Version: 1.01 Thank you for using Source Multi-Tool and a special thanks to those that have paid even paid me a $1 it really helps in getting this on greenlight and the development of future features and programs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to use: 1.Unzip the SDKLauncher folder to wherever you want 2.Launch the Source SDK Launcher.exe -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To add more fgd files copy paste them into the fgd folder that is in the SDKLauncher folder. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To contact with questions/suggestions/comments about this program email me at with the subject set to SDK or post it as a question on Valves Source SDK forums on steam -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ: Q: What are the requirements to use this program? A: Any Windows PC that has .NET 4 (or later) installed ( and Steam. Q: Does this work on Linux/Mac? A: No, the program was written on the .NET framework so unfortunately as of this time it does not. Q: Why is one of my games is not showing up in the list A: You do not have the authoring tools installed for it or are missing SDK 2013 (they can be found in the tools section of Steam) Q: How do I set this up to work with my 2007/2009/2013 mod? A: Download and install SDK 2013 multiplayer from the tools section in steam, if you are needing to include an fgd copy paste it into the fgd folder, launch the Source Multi-Tool, on the applications tab press Setup Custom Config, set everything up including the fgds you want to use and content to mount, press save config, from the drop down menu choose customConfig Q: Why is the gid missing in hammer when I use customConfig? A: This normally means you didn't mount Halflife 2 I found Q: Why am I given the option to mount content I do not own? And why does it not show up in hammer then? A: The program doesn't care if you own it or not it gives you the option regardless however hammer can't load what isn't available so it will skip it on run. Q: When the game launches after compiling in customConfig everything crashes! A: For the moment the game is trying to use the .dlls in customConfig and since they don't exist it crashes. You need to compile then launch the game manually and load the map up. Working to fix this in a future update -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE THAT MAY BE CAUSED BY THIS PROGRAM USE AT YOUR OWN RISK Changelog Version: 1.0 * Initial release Version: 1.01 * Added model viewer support Version: 1.02 * Added VPK creator * Added Blade Symphony Support * Added WIP Tutorials Tab * Fixed Portal 2 not launching * Fixed bug for user somehow not having a gameconfig.txt by default in sdk 2013 when using customConfig * Updated customConfig setup * Removed unneeded options * Users have to include HL2 now (before if you didn't it messed up sdk 2013's hammer) * HL2 now mounts in front of everything else to ensure nothing breaks * EYE support added * Now creates a custom folder for mounting custom assets * Added a button to open the custom folder Known Bugs: * Korean users might have some issues due to a character conflict