2.0 Final Feature list and layout This document is divided into distinct parts that define the game from within certain categories. Note: 1.9.2 functionality is assumed as a baseline. For example, Blocks still have health, players are still on teams, players still have legs, etc. Please find below: Menu - This segment describes the main menu and external game media Construction - This segment defines how blocks and players interact during the construction process. Block Behavior - This segment outlines how blocks react in different scenarios. Game Modes - This segment outlines the different modes v2 maps will support, and explains how they function. Class selection - This segment lays out the different classes, their abilities and inventories, and how they are selected. Movement - This segment outlines the differences in player class movement and animation. Weaponry - This segment defines the weapons listed in the Class selection segment in more explicit detail. Maps - This segment describes the ideal v2 maplist Menu: v2 will feature a new intro logo video, rendered in a 3d application. The menu background is yet to be determined, but would probably be a combination of 3d artwork augmented by 2d work from K3Y The player skin selection menu will be removed from the options tab. Construction: Voltaire is putting together a system of parenting blocks. The core building mechanic will: Allow the attachment of one block to a another forming a group. Allow the attachment of one block to a group. Allow the attachment of one group to another group Allow the detachment from one block from a group. Allow the picking up of a group Allow the freezing / unfreezing of all blocks as one durring build phase Durring combat phase only the team that froze the structure can unfreeze it entirely Blocks will be spawned from static spawning locations, defined by the mapper. The block spawner may function as the mapper sees fit, though official maps will make use of a block spawning standard. Multiple official standards may be defined. The basic block spawner functionality will remain that of a player pressing a button and receiving the block of their choice. Various custom models and animations may augment the block spawning process, such as a machine that appears to stamp out blocks or mold blocks from molten metal, or teleport in blocks with a warping effect. Players will be equipped with a tool to build their fortifications with. A specially designed weapon, the tool will operate as a standard gravity gun, yet blocks that it carries will always collide with the world and other blocks. If the player desires, the tool may be used to rotate the block in place on a single axis, relative to the world. A key toggles what axis the tool is set to. This functionality may be altered, the outcome however is to place more of a CAD-program emphasis on building, as the current method is functional, it is not intuitive, and may be lacking in a block-parenting environment. Block Behavior: Blocks are created from spawner locations. Blocks picked up with the building tool during build time, or within a build zone, will become transparent when held. The blocks will still collide with other blocks, players, and the world at all times. While within a build zone or build time, blocks regain 100% health. When outside a build zone, within an inactive one, or during fight time, blocks may be unfrozen by a friendly player, unfrozen by an enemy player, shot by a friendly or enemy and lose health, or damaged by an enemy engineer power saw. Block health is directly related to unfreeze time, lower health blocks unfreeze faster, as in 1.9.2. Blocks that hit 0 health are destroyed, which is visually conveyed by them breaking into gibs. Each engineer unfreezing a single block simultaneously will result in a 10% faster unfreeze rate for every additional engineer. Game modes: The game will contain three distinct game modes. Each game mode will offer a separate and unique style of play as a result of differing objectives and therefore different methods of fort building and team strategy. Mode 1: Classic CTF This mode is the ctf mode found in SourceForts 1.9.2, unchanged. Mode 2: Core Run This mode bears a resemblance to the Classic CTF mode in that two teams spawn in two fort-building areas, though at the center of which is their 'reactor', not a flag. In the center of the map between the two teams is a 'power core', a green glowing rod of reflect/refracting substance. Players are all issued with a stripped-down tool called a 'core wrench' that can pick up the power core. The power core is a physically simulated cylindrical object, how heavy it is and how far it may be thrown are up for testing. Players build their forts during build time, and fight begins when that time expires. The scoring system works as follows: Red team recieves 1 point for a member of their team taking control of the power core and returning it to the reactor in red fort. Red team will receive 20 points, however, if a member of red team takes the power core to blue fort reactor. The same works for the blue team. The power core has a set of associated animations: If a red team member takes the core to the blue reactor the blue reactor explodes violently. This is mainly a visual effect, but it will do moderate damage to surrounding players and blocks, as well as impart physical force. If a red team member takes the core to the red reactor, the red reactor will glow brightly. The way this game mode is set up, each fort will require entrances because teams will wish to take advantage of the single point gained from taking the core to their home reactor. The twist lies in the fact that the enemy team must decided whether to steal the core from them and take it to their home for one point, or follow the enemy into their fort in the hope that they might kill the enemy at the last minute and insert the core into the enemy reactor with one of their teammates, and net the 20 point score. Mode 3: Occupation This mode is the farthest from the original CTF mode. In this mode, there are no flags. Scoring is determined by areas known as 'fort sites'. The more fort sites a team controls, the better their score. Red team and Blue team spawn on opposite sides of the map at their own uncapturable fort site. These sites are covered by a temporary build zone field. Inside this field, enemies instantly die, and friendly players are restricted to their construction tool. The teams are not restricted to the build zone field. They may leave the protection of the field to find other fort sites to occupy. A team captures a fort site by either occupying it with a certain number of teammates for a set period of time, or pressing a switch in the center of the fort site, which will turn the fort site to their