// Sourceforts gameinfo.txt....
game "SourceForts v1.9.2" // Steam game name
title "SourceForts" // In game menu title
developer "SourceForts Team"
developer_url "http://www.sourcefortsmod.com"
icon "resource\sf_steam_icon"
type multiplayer_only
nomodels 0
nohimodel 1
nocrosshair 1
"test_speakers" 1
"test_hardware" 1
SteamAppId 320 // This will mount all the GCFs we need (240=CS:S, 220=HL2).
ToolsAppId 211 // Tools will load this (ie: source SDK caches) to get things like materials\debug, materials\editor, etc.
// The code that loads this file automatically does a few things here:
// 1. For each "Game" search path, