Index of /4.20.24 SF Archive/-- Clients/Leaked Beta_Alpha builds Dirs/- Check if these are, might not be but was in the original dump/luminousforts/materials/

HUD/                                               06-Sep-2023 00:41                   -
SelfIllum/                                         06-Sep-2023 00:41                   -
VGUI/                                              06-Sep-2023 00:41                   -
concrete/                                          06-Sep-2023 00:41                   -
console/                                           06-Sep-2023 00:41                   -
crate/                                             06-Sep-2023 00:41                   -
decals/                                            06-Sep-2023 00:41                   -
dev/                                               06-Sep-2023 00:41                   -
editor/                                            06-Sep-2023 00:41                   -
effects/                                           06-Sep-2023 00:41                   -
glass/                                             06-Sep-2023 00:41                   -
metal/                                             06-Sep-2023 00:41                   -
models/                                            06-Sep-2023 00:41                   -
nature/                                            06-Sep-2023 00:41                   -
props/                                             19-Oct-2012 19:44                   -
sf/                                                06-Sep-2023 00:41                   -
skybox/                                            06-Sep-2023 00:41                   -
sprites/                                           06-Sep-2023 00:41                   -