// "surface group" 
// { 
// "property" 	"value"
// ...
// }
// thickness: If this value is present, the material is not volumetrically solid
// it means that the volume should be computed as the surface area times this
// thickness (for automatic mass).  The inside space beneath the thickness value is air.
// physics parameters are:
// density: this is the material density in kg / m^3 (water is 1000)
// elasticity: This is the collision elasticity (0 - 1.0, 0.01 is soft, 1.0 is hard)
// friction: this is the physical friction (0 - 1.0, 0.01 is slick, 1.0 is totally rough)
// dampening: this is the physical drag on an object when in contact with this surface (0 - x, 0 none to x a lot)
// !!! Do not edit the physics properties (especially density) without the proper references !!!
// Sounds
// stepleft: footstep sound for left foot
// stepright: footstep sound for right foot
// impactsoft: Physical impact sound when hitting soft surfaces
// impacthard: Physical impact sound when hitting hard surfaces
// scrapesmooth: Looping physics friction sound (when scraping smooth surfaces)
// scraperough: Looping physics friction sound (when scraping rough surfaces)
// bulletimpact: bullet impact sound
// gamematerial: game material index (can be a single letter or a number)

// NOTE: The properties of "default" will get copied into EVERY material who does not
// 	 override them!!!
// "base" means to use the parameters from that material as a base.
// "base" must appear as the first key in a material

// -----------------------------
// world materials
// -----------------------------

// NOTE: "default" properties are assigned to ALL other materials unless overriden!!!
	"density"	"2000"
	"elasticity"	"0.25"
	"friction"	"0.8"
	"dampening"	"0.0"

	"stepleft"	"Default.StepLeft"
	"stepright"	"Default.StepRight"
	"bulletimpact"	"Default.BulletImpact"
	"scraperough"	"Default.ScrapeRough"
	"scrapesmooth"	"Default.ScrapeSmooth"
	"impacthard"	"Default.ImpactHard"
	"impactsoft"	"Default.ImpactSoft"

	"audioreflectivity" "0.66"
	"audiohardnessfactor" "1.0"
	"audioroughnessfactor" "1.0"

	"scrapeRoughThreshold" "0.5"
	"impactHardThreshold" "0.5"

	"gamematerial"	"C"
	"jumpfactor" "1.0"
	"maxspeedfactor" "1.0"
	"climbable"	"0"

// NOTE: Almost nothing is solid metal - so "metal" is sheet metal
	"density"	"2700"
	"elasticity"	"0.1"
	"audioreflectivity" "0.83"
	"friction"	"0.8"
	"stepleft"	"SolidMetal.StepLeft"
	"stepright"	"SolidMetal.StepRight"
	"impacthard"	"SolidMetal.ImpactHard"
	"impactsoft"	"SolidMetal.ImpactSoft"
	"scraperough"	"SolidMetal.ScrapeRough"
	"scrapesmooth"	"SolidMetal.ScrapeSmooth"
	"bulletimpact"	"SolidMetal.BulletImpact"

	// "strain"		"SolidMetal.Strain"

	"gamematerial"	"M"

// metal box - smaller metal box (< 2' width/height/depth)

	"base"	"solidmetal"
	"thickness"	"0.1"

	"stepleft"	"Metal_Box.StepLeft"
	"stepright"	"Metal_Box.StepRight"
	"bulletimpact"	"Metal_Box.BulletImpact"
	"scraperough"	"Metal_Box.ScrapeRough"
	"scrapesmooth"	"Metal_Box.ScrapeSmooth"
	"impacthard"	"Metal_Box.ImpactHard"
	"impactsoft"	"Metal_Box.ImpactSoft"

	"break"		"Metal_Box.Break"
	// "strain"		"Metal_Box.Strain"

// Assume that everything we are building
// is large enough to be constructed out of a thin sheet of metal
// only flag a few things as "solidmetal" (I-Beams, anvils, etc)
	"base"		"solidmetal"
	"elasticity"	"0.25"
	"thickness"	"0.1"

	"base"		"solidmetal"
	"elasticity"	"1000"
	"friction"	"0"
	"density"	"10000"

// Airboat pontoons have very low friction
// TODO: make the pontoon material separate from the rest of the airboat?
	"base"		"metal"
	"friction"	"0.1"
	"elasticity" "0.15"

