----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SourceForts 1.9.4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS 1. Installation 2. Credits 3. Legal Information ------------------------------------------------------ 2. INSTALLATION ------------------------------------------------------ WINDOWS CLIENT VERSION (EXE): 1. Run the SourceForts installer. 2. Restart Steam. 3. Launch SourceForts from Steam Games List. WINDOWS CLIENT VERSION (ZIP/RAR): 1. Open ZIP/RAR file and extract the entire folder to '\Steam\steamapps\SourceMods' 2. Restart Steam. 3. Launch SourceForts from Steam Games List. UNINSTALLATION: 1. Run Uninstall.exe in the SourceForts folder. 2. Restart Steam. ------------------------------------------------------ 2. CREDITS ------------------------------------------------------ DEVELOPMENT TEAM Production Ross "Sayyan" Bearman - Technical Director Programming HisChild - Programmer Felipe "Zoc" Silveira - Programmer Art and Audio Gcool - Concept Artist Samuel "Monty" Gray - Modeller and Texture Arist Mark "Khuskan" Jefferis - Sound Engineer and Level Designer o_nobody_o - Concept Artist Wojtek "Slice" Derwisz - Modeller and Texture Artist Taylor "Stieffers" Stieff - Modeller and Texture Artist Toby "Black" Thorpe - Level Designer Web Development Felipe "Zoc" Silveira - Game/Web Integration Developer Taylor "Stieffers" Stieff - Website Developer Tony "Tony" Tony - Server Administrator DESIGN TEAM Idea Development Matt "Snuffy" Critelli entRo Fail Dana "MasterDana" Ikonen Callum "Scatman" Killarney Bregt "NocturnO" Meirsman Michael "RedXIII^" Osborne Christos "kas" Stratopoulos QA Team Lead ev_ QA Team !Lemon_Poodin! ghostrider455 Jake Nocashvalue Tobel^ xenon (An extra thanks for providing the testing server) Thanks to: - Knifa, for the original concept and versions up to v1.4.1 - Yoji Oshimoto for the 04b09 pixel font (http://www.04.jp.org) - eDIT for the use of his block spawner model - arenaceous for fixing the 1.5x4 in the FGD - Community mappers for their contributions - The forum moderation team - A huge thanks to all of those who sent in translations of SourceForts! - Ender_74 (French) - Eric Suveren (Danish) - Oskar Hellgren (Swedish) - K3X, nip, thePlayer (German) - firelove (Spanish) - Sergey Moskalev (Russian) - Past contributors - Brandon - colt527 - Commander - FictiousWill - H.A.S.E. - Haza - jlf - JNighthawk - Kaidus - K3Y - KGtheway2B - Louti - OverDose - Stinger - Voltaire - yahoo - Zing ------------------------------------------------------ 4. Legal Information ------------------------------------------------------ - You may play this modification in conjunction with a legitimate copy of Half-Life 2: Deathmatch. - You may redistribute this installation package in its unmodified form through any medium. If you wish to charge money for this service (through subscription download services, magazine cover disks etc.), please e-mail info@sourcefortsmod.com. - You may *NOT* use all or part of this modification for any other purpose (except custom SourceForts levels) without permission from the author. SOURCEFORTS VERSION 1.9.4 (HEREIN REFERRED TO AS 'THE PRODUCT') IS PROVIDED WITH NO WARRANTY, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. THE DEVELOPMENT TEAM OF THE PRODUCT IS IN NO WAY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO HARDWARE, SOFTWARE OR EYEBALLS THAT OCCUR BEFORE, DURING OR AFTER INSTALLATION AND/OR USE. THIS PRODUCT IS RELEASED UNDER A CC 'SOME RIGHTS RESERVED LICENSE. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE VISIT THE FOLLOWING WEBSITE: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ ENGINE USED UNDER FREE LICENSE FROM VALVE COOPERATION LIMITED. SOME RIGHTS RESERVED. 2008