team and bring up a build zone field for them if the enemy doesn't press it back within a short delay. Depending on the mapper, players may spawn at the fort sites they control. There will be a 20-second spawn cycle however. Inside a build zone field, players have a hud indication of how much longer the field will remain. Above that hud indicator is a smaller number indicating the number of tickets each team holds. The ticket system works as follows: Each team begins the game with a mapper-defined number of tickets. Each time a player is killed, the team loses a ticket. Teams also lose tickets for holding fewer fort sites than the enemy. Tickets are lost according to the ratio of forts held: Fort site ratio: (number of fort sites held by one team, compared to the number held by the other team) 1 to 1 - Neither team is losing tickets 1 to 2 - Lesser team loses one ticket every five seconds 1 to 3 - Lesser team loses one ticket every three seconds 1 to 4 - Lesser team loses one ticket every two seconds any higher - Lesser team still loses one ticket every two seconds A typical Occupation game may play out as follows: Red team and Blue team all spawn at their first fort sites. Each team starts with 500 tickets each. Red team all stay in their site and start to build a fort to protect it. Blue team leaves half their team in their first site and sends out scouts to capture additional fort sites. Blue team players cross through the open territory (outside of a build zone they may use guns) and make their way to other sites. At this point Red team sends out a few scouts too. Red team scouts kill one Blue team scout, but Blue team has already captured two more fort sites, as can be seen by the build zones that have appeared around them. The ticket scores are still static, forts do NOT count towards a team's fort ratio until their build zone comes down. At this point on the map there are six fort sites. Two are uncapturable, they are the original fort sites where each team spawned. Two are held by the Blue team, and have build zones raised around them. One is held by red team, and is also covered by a build zone. One fort site is open and uncaptured. The build zones on the original uncapturable forts come down. When a team holds more than one fort site, their first base, the one they originally spawned at, is no longer uncapturable. The only time a fort site is uncapturable is when it is the only one a team holds. In this scenario, Red team rushes the fort site that blue team originally spawned at, enters the fort with multiple red players, and hits the capture button in the center. Blue team members try to hit the button themselves, to stop the capture process. Red team holds off the Blue team defenders and captures the fort site. A build zone appears over the fort site, all blue players within it are killed. All blue blocks within the site become red and are all healed. The red team makes small repairs and the build zone comes down on that fort. All the while blue team has captured the undefended red team first fort site, as well as the unclaimed fort site and begun construction at those locations. As build zones come down, the team with fewer fort sites start losing tickets as well as each team losing a ticket for every team member killed. The game continues, with teams occupying and defending, capturing and taking over fort sites until the number of tickets on one team runs out. The team with tickets remaining is the winner. Class Selection: Players may select one of seven classes to play as when they spawn. Their options are: Class Name? Limit % Sprint/Run/Crawl/Prone Speed HP/Armor Melee 84 400/330/260/100 130 - all hp/armor values to be determined in testing Light gunner (scout/recon) 100 390/325/250/90 100 Medium gunner (default class) 100 350/300/220/80 120 Heavy gunner 58 300/250/180/50 150 Engineer 65 380/300/210/80 120 Demolitions 70 380/300/210/80 110 Sniper 24 325/280/210/60 85 Notes on classes: melee shield to protect from any fire + walks slower when activated, Shield uses aux power. Drains aux power at a rate of 1/2 the sprinting does. Player can not sprint with shield activiated. Shield blocks 100% of fire, including rockets. Player sees partial view thru animated refract shader when shield is activated- behaivor is mirrored in 3rd person. Player should still be able to take damage on unshielded parts. Classes are chosen from a vgui selection menu. The vgui panel reads "Select a class" and seven class logos. Mousing-over the different class selection logo icons shows the particular player model in 3d running on the vgui panel, along with weapon information and statistics. Movement: In addition to classic movement, Players may go prone, and roll left and right from a crouched position. The player's view will roll as well. Rolling sends a player approximately 10 feet in the direction they rolled. New animations are required for rolling, prone, crouch, and crouch-walking. New torso animations are also required for the new gun firing and reload animations, as well as melee shield. Weaponry: This is a list of all weapons and what classes get them. What's it called? What's it do? How many to I get? Who gets it? Core Wrench Device to hold the power core 1 Everyone in a Core Run map Rocket Launcher Shoots rockets, melees 1 Demolitions Class Det Pack A slam with no tripmine ability 3 Demolitions Class Tripmine A slam with no remote det ability 3 Demolitions Class Dual Pistols Two weak pistols 1 set Demolitions Class Heavy Machinegun Shoots a lot of bullets, melees 1 Heavy Gunner Pistol Shoots a medium damage bullet 1 Heavy Gunner, Engineer Grenade Blows up 3 Heavy Gunner, Medium Gunner, Sniper Medium Machinegun Shoots bullets, melees 1 Medium Gunner MachinePistol Shoots pistol shots rapidly 1 Medium Gunner KeySMG Shoots bullets, melees 1 Light Gunner Incendiary Explodes in a firey poof, sets enemies on fire 2 Light Gunner Silenced Piston Shoots silenced bullets 1 Light Gunner Beacon Places a point on radar 1 Light Gunner, Sniper, Engineer Bolt Gun Fires single physical rods 1 Sniper Target Pistol Pistol with scope, pistol whip 1 Sniper Shotgun Shoots buckshot, melees 1 Engineer Power Saw Small melee damage, damages blocks 1 Engineer, Heavy Gunner Context Toolbox (un)welding torch, grav tool, medical kit 1 set Engineer Sword Melee damage 1 Melee Knife Melee damage 1 Melee Shield Protects from all attacks, drains aux 1 Melee Binoculars Zooms 2x as much as boltgun 1 Light Gunner, Sniper Radar Amplifier Shows enemies on radar within small radius 1 Sniper Maps: The 1.9.2 maplist should be culled down to a reasonable number of proven maps, which should then be revised to follow an explicit standard. In addition, as a baseline, at least 4 Occupation maps and 4 Core Run maps should be supplied on release.