	"audioreflectivity" "0.83"
	"audioroughnessfactor" "0.1"

// metal grating, used for decking

	"thickness"	"0.5"
	"density"	"1600"
	"elasticity"	"0.25"
	"friction"	"0.8"

	"stepleft"	"MetalGrate.StepLeft"
	"stepright"	"MetalGrate.StepRight"
	"impacthard"	"MetalGrate.ImpactHard"
	"impactsoft"	"MetalGrate.ImpactSoft"
	"scraperough"	"MetalGrate.ScrapeRough"
	"scrapeSmooth"	"MetalGrate.ScrapeSmooth"
	"bulletimpact"	"MetalGrate.BulletImpact"

	"audioreflectivity" "0.83"

	// "strain"		"Metal_Box.Strain"

	"gamematerial"	"G"

// ~1mm thick metal

	"base"		"metal_box"
	"thickness"	"0.04"
	"density"	"2700"
	"elasticity"	"0.1"
	"friction"	"0.8"

	"stepleft"	"MetalVent.StepLeft"
	"stepright"	"MetalVent.StepRight"
	"impacthard"	"MetalVent.ImpactHard"
	"audioreflectivity" "0.33"
	"audioroughnessfactor" "0.1"

	"gamematerial"	"V"

// thick solid steel panel - used for solid wall, floor, machine construction

	"base"		"metal"
	"thickness"	"0.1"
	"density"	"2700"
	"elasticity"	"0.2"
	"friction"	"0.8"

	"audioreflectivity" "0.33"
	"audioroughnessfactor" "0.1"

	"gamematerial"	"M"

	"density"	"1600"
	"elasticity"	"0.01"
	"friction"	"0.8"

	"stepleft"	"Dirt.StepLeft"
	"stepright"	"Dirt.StepRight"
	"impacthard"	"Dirt.Impact"
	"scraperough"	"Dirt.Scrape"
	"bulletimpact"	"Dirt.BulletImpact"

	"audioreflectivity" "0.03"
	"audiohardnessfactor" "0.25"

	"gamematerial"	"D"

	"base"		 "dirt"
	"friction"	 "0.6"
	"dampening"	 "6.0"

	"stepleft"	 "Mud.StepLeft"
	"stepright"	 "Mud.StepRight"
	"audiohardnessfactor" "0.0"
	"audioroughnessfactor" "0.1"

	"base"		"dirt"
	"friction"	 "0.1"
	"jumpfactor" "0.7"

	"stepleft"	 "SlipperySlime.StepLeft"
	"stepright"	 "SlipperySlime.StepRight"

	"audiohardnessfactor" "0.0"
	"audioroughnessfactor" "0.1"

	"base"		"dirt"
	"stepleft"	"Grass.StepLeft"
	"stepright"	"Grass.StepRight"

	"thickness"	"0.5"
	"density"	"2700"
	"elasticity"	"0.3"
	"friction"	"0.8"

	"stepleft"	"Tile.StepLeft"
	"stepright"	"Tile.StepRight"

	"audioreflectivity" "0.99"
	"audioroughnessfactor" "0.1"

	"bulletimpact"	"Tile.BulletImpact"
	"gamematerial"	"T"

// generic wood (NOTE: materials should use wood_box, wood_crate, wood_plank, wood_panel etc)

	"density"	"700"
	"elasticity"	"0.1"
	"friction"	"0.8"

	"stepleft"		"Wood.StepLeft"
	"stepright"		"Wood.StepRight"
	"bulletimpact"	"Wood.BulletImpact"
	"scraperough"	"Wood.ScrapeRough"
	"scrapesmooth"	"Wood.ScrapeSmooth"
	"impacthard"	"Wood.ImpactHard"
	"impactsoft"	"Wood.ImpactSoft"

//	"strain"		"Wood.Strain"
	"break"			"Wood.Break"

	"audioreflectivity" "0.33"
	"audiohardnessfactor" "0.25"

	"gamematerial"	"W"

	"base"		"wood"
	"density"	"300"

// small crate

	"base"	"Wood"

