Pakrat v0.95 by Rof ( 2nd April 2006 A program for managing Half-Life 2 BSP PAK archives --------------------------------------------------- What is Pakrat? Pakrat is a graphical replacement for the standard bspzip program, that allows you to view, add, and delete files that are stored inside compiled HL2 map (.BSP) files. This allows you to embed custom texture, sound, and model files into a BSP file. The embedded files will be automatically loaded from the map when the map is loaded by the game, and so you do not have to distribute the custom files seperately. Pakrat has the ability to scan the BSP file to find which custom files are used in the map, and add them automatically. Files may also be added manually. Who would use Pakrat? Pakrat is only of interest to people producing new maps for HL2, HL2DM, and CS:S (and other mods) that wish to use custom texture, sound, and/or model files in their maps. Pakrat only works with Source-engine BSP map files. Installation Pakrat is a Java application, and so requires the Java Runtime Environment (version 1.5.0 or later) to be installed. If you do not already have this installed, the Windows version can be downloaded from the Java website: it is a 10.X Mb download. Note: you may be required to restart your computer to complete installation of the JRE. Note: Pakrat is a Java application, and thus won't work as an Applet in a web browser. Note: If you already have a later version of the JRE installed, Pakrat will work fine. Once Java is installed, Pakrat can be installed by copying the Pakrat.jar file to any convenient folder, such as the /SourceSDK/bin folder. Run Pakrat by double clicking on the Pakrat.jar file. If Java is installed properly, the program will start. If you see a Windows "choose the program you want to open the file Pakrat.jar" message, or a message that the Main Class cannot be found, try restarting windows to ensure that the Java installation has completed. If you have .jar files associated with another program (e.g., WinRAR), you may also run Pakrat by double clicking on the pakrat.bat batch file. You can also run Pakrat from the command line, with the command "java -jar pakrat.jar". This method takes an optional parameter, the initial map file to load. Tutorial - an example of using Pakrat automatially In many cases, Pakrat can be used in automatic mode. To do so, load the map using the "Load BSP" menu option. Now press the "Auto" button at the bottom right. The map will be scanned for any custom content used, and if found, a message will ask whether to add those files to the Pak. Press "Yes", and then save the map using the "Save BSP" menu item. The map file will be overwritten with a new version containing the custom files. See the "scan and auto scan" section below for full details of how the scanning feature works. Tutorial - an example of using Pakrat manually Say you have a compiled HL2 map, "test1.bsp". The map uses two custom materials, named "bluewall1.vmt" and "bluewall2.vmt", and one custom texture file, "bluewall.vtf". The custom files are located in the directory "/materials/blue" relative to the "hl2" base folder. To insert the files, run Pakrat and select the "test1.bsp" map. A list of files already in the map's pak archive will be shown (if the map uses env_cubemaps, and the "buildcubemaps" command has been run in-game, the list may be quite long). Now press the "Add" button at the bottom of the main window, and a file selector will appear. Locate the custom texures; if you wish, you may add multiple files at once by using ctrl+click, and may select folders to include all files in that directory. Press "Open", and for each file selected a message will appear: Fix-up path to "materials/blue/XXXXXXX.XXX". Choose "yes" for each file, or "Yes to All" to skip the dialog. At the end of the file list, there should be now three new entries: "bluewall1.vmt", "bluewall2.vmt", and "bluewall.vtf". The pathname of each file should be "materials/blue". Now go to the "File" menu, and choose "Save BSP". The file selector will appear. Press the "Save" button, and the "test1.bsp" file will be overwritten with a new version, containing the custom textures. The file "test1.bsp" now can be distributed. You may verify that the map contains the custom textures by renaming (or deleting) the custom file from disk, and loading the map in HL2. If the custom textures show properly, then they are properly embedded in the map file. Note that, if you recompile the map, you must re-add the custom textures to the .bsp file. For this reason, it is best to add the custom textures just before distributing the final map file. You may also add files to the Pak by dragging-and-dropping files from Windows Explorer, or automatically determine