Player Classes -------------- Creating a new playerclass within the SDK Template is Very easy, and involves 6 steps! Step 1: Open sdk_shareddefs.h and sdk_shareddefs.cpp (.h) increment the define SDK_NUM_PLAYERCLASSES to reflect the new count of player classes you will have (.cpp) modify pszPossiblePlayerModels, and add any player models you'll be using. if You're using teams; (.cpp) modify both pszTeamBlueClasses, and pszRedBlueClasses to add your new player class. if you're not using teams: (.cpp) modify pszPlayerClasses and add your new player class. Step 2: create a new playerclass script for your new class. If you're using teams, you'll need a playerclass_blue_classX.txt file and a playerclass_red_classX.txt file, if you're not you only need a new playerclass_pc_classX.txt Step 3: create new .res file's for your new classes inside the "classes" folder - This is for the player class screen, where it shows the information for the class. Step 4: modify resource\ui\classmenu_XXX.res to add new buttons to select your new classes. Step 5: modify your language.txt file to add any new localization strings (ie: descriptions) you're using. Step 6: Compile your mod, load it up, and if everything was successful you should have a new class to choose! r.cpp to your new weapon. Have fun!