	"stepleft"		"Wood_Box.StepLeft"
	"stepright"		"Wood_Box.StepRight"
	"bulletimpact"	"Wood_Box.BulletImpact"
	"scraperough"	"Wood_Box.ScrapeRough"
	"scrapesmooth"	"Wood_Box.ScrapeSmooth"
	"impacthard"	"Wood_Box.ImpactHard"
	"impactsoft"	"Wood_Box.ImpactSoft"

//	"strain"		"Wood_Box.Strain"
	"break"			"Wood_Box.Break"


// large crate, large wood furniture (bookcases, tables)

	"base"	"Wood"

	"stepleft"		"Wood_Crate.StepLeft"
	"stepright"		"Wood_Crate.StepRight"
	"scraperough"	"Wood_Crate.ScrapeRough"
	"scrapesmooth"	"Wood_Crate.ScrapeSmooth"
	"impacthard"	"Wood_Crate.ImpactHard"
	"impactsoft"	"Wood_Crate.ImpactSoft"

//	"strain"		"Wood_Crate.Strain"
	"break"			"Wood_Crate.Break"


// wood board, floorboard, plank

	"base"	"Wood_Box"

	"bulletimpact"	"Wood_Plank.BulletImpact"
	"scraperough"	"Wood_Plank.ScrapeRough"
	"scrapesmooth"	"Wood_Plank.ScrapeSmooth"
	"impacthard"	"Wood_Plank.ImpactHard"
	"impactsoft"	"Wood_Plank.ImpactSoft"

//	"strain"		"Wood_Plank.Strain"
	"break"			"Wood_Plank.Break"


// solid 6x6 or greater block, post or tree

	"base"	"Wood"

	"bulletimpact"	"Wood_Solid.BulletImpact"
	"scraperough"	"Wood_Solid.ScrapeRough"
	"scrapesmooth"	"Wood_Solid.ScrapeSmooth"
	"impacthard"	"Wood_Solid.ImpactHard"
	"impactsoft"	"Wood_Solid.ImpactSoft"

//	"strain"		"Wood_Solid.Strain"
	"break"			"Wood_Solid.Break"


// small wood furniture - chairs, small tables

	"base"	"Wood_Box"

	"impactsoft"	"Wood_Furniture.ImpactSoft"

//	"strain"		"Wood_Furniture.Strain"
	"break"			"Wood_Furniture.Break"


// wood panel - plywood panel, wood door panel

	"base"	"Wood_Crate"
	"thickness"		"1.0"

	"stepleft"		"Wood_Panel.StepLeft"
	"stepright"		"Wood_Panel.StepRight"
	"bulletimpact"	"Wood_Panel.BulletImpact"
	"scraperough"	"Wood_Panel.ScrapeRough"
	"scrapesmooth"	"Wood_Panel.ScrapeSmooth"
	"impacthard"	"Wood_Panel.ImpactHard"
	"impactsoft"	"Wood_Panel.ImpactSoft"

//	"strain"		"Wood_Panel.Strain"
	"break"			"Wood_Panel.Break"


	"density"	"1000"
	"elasticity"	"0.1"
	"friction"	"0.8"

	"stepleft"	"Water.StepLeft"
	"stepright"	"Water.StepRight"
	"bulletimpact"	"Water.BulletImpact"

	"audioreflectivity" "0.33"
	"audioroughnessfactor" "0.1"
	"audiohardnessfactor" "0.0"

	"gamematerial"	"S"

	"density"	"2000"
	"elasticity" "0.1"
	"friction"	"0.9"
	"dampening"	 "200.0"

	"stepleft"	"Mud.StepLeft"
	"stepright"	"Mud.StepRight"
	"bulletimpact"	"Water.BulletImpact"

	"gamematerial"	"S"

	"audioreflectivity" "0.33"
	"audiohardnessfactor" "0.0"
	"audioroughnessfactor" "0.1"

	"density"	"600"
	"elasticity"	"2.0"

	"audioreflectivity" "0.33"
	"audiohardnessfactor" "0.0"
	"audioroughnessfactor" "1.0"

// wade is a water material for walking in/on water at knee height
	"base"		"water"
	"stepleft"	"Wade.StepLeft"
	"stepright"	"Wade.StepRight"

	"audioreflectivity" "0.33"

	"gamematerial" "X"

