Index of /4.20.24 SF Archive/-- Clients/Leaked Beta_Alpha builds Dirs/- Check if these are, might not be but was in the original dump/sourceforts/sound/ctf/

Build.wav                                          17-Oct-2005 04:04              271404
Draw.wav                                           22-May-2007 10:17             1876102
bluedrop.wav                                       21-Feb-2005 11:29              170864
bluehas.wav                                        21-Feb-2005 11:26              179236
bluereturn.wav                                     21-Feb-2005 11:29              162732
bluescore.wav                                      21-Feb-2005 11:27              217900
bluewin.wav                                        05-May-2005 07:32              130860
fight.wav                                          17-Oct-2005 04:04              271404
reddrop.wav                                        21-Feb-2005 11:29              213548
redhas.wav                                         21-Feb-2005 11:26              262700
redreturn.wav                                      21-Feb-2005 11:30              162860
redscore.wav                                       21-Feb-2005 11:26              222744
redwin.wav                                         05-May-2005 07:39              110892