which files need to be included in the Pak by using the Auto Scan feature (see below). Details of operation On startup, Pakrat opens a small console window. This console shows what operation Pakrat is currently performing, and shows any error message encountered, but can otherwise be ignored. Unless a filename was passed to Pakrat on the command line, Pakrat will present a file dialog to choose the map file to open. Locate any HL2 map (*.bsp) file to load it. Once the map is loaded, the main window displays a list of all files located in the map file's Pak archive. This archive may contain many files. Usually, all HL2 map file contain at least one file, "cubemapdefault.vtf". This is the default cubemap (environment map) texture for the map, and is actually a low-resolution copy of the map's skybox. If the map has been loaded into HL2 and the command "buildcubemaps" performed, the pak will also contain texture and material files relating to reflective materials used in the map, and for each env_cubemap present in the map. The main window display is a table, with a row for each file in the Pak archive. (The list may be switched to a directory-tree like view using the View menu.) The columns of the table are: "In" : This column contains a checkmark for files that are currently in the loaded map's Pak. If you have added new files to the Pak, and not yet saved the map file, the new file's In checkmark will be blank. "Filename": This is the filename of the file, as stored in the Pak. This will be blue for files that have been added to be Pak, but the BSP file has not yet been saved. "Pathname": This is the filepath of the file, as stored in the pak. The path is usually relative the current Game Root directory (see below). Note: All backslash characters (\) are converted to forward-slash characters (/) in this field. This is what the game expects to see. "Size": This is the size of the file, in bytes. "Type": This is the type of the file, as derived from the filename, as shown in this table: Extension Type .vmt Material .vtf Texture .mdl Model .vtx Model (vertex mesh data) .vvd Model (vertex data) .phy Model (physics collision data) .wav Sound .mp3 Sound .txt Text You can sort the file list by clicking on column headers. Click once to sort by accending order, click again to sort in decending order. Use Ctrl+click to sort by multiple headings. Above the file list is the menu bar. This has three menus: File Menu: "Load BSP": This loads a new map file. Any unsaved changes to the current file are lost. "Save BSP": This saves the current map file. All changes to the Pak file are written to disk. The program will prompt for confirmation if an already existing map file is choosen. If you save a map with the same name and location from that it was loaded, a backup file (.bsp.bak) will be created. "Preferences": This sets the current Game Root directory, and an option to always, never, or to ask whether to perform path fixup (see below) when adding a new file to the Pak. It also sets whether optional extra files will be scanned for by the Scan and Autoscan features. "Quit": This quits Pakrat. View Menu: "As Tree": This shows the list of embedded files as a directory-tree structure. Choose again to switch back to the table list. "Sort": Sorts the file list by filename, path, file type, file size, or nothing. Note that you can also sort the list by clicking on the table column headers. Help Menu: "Console": This re-shows the console window (if it has been closed). "About Pakrat": This gives brief help information for Pakrat. Below the file list are six buttons. If a file in the list above is selected, all 5 buttons can be used; otherwise, only the Add button is active. The buttons are: "View": This views the contents of the selected file. Material (.vmt) files are displayed as text. Texture (.vtf) files show a summary of the texture's properties (size, encoding method, etc.), and a bitmap of the contents. Note that some texture files may contain multiple frames or faces, and these can be viewed with the controls to the left. Model (.mdl) files show a summary of the file and any material files referenced from within it. Unrecognised files are shown as a hex dump or ASCII text. "Edit": This allows the editing of the selected file's filename and path. This does not affect the name, path, or contents of the individual file on disk, but changes the reference to the file as stored in the map's Pak. Usually the only reason to change these values would be to alter the stored path of the file (see path fixup, below). "Add": This adds a file to the Pak. Note that by using shift-click or ctrl-click in the file chooser dialog, you may add multiple files at once, and choosing a directory will recursively add all files