// ladder is a fake material for walking on ladders
	"base"		"metal"
	"climbable"	"1.0"
	"stepleft"	"Ladder.StepLeft"
	"stepright"	"Ladder.StepRight"

	"audioreflectivity" "0.33"

	"gamematerial" "X"

	"base"		"wood"
	"climbable"	"1.0"
	"stepleft"	"Ladder.WoodStepLeft"
	"stepright"	"Ladder.WoodStepRight"

	"audioreflectivity" "0.33"

	"gamematerial" "X"

// pane of glass, computer screen, window, glass door

	"thickness"	"0.5"
	"density"	"2700"
	"elasticity"	"0.2"
	"friction"	"0.5"

	"stepleft"		"Glass.StepLeft"
	"stepright"		"Glass.StepRight"
	"scraperough"	"Glass.ScrapeRough"
	"scrapesmooth"	"Glass.ScrapeSmooth"
	"impacthard"	"Glass.ImpactHard"
	"impactsoft"	"Glass.ImpactSoft"
	"bulletimpact"	"Glass.BulletImpact"
	// "strain"		"Glass.Strain"
	"break"			"Glass.Break"

	"audioreflectivity" "0.66"
	"audiohardnessfactor" "1.0"

	"audioroughnessfactor" "0.0"
	"gamematerial"	"Y"

// computer case, tech equipment case

	"base"		"metal_box"

	"bulletimpact"	"Computer.BulletImpact"
	"impacthard"	"Computer.ImpactHard"
	"impactsoft"	"Computer.ImpactSoft"

	"gamematerial"	"P"

	"density"	"2400"
	"elasticity"	"0.2"
	"friction"	"0.8"

	"stepleft"		"Concrete.StepLeft"
	"stepright"		"Concrete.StepRight"
	"scraperough"	"Concrete.ScrapeRough"
	"scrapesmooth"	"Concrete.ScrapeSmooth"
	"impacthard"	"Concrete.ImpactHard"
	"impactsoft"	"Concrete.ImpactSoft"
	"bulletimpact"	"Concrete.BulletImpact"

	"audioreflectivity" "0.66"

	"gamematerial"	"C"

// Solid rock (small sounds)
	"base"		"concrete"
	"impacthard"	"Rock.ImpactHard"
	"impactsoft"	"Rock.ImpactSoft"
	"scraperough"	"Rock.ImpactHard"
	"scrapesmooth"	"Rock.ImpactSoft"


// tubs, urinals, sinks

	"base"		"rock"

// Large solid rock (large sounds)
	"base"		"rock"
	"scraperough"	"Boulder.ScrapeRough"
	"scrapesmooth"	"Boulder.ScrapeSmooth"
	"impacthard"	"Boulder.ImpactHard"
	"impactsoft"	"Boulder.ImpactSoft"

	"base"		"rock"
	"friction"	"0.4"
	"stepleft"	"Gravel.StepLeft"

	"base"		"rock"

// 9x12 prefabricated concrete cinder blocks

	"base"		"concrete"
	"impacthard"	"Concrete_Block.ImpactHard"

// chainlink fencing material

	"thickness"	"0.5"
	"density"	"1600"
	"elasticity"	"0.25"
	"friction"	"0.8"
	"stepleft"	"ChainLink.StepLeft"
	"stepright"	"ChainLink.StepRight"
	"impacthard"	"ChainLink.ImpactHard"
	"impactsoft"	"ChainLink.ImpactSoft"
	"scraperough"	"ChainLink.ScrapeRough"
	"scrapesmooth"	"ChainLink.ScrapeSmooth"
	"bulletimpact"	"ChainLink.BulletImpact"
	"gamematerial"	"G"

// metal chain

	"base"		"chainlink"
	"impacthard"	"ChainLink.ImpactHard"
	"impactsoft"	"ChainLink.ImpactSoft"
	"scraperough"	"ChainLink.ScrapeRough"
	"scrapesmooth"	"ChainLink.ScrapeSmooth"
	"bulletimpact"	"ChainLink.BulletImpact"
	"gamematerial"	"G"

// medium sized body

	"density"	"900"

