Index of /4.20.24 SF Archive/-- Clients/Leaked Beta_Alpha builds Dirs/- Check if these are, might not be but was in the original dump/luminouscode/src/public/materialsystem/

IColorCorrection.h                                 09-May-2011 01:26                2457
IShader.h                                          09-May-2011 01:26                6262
MaterialSystemUtil.cpp                             09-May-2011 01:26                7708
MaterialSystemUtil.h                               09-May-2011 01:26                3616
deformations.h                                     09-May-2011 01:26                1296
hardwareverts.h                                    09-May-2011 01:26                2111
idebugtextureinfo.h                                09-May-2011 01:26                2440
imaterial.h                                        09-May-2011 01:26               26544
imaterialproxy.h                                   09-May-2011 01:26                 755
imaterialproxyfactory.h                            09-May-2011 01:26                 646
imaterialsystem.h                                  09-May-2011 01:26               61560
imaterialsystemhardwareconfig.h                    09-May-2011 01:26                7270
imaterialsystemstub.h                              09-May-2011 01:26                 877
imaterialvar.h                                     09-May-2011 01:26                6719
imesh.h                                            09-May-2011 01:26              123242
imorph.h                                           09-May-2011 01:26                7087
ishaderapi.h                                       09-May-2011 01:26                1437
itexture.h                                         09-May-2011 01:26                4445
ivballoctracker.h                                  09-May-2011 01:26                1279
materialsystem_config.h                            09-May-2011 01:26                7343
meshreader.h                                       09-May-2011 01:26                7362
shader_vcs_version.h                               09-May-2011 01:26                1792