-------------------------------------------------------- CHANGELOG -------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- 1.9.6 Beta 16 Changes ---------------------------- - Fixed overload materials (Thank you, arenaceous!) - Cherry-picked a few PRs from ValveSoftware/source-sdk-2013 o Fix incompatibility with more recent conforming iconv implementations o No longer use ">" to check for pointer validity o Improve shell scripts o Move cursor to the actual center of the chat box o Fix Linux soundscapes - Fixed a possible memory leak on grenades ( ValveSoftware/source-sdk-2013#437 ) ---------------------------- 1.9.6 Beta 15 Changes ---------------------------- - Fixed Multiplayer Options tab - Fixed listen server settings page - Fixed a couple client crashes at the end of a match - Added Pulsar theme from SourceForts 1.9.2 as alternate game startup music, as requested - Fixed Engineer class name being displayed as Builder - Updated CHL2_Player::StopSprinting() for consistency ---------------------------- 1.9.6 Beta 14 Changes ---------------------------- - SLAMs now attaches to physics objects correctly. If the object moves, the SLAM explodes (tonysergi/source-sdk-2013@c6576b4) - SLAMs now can be killed by enemies (tonysergi/source-sdk-2013@11b5044) - Now func_nofreeze and func_flagzone take in consideration all the possible blocks placed by mappers - Enabled freezing of func_physbox by default, as requested on the bugtracker - Renamed all materials and models, so they have lower case names. This fixes many issues on linux - Replaced the HL2MP logo with the SourceForts logo on the MOTD screen ---------------------------- 1.9.6 Beta 13 Changes ---------------------------- - Fixed sprint energy depletion on death - Re-enabled sv_stickysprint - Fixed the issue of the sprint speed after death (m_iClass wasn't being properly replicated) - Re-enabled "Suit Equipping" - necessary to fix the sprint issue without hacks (why was it disabled, anyway?) - Added base class Item and items item_battery, item_healthkit, item_healthvial (Thank you, arenaceous!) ---------------------------- 1.9.6 Beta 12 Changes ---------------------------- - Many internal changes to the code. Old bugs might pop up, current bugs might vanish. Keep eyes open! - SLAMs are now removed when the player switches teams and classes - Fixed oddities with walk, run and sprint speed - Added arenaceous updates to the materials directory ---------------------------- 1.9.6 Beta 11 Changes ---------------------------- A BIG "Thank you!" to arenaceous! Most of the cosmetic changes in this update was his awesome work! :D - Fixed Death Messages HUD indicator - Added new `sourceforts-extra-glyphs.ttf` font with skull death and block death glyphs - Warning: Programmer's Art included! :P - Scoreboard sorting function priority order: score > frags > deaths > join order (for deterministic sorting) - Added spectators to the scoreboard - Team score on scoreboard is now displayed after the team name - Added team coloring to the team header - Massive update to SourceForts FGD, updated with SourceSDK 2013 features and small QOL improvements - Added missing detail.vbsp and lights.rad - Added a bunch of texture fixes and improvements by arenaceous. List below: o materials/banner/ v sf_flag_banner_red v sf_flag_banner_blue o materials/sf/decals/ v decal_mark_grey_01 v decal_sflogo_blue_01 v decal_sflogo_grey_01 v decal_sflogo_red_01 o materials/sf/sf_crete/ v sf_crete_checker_blue v sf_crete_checker_gray v sf_crete_checker_red o materials/vgui/endgame/ v sf_logo o materials/vgui/sf/ v BetaLogo.vtf v BetaLogoB.vtf v BetaLogoR.vtf o materials/vgui/logos/ v spray_flagd v spray_gravtool v spray_greaterthan v spray_nadespam v spray_newb v spray_rktwhor o materials/vgui/logos/ui/ v spray_canned v spray_combine v spray_cop v spray_dog v spray_flagd v spray_freeman v spray_gravtool v spray_greaterthan v spray_head v spray_lambda v spray_nadespam v spray_newb v spray_plumbed v spray_rktwhor v spray_soldier o materials/crate/ v crate_tex_final_blue v crate_tex_final_grey v crate_tex_final_none v crate_tex_final_normal v crate_tex_final_red v crate_tex_final_internal o resource/ v sourceforts.ico v sourceforts.tga v sourceforts_big.tga ---------------------------- 1.9.6 Beta 10 Changes ---------------------------- - Added `variables.txt` file to the root of the mod folder with all the custom variables and commands info. - Massive Convar and ConCommand cleanup - Merged `sf_soldier_combineball_enabled` into `sf_soldier_combineball` - Massive code cleanup - Added 357 weapon back in. Players should only have access to it through cheats - Added descriptions to tons of Console