	"stepleft"	"Flesh.StepLeft"
	"stepright"	"Flesh.StepRight"
	"bulletimpact"	"Flesh.BulletImpact"
	"impacthard"	"Flesh.ImpactHard"
	"impactsoft"	"Flesh.ImpactSoft"
	"scraperough"	"Flesh.ScrapeRough"
	"scrapesmooth"	"Flesh.ScrapeSmooth"

//	"strain"		"Flesh.Strain"
	"break"			"Flesh.Break"

	"audiohardnessfactor" "0.25"
	"audioHardMinVelocity" "500"
	"audioroughnessfactor" "0.1"

	"gamematerial"	"F"

// gibs

	"base"			"flesh"

	"impacthard"	"Flesh_Bloody.ImpactHard"

	"gamematerial"	"B"

	"base"			"flesh"

	"gamematerial"	"H"

// Flesh for physics, metal for bullet fx
	"base"		"flesh"
	"bulletimpact"	"ArmorFlesh.BulletImpact"

	"audiohardnessfactor" "1.0"
	"audioroughnessfactor" "0.1"

	"gamematerial"	"M"

	"density"	"900"
	"bulletimpact"	"Watermelon.BulletImpact"
	"impacthard"	"Watermelon.Impact"
	"scraperough"	"Watermelon.Scrape"

	"audiohardnessfactor" "0.25"
	"audioroughnessfactor" "0.1"

	"gamematerial"	"W"

	"base"		"dirt"
	"density"	"800"
	"friction"	"0.35"

	"audiohardnessfactor" "0.25"

	"density"	"917"
	"friction"	"0.1"
	"elasticity"	"0.1"

	"audioroughnessfactor" "0.1"

// UNDONE: Do proper values for these - I made them up so I would have good
// initial values for all VMTs
	"base"		"dirt"
	"density"	"500"
	"thickness"	"0.1"
	"elasticity"	"0.01"
	"friction"	"0.8"
	"impacthard"	"Carpet.Impact"
	"bulletimpact"	"Carpet.BulletImpact"
	"scraperough"	"Carpet.Scrape"

	"audioreflectivity" "0.03"
	"audiohardnessfactor" "0.25"
	"audioroughnessfactor" "0.1"

// drywall, office wall material, sheetrock

	"base"		"dirt"
	"audiohardnessfactor" "0.5"
	"audioroughnessfactor" "0.1"

	"stepleft"		"drywall.StepLeft"
	"stepright"		"drywall.StepRight"
	"bulletimpact"	"drywall.ImpactHard"
	"scraperough"	"ceiling_tile.ScrapeRough"
	"scrapesmooth"	"ceiling_tile.ScrapeSmooth"
	"impacthard"	"drywall.ImpactHard"
	"impactsoft"	"drywall.ImpactSoft"

//	"strain"		"Cardboard.Strain"
	"break"			"Cardboard.Break"


// carboard box

	"base"		"dirt"
	"density"	"500"
	"thickness"	"0.25"

	"audiohardnessfactor" "0.25"
	"audioroughnessfactor" "0.25"

	"stepleft"		"Cardboard.StepLeft"
	"stepright"		"Cardboard.StepRight"
	"bulletimpact"	"Cardboard.BulletImpact"
	"scraperough"	"Cardboard.ScrapeRough"
	"scrapesmooth"	"Cardboard.ScrapeSmooth"
	"impacthard"	"Cardboard.ImpactHard"
	"impactsoft"	"Cardboard.ImpactSoft"

//	"shake"			"Cardboard.Shake"
//	"strain"		"Cardboard.Strain"
	"break"			"Cardboard.Break"


// larger plastic barrel, hollow, soft plastic

	"density"	"500"
	"thickness"	"0.25"
	"elasticity"	"0.01"
	"friction"	"0.8"

	"audiohardnessfactor" "0.25"
	"audioroughnessfactor" "0.25"

	"stepleft"		"Plastic_Barrel.StepLeft"
	"stepright"		"Plastic_Barrel.StepRight"
	"bulletimpact"	"Plastic_Barrel.BulletImpact"
	"scraperough"	"Plastic_Barrel.ScrapeRough"
	"scrapesmooth"	"Plastic_Barrel.ScrapeSmooth"
	"impacthard"	"Plastic_Barrel.ImpactHard"
	"impactsoft"	"Plastic_Barrel.ImpactSoft"