in that directory and any subdirectories. You may also add files to the Pak by dragging-and-dropping from any Windows file window onto Pakrat's file list. Nothing is actually written to the map file until the "Save BSP" menu option is used. "Delete": This deletes a file from the Pak. As for the Add button, the map file is not changed until the "Save BSP" menu item is used. "Save": This extracts a file from the Pak, and saves it to disk. "Scan": This opens the scan file window (see below). "Auto": This scans and automatically adds any used files to the Pak (see below). Path fixup Path fixup is necessary to allow HL2 to find the custom files embedded in the .bsp file, when the .bsp file is loaded by the game. Say you are using a custom material for a HL2 map, located in the file: "C:\Steam\SteamApps\\half life 2\hl2\materials\blue\bluewall1.vmt" When HL2 loads the map, it first looks in the .bsp file's Pak archive, under the name: "materials/blue/bluewall1.vmt". The "path" part of the file's Pak entry should thus be "materials/blue". You can edit the entry manually (using the Edit button) to change this, but an easier way is to use the automatic path-fixup. This can be done by setting the "path-fixup on add file" option under Preferences to "Always" or "Ask" (to be prompted for each file). If it is set to "Never", then path-fixup is not performed when a file is added to the Pak. Pakrat uses the Game Root directory setting (also on the preferences screen) to determine the correct path during fixup. For a HL2 file, for example, the game root should be set as" "C:/Steam/SteamApps//half life 2/hl2" (note that this will vary depending on where you installed Steam/Hl2). If you do not set the game root dir, Pakrat will guess how to do fixup depending on the type of file you add: material and texture files will have paths starting with "materials/", sound files with "sound/" and model files with "models/". Scan and Auto Scan Pakrat's Auto Scan feature searches the currently loaded BSP file for references to external files that are used by the map. This includes the material files used to texture the map geometry, the skybox textures, any model (.mdl) files used as prop_statics and other entities, and any sound files referenced by entities. It also searches for a number of standard files such as the map description text file. Auto Scan also recursively checks for files referenced by the files it finds. For instance, a model (.mdl) file may refer to several material (.vmt) files. Each of these materials will reference one or more texture (.vtf) files. Model files are also created with a number of associated vertex and physics data files. Auto Scan checks for the existance of all these. Model files will also be checked for included sub-models and gib models. Auto Scan cannot work correctly without a Game Root directory being set, that is, the base directory of the game the map is designed for (see Path fixup, above). If you have not set this in the Preferences screen, Pakrat will attempt to guess the correct directory from the filename of the currently loaded map. To start Auto Scan completely automatically, load a map file and press the "Auto" button. After a short pause, a dialogue showing the number of files found on disk. Press "Yes" to add them to the Pak. If no files are found, you may have not set the game root directory correctly. To run a scan manually, load a map and press the Scan button. A new window will appear. You can alter the Game Root directory to use by typing in the "Gamedir" box at the top of the new window. You may also choose from the drop-down list of previous settings. For example, the gamedir setting for a HL2 single player map should typically be: "C:/Steam/SteamApps//half life 2/hl2" or for a CounterStrike:Source map: "C:/Steam/SteamApps//counter-strike source/cstrike" Note that these setting depend on the disk location of your Steam installation. Once you have set the Gamedir directory, press the "Scan" button to start scanning the map for file references. After a short pause, a list giving the filename, path, type, and location of all files referenced in the map appears. Note: if you have made changes to the Gamedir or to the relevant files on disk, you may press the "Scan" button again to rescan the map and update the list. The location for each file may be one of four values, which are colour-coded: In Pak (green): The file is stored in the map's Pak. In List (blue): The file is listed in the Pak list, but the BSP file has not yet been saved. On Disk (red): The file isn't in the Pak, but has been found on disk by the autoscan. Not Found (grey): The file cannot be found in the Pak or on disk. "In Pak" files are already saved in the map's Pak data. They do not require