Never tell your password to anyone. Wednesday, May 13, 2015 Acer....'???????????: i'll let you know if i'm doing any others, I don't want us to start portng the same maps Acer....'???????????: we've got 300 to do B O A T I: ye Acer....'???????????: sf astrodome's dome you can port Acer....'???????????: it's a model B O A T I: its not very pretty, i'm just going to remake it Acer....'???????????: upscale! B O A T I: i've already got the basic brushwork exported, just need to clean it up and texture Acer....'???????????: Acer....'???????????: the random blue at the center of the image is what was lost when I ported B O A T I: looks good Acer....'???????????: got any images from skywalk port? B O A T I: yeah let me launch 3dsmax, its using placeholder textures right now B O A T I: make sure you have Use Two Sided Lighting checked for your map's model, or your lighting will go through the backside of polys B O A T I: after you place your model in the world its under lighting > lightmass settings B O A T I: theres skywalk Acer....'???????????: nice Acer....'???????????: You know the flag model, you could use the alternative ingame model, \models\heart Acer....'???????????: also, do you have a todo list for uforts? Acer....'???????????: or a needed list B O A T I: i have one written down physically, not anything online B O A T I: right now on my list i have model ammo crate and health recharge station finish astrodome layout create, texture, and implement modified ut4 weapons for each class create different health values for each class basic layout for all maps fix index 0 bug B O A T I: besides that the game is playable Acer....'???????????: I can do "model ammo crate and health recharge station" B O A T I: yeah if you'd like to that would be great. Acer....'???????????: I don't know animation on Unreal, so that might take a while Acer....'???????????: I'm willing to upload the content to the git though, so others can reuse it B O A T I: sure, the ammo crate should be 100x200x100cm and the health recharge can be any size, just keep it under 200x200 B O A T I: im not sure on animations either, but it seems pretty straight forward Acer....'???????????: I like unreal, because you can scale B O A T I: yeah Acer....'???????????: can't you link code to a model? B O A T I: yea Acer....'???????????: E to +hp and run animation B O A T I: yep B O A T I: i already have them in the game Acer....'???????????: nice B O A T I: B O A T I: just not modeled Acer....'???????????: can you add a animation that can be used on the playerview? B O A T I is now Online. B O A T I: i dont think so B O A T I: if an animation plays everyone will see it, what did you have in mind? Acer....'???????????: player uses free hand, sticks it in a machine and is injected Acer....'???????????: or do you want the original models? B O A T I: well theres 2 problems with that idea, first one is that gameplay wise, you can use them the same as sourceforts, as in you an move around and still shoot while charging, 2nd is that i dont think i could add unique animations for the player to play easily. it would be possible though B O A T I: the original models fit what we need, but you can make literally anything that fits the idea of a health recharge station B O A T I: and as far as flag models go, slappywag is already working on one that is similar to the original sf B O A T I: is what it looks like now with dev textures B O A T I: its going to have glowing bits and particles n an idle animation later, just placeholder for now