//	"shake"			"Plastic_Barrel.Shake"
//	"strain"		"Plastic_Barrel.Strain"
	"break"			"Plastic_Barrel.Break"
//	"roll"			"Plastic_Barrel.Roll"

	"gamematerial"	"L"

// small - medium plastic box, hard plastic

	"density"	"500"
	"elasticity"	"0.01"
	"friction"	"0.8"
	"thickness"	"0.25"

	"audiohardnessfactor" "0.25"
	"audioroughnessfactor" "0.25"

	"stepleft"		"Plastic_Box.StepLeft"
	"stepright"		"Plastic_Box.StepRight"
	"bulletimpact"	"Plastic_Box.BulletImpact"
	"scraperough"	"Plastic_Box.ScrapeRough"
	"scrapesmooth"	"Plastic_Box.ScrapeSmooth"
	"impacthard"	"Plastic_Box.ImpactHard"
	"impactsoft"	"Plastic_Box.ImpactSoft"

//	"strain"		"Plastic_Box.Strain"
	"break"			"Plastic_Box.Break"

	"gamematerial"	"L"

// smaller generic hard plastic

 	"base"		"Plastic_Box"
	"audioroughnessfactor" "0.1"

	"bulletimpact"	"Plastic_Box.ImpactHard"

// small med kit, smaller tech items, battery

	"base"		"Plastic_Box"
	"density"	"600"

	"bulletimpact"	"Plastic_Box.ImpactHard"

// This one is used for puzzles where we want something that floats
// but the player can stand on without it sinking beneath the water
	"base"		"dirt"
	"density"	"800"

	"base"		"dirt"
	"stepleft"	"Sand.StepLeft"
	"stepright"	"Sand.StepRight"
	"bulletimpact"	"Sand.BulletImpact"

	"audioreflectivity" "0.03"

// solid rubber floor mat, solid rubber tire

	"base"			"dirt"
	"elasticity"	"0.2"
	"friction"		"0.8"

	"stepleft"		"Rubber.StepLeft"
	"stepright"		"Rubber.StepRight"
	"impacthard"	"Rubber.ImpactHard"
	"impactsoft"	"Rubber.ImpactSoft"
	"bulletimpact"	"Rubber.BulletImpact"

	"audioroughnessfactor" "0.1"
	"audiohardnessfactor" "0.2"


// hollow rubber tire

	"base"			"rubber"

	"bulletimpact"	"Rubber_Tire.BulletImpact"
	"impacthard"	"Rubber_Tire.ImpactHard"
	"impactsoft"	"Rubber_Tire.ImpactSoft"

//	"strain"		"Rubber_Tire.Strain"

	"friction"		"1.0"

	"base"			"rubber"

	"bulletimpact"	"Rubber_Tire.BulletImpact"
	"impacthard"	"Rubber_Tire.ImpactHard"
	"impactsoft"	"Rubber_Tire.ImpactSoft"

//	"strain"		"Rubber_Tire.Strain"

	"friction"		"1.337"

	"base"			"rubber"
	"friction"		"0.2"

	"base"			"rubber"
	"friction"		"0.6"

	"base"			"rubber"
	"friction"		"0.2"

	"base"			"rubber"
	"friction"		"0.2"

// -----------------------------
// objects
// -----------------------------

// glass soda bottle, cup, plate, jar

	"base"		"glass"
	"friction"	"0.4"
	"elasticity"	"0.3"

	"stepleft"		"GlassBottle.StepLeft"
	"stepright"		"GlassBottle.StepRight"
	"impacthard"	"GlassBottle.ImpactHard"
	"impactsoft"	"GlassBottle.ImpactSoft"
	"scraperough"	"GlassBottle.ScrapeRough"
	"scrapesmooth"	"GlassBottle.ScrapeSmooth"
	"bulletimpact"	"GlassBottle.BulletImpact"

	"break"			"GlassBottle.Break"

// ceramic jug, mug

	"base"		"glassbottle"
	"friction"	"0.4"
	"elasticity"	"0.3"

	"impacthard"	"Pottery.ImpactHard"
	"impactsoft"	"Pottery.ImpactSoft"
	"bulletimpact"	"Pottery.BulletImpact"

	"break"			"Pottery.Break"