any further action. "In List" files are listed in the Pak, but not yet stored in the BSP file. Once the current map file is saved with the "Save BSP" option, they will be stored in the Pak. "On Disk" files are not in the Pak, but have been found on disk relative to the currently set gamedir (game root directory). These files may be selected by the checkbox in the "Add" column to the right (by default, all On Disk files are selected after a scan). "Not Found" cannot be found in the Pak or on disk. These files may be standard (non-custom) files that are stored inside Steam's GCF files. Since Pakrat cannot read GCF files, it cannot tell if the file is missing or present. Note that all custom files will show as "not found" if the game root directory is set incorrectly. Once the scan is complete, all "On Disk" files may be selected by the checkboxes in the right-most column (the "Select All" and "Select None" buttons may also be used). If any files are checked, pressing the "Add Selected" button adds all checked files to the Pak. (If you have set the "ask for fixup" option, a message box will appear for each file added). After this, the map is automatically rescanned and all "On Disk" files should change to "In List". Use the main window's "Save BSP" option to save the BSP file and write all files to the Pak. The "Done" button dismisses the Scan window. If a row in the scan window is selected, the "Reference" button opens a sub-window showing the name, type, diskname (filename by which the file is searched for on disk), file location, and how the file was referenced in the map (i.e. any files that referenced this file). Extra files A number of other files may be searched for when running Scan or Auto scan. These files may or may not be present, depending on the type of map. Which files are searched for may be set using the "Preferences" menu item (by default, all of these files). maps/.nav The navigation mesh file for bots and hostages in CS:S maps. maps/graphs/.ain The AI node mesh for maps using NPCs. maps/soundcache/.cache The data cache for map-specific sounds. maps/.txt The map description text shown when the map is loaded. resource/overviews/.txt The level overview (inset map) parameters for CS:S and DoD:S maps. If found, this file is searched for the "material" keyword to find the material file used for the overview, and this material is searched for any texture files referenced. scripts/soundscapes_.txt The map's custom soundscape. If found, the file is searched for the "wave" keyword to find .wav files used in this soundscape. Some of these files are redundent for certain map types; for instance, NAV files are currently used only in maps made for CS:S. AIN files are autogenerated by the game engine if not present, and may be embedded if you wish to prevent the "Node graph out of date, rebuilding" message appearing when the user loads the map for the first time. The sound cache file is also autogenerated when the map is first loaded, and may be embedded to improve the initial map load time. Navigation Mesh If your bsp contains an embedded .nav file, saving the bsp will check the nav file to ensure that it matches the bsp correctly. If it does not match, you will see a message: "Nav file .nav version does not match this bsp file. Do you want to update it?" Choose Yes to alter the embedded nav file to match the bsp. Doing this prevents the "Navigation Mesh was built using a different version of this map" message that can appear on loading the map. Command-line options pakrat [] Run Pakrat as normal. If a map filename is specified, the map is loaded. pakrat -auto Run Pakrat without opening a window, and attempt an automatic scan-and-add of files used in the map .bsp using the game base directory of . The map is saved automatically if any files are added. (For future integration of Pakrat with Hammer's expert compiling mode). pakrat -list Print the directory of all files currently embedded into map .bsp pakrat -dump Dump the whole Pak lump of map .bsp as an uncompressed zip file named pakrat -save Find the file with the name in map .bsp's pak lump, and save it to disk. Keyboard shortcuts Main Window: Ctrl+L Load BSP file Ctrl+S Save BSP file Ctrl+P Preferences screen Ctrl+T Toggle between tree and list view of the files Ctrl+Q Quit Pakrat Alt+V View selected file(s) Alt+E Edit file parameters Alt+A Add file(s) to the Pak Alt+Delete Delete file(s) from the Pak Alt+S Save file(s) from the Pak to disk Alt+C Scan for used files Alt+U Start Auto Scan Scan Window: Alt+S Start scan Alt+E Select all "On Disk" files Alt+N Deselect all files Alt+R Check references to current file Alt+A Add selected files to Pak Alt+D Dismiss scan window -----------------------------------------------------------