Variables and Commands - Fixed "Battery" user message errors - Added a few fixes to AR2 alt fire from SourceSDK code - Rewritten Scoreboard from scratch o It borrows ListPanel from Zombie Master: Reborn code. Go check it out, it's an awesome mod! o Spectate section is missing ---------------------------- 1.9.6 Beta 9 Changes ---------------------------- - Linux binaries! ---------------------------- 1.9.6 Beta 8 Changes ---------------------------- - `map_restart` command crash fixed - Added the cut feature Smoke Grenades from Sourceforts to Scout's SMG1 o Fixed Scout's SMG1 secondary fire. o Added `sf_scout_smoke_grenade` server variable to configure the amount of smoke grenade the scout class spawns. Defaults to 0. o By default, players spawn with no grenades. This is a feature easy to abuse and it was added mostly for fun. o The smoke grenade behaves differently from Sourceforts mostly due to changes in Source SDK itself. This might never be fixed. o It's easy to abuse this feature (with suicides/respawns). Don't turn it on, on public servers. o I'm still considering adding a limit timer to it, but might be more trouble than it's worth. - Added ar2 alt fire (combine ball) back in o This should be considered a Fun feature! It shouldn't ever be enabled on public servers or competitive play! o Added `sf_soldier_combineball_enabled` console variable to control if the player can actually shoot combine balls. Default: 0 o Added `sf_soldier_combineball` console variable to control the amount of ammo the player will spawn. (Will not work if `sf_soldier_combineball_enabled` is set to 0!). Default: 0 o This "double lock" variable system might be silly, but it's easier to prevent an exploit that way. ---------------------------- 1.9.6 Beta 7 Changes ---------------------------- - Fixed the invincibility bug - Attempt to replace the changeteam command code with HL2DM one (with some minor modifications). Needs testing! ---------------------------- 1.9.6 Beta 6 Changes ---------------------------- - Sprint energy draining and replenishment should be equal to SourceForts o Sprint energy is drained a little bit when you release the sprint button. This is a fix from HL2DM that was kept o There is no delay to start recharging the sprint energy o Energy is only consumed by sprinting - Flashlight should work without interferring with sprint or consume energy (use mp_flashlight to enable it, disabled by default) - Water breathing should work without spending energy ---------------------------- 1.9.6 Beta 5 Changes ---------------------------- - Sprint energy draining should be fixed now o With the sprint changes, flashlight and breathing under water might be broken ---------------------------- 1.9.6 Beta 4 Changes ---------------------------- - "jointeam" command should behave exactly like "changeteam" command now - Changed how sprint works, to allow proper prediction (Warning: Stamina draining should be wrong, to be fixed in next build) ---------------------------- 1.9.6 Beta 3 Changes ---------------------------- - Reverted damage changes in build phase - New experimental repositioning when changing teams on build phase ---------------------------- 1.9.6 Beta 2 Changes ---------------------------- - Removed (experimental) Tony Sergi mp animation fixes, as they caused blocks to be placed incorrectly and had wrong shotgun animations - Attempted to solve change team issues on build phase, allowing damage (thus, allowing suicide) - Fixed sf_charger_health behavior, now you get healed with the specified amount - Fixed team changing crashes in combat phase ---------------------------- 1.9.6 Beta 1 Changes ---------------------------- - Upgraded to Source SDK 2013! - Fixed a bug where attempting to join a team after connecting to a server too fast wouldn't allow the team change - Fixed an issue with the old (and broken) sf_banlist - Fixed a network error with health wall charger ---------------------------- Major 1.9.4 Changes ---------------------------- -------------- ADDED -------------- - sf_canyon - sf_overloaded -------------- UPDATED -------------- - sf_abandon - sf_astrodome - sf_basin - sf_fronts - sf_overload - sf_skywalk - sf_sphinx - sf_tactical -------------- FIXED -------------- - Team joining issues - Team score issues - Shotgun firing issues - Block freezing issues - Spectator flashlight bug - Block count on phase change - Snipers start with full ammo - Spectator exploits - Players recover stamina while jumping - Rocket flag exploit - Slam bugs - Teammate damage exploits - Ammo crate locking exploit - Block healing exploits - Block freezing exploits - General prop_physics crashing bugs - Flag return sound bug