// solid hand grenade

	"base"		"metalpanel"
	"friction"	"0.9"
	"elasticity"	"0.01"

	"audiohardnessfactor" "1.0"
	"audioroughnessfactor" "0.4"

	"stepleft"		"Grenade.StepLeft"
	"stepright"		"Grenade.StepRight"
	"bulletimpact"	"Grenade.ImpactHard"
	"scraperough"	"Grenade.ScrapeRough"
	"scrapesmooth"	"Grenade.ScrapeSmooth"
	"impacthard"	"Grenade.ImpactHard"
	"impactsoft"	"Grenade.ImpactSoft"
	// "roll"		"Grenade.Roll"

// large oxygen tank, propane tank, welding tank

	"base"		"metalpanel"
	"impacthard"	"Canister.ImpactHard"
	"impactsoft"	"Canister.ImpactSoft"
	"scraperough"	"Canister.ScrapeRough"
	"scrapesmooth"	"Canister.ScrapeSmooth"
	// "roll"		"Canister.Roll"

// larger metal barrel, metal oil drum

	"base"		"metal_box"
	"impacthard"	"Metal_Barrel.ImpactHard"
	"impactsoft"	"Metal_Barrel.ImpactSoft"
	"bulletimpact"	"Metal_Barrel.BulletImpact"
	// "roll"		"Metal_Barrel.Roll"

	"base"		"metal_barrel"
	"density"	"500"

	"base"		"plastic_barrel"
	"density"	"150"


	"base"		"metalpanel"
	"friction"	"0.7"
	"elasticity"	"0.3"
	"impacthard"	"Roller.Impact"

// small aluminum can, full

	"base"		"metal_box"
	"friction"	"0.3"
	"elasticity"	"0.99"
	"impacthard"	"Popcan.ImpactHard"
	"impactsoft"	"Popcan.ImpactSoft"
	"scraperough"	"Popcan.ScrapeRough"
	"scrapesmooth"	"Popcan.ScrapeSmooth"
	"bulletimpact"	"Popcan.BulletImpact"
	// strain		// none
	// break		// none

// paint can, smaller metal can

	"base"		"popcan"
	"friction"	"0.3"
	"elasticity"	"0.99"
	"impacthard"	"Paintcan.ImpactHard"
	"impactsoft"	"Paintcan.ImpactSoft"

	//"roll"		"Paintcan.Roll"
	// strain		// none
	// break		// none

	"base"		"cardboard"

	"base"		"paper"
	"friction"	"0.8"
	"elasticity"	"0.1"
	"impacthard"	"Papercup.Impact"
	"scraperough"	"Popcan.ScrapeRough"

// accoustic ceiling tiles, sound baffles, crumbly plaster
	"base"		"cardboard"

	"stepleft"		"ceiling_tile.StepLeft"
	"stepright"		"ceiling_tile.StepRight"
	"bulletimpact"	"ceiling_tile.BulletImpact"
	"scraperough"	"ceiling_tile.ScrapeRough"
	"scrapesmooth"	"ceiling_tile.ScrapeSmooth"
	"impacthard"	"ceiling_tile.ImpactHard"
	"impactsoft"	"ceiling_tile.ImpactSoft"

	"break"			"ceiling_tile.Break"

// weapon models - sounds for when weapons drop
// Maybe we'll want specific materials for each weapon?
	"base"		"metal"
	"stepleft"		"weapon.StepLeft"
	"stepright"		"weapon.StepRight"
	"bulletimpact"	"weapon.BulletImpact"
	"scraperough"	"weapon.ScrapeRough"
	"scrapesmooth"	"weapon.ScrapeSmooth"
	"impacthard"	"weapon.ImpactHard"
	"impactsoft"	"weapon.ImpactSoft"

// for invisible collision materials (like sky)
	"gamematerial"	"X"

// special materials for player controller
	"density"	"1000"
	"friction"	"0.5"
	"elasticity"	"0.001"

	// player is soft & smooth for sound selection
	"audiohardnessfactor" "0.0"
	"audioroughnessfactor" "0.0"

	"gamematerial"	"I"

	"density"	"900"
	"gamematerial" "-"

	"base"		"Wood_Solid"

	"density"	"700"
	"elasticity"	"0.1"
	"friction"	"0.8"

	"gamematerial"	"O"