels on the network. Cleaning your userlist from time to time is important to ensure only the right ...Teddy`2011-04-30New user guides available
Two new user guides are now available through the Support -> User Guides menu on our website.
The first is a HelpServ guide, especially interesting for those large organizations which have been granted the privilege of having their own HelpServ queue ma ...Teddy`2010-09-28Lightweight webchat client
Additionally to the mibbit widget we now have a lightweight ad-free qwebirc-based web chat which you can both use directly or embed it to your site via an IFRAME.
To use it, simply open
To embed it, also open it and then ...ThiefMaster2010-09-07Network Upgrades (Completed)
GameSurge will be upgrading the entire network on Saturday March 13th. You will experience outages starting at 07:00 PST/15:00 UTC. You may see problems throughout the weekend as the dust settles. If you wish to keep any channel modes, please remember to ...pb2010-03-12Birthday celebrations and Superbowl
We would like to thank everyone for attending GameSurge's sixth birthday celebration. In all, over 700 of you turned out to a very successful event and we had 3 winners walk away with prizes.
3rd place: cF`Rotten (Puretrak mousepad)
2nd p ...Soul_Chaser2010-02-08GameSurge's 6th birthday!
We are pleased to announce that on February 3, 2010, we will be celebrating our 6th birthday. The continuous success of this network is all in part due to you, our loyal user base. To show our deep appreciation for your support, we will be giving away n ...Soul_Chaser2010-01-11Welcome Limestone and logan!
We are pleased to announce the addition of a new US server to our network, after it successfully passed it's testlink. This server is administered by logans.Milon2010-01-05GameSurge Back Up
We apologize for the inconvenience as our main Channel Services and Hub had a power outage very early this morning at the DC. Services are all coming back on-line as we wait for one last server to come back on-line.
Update: The missing server is back ...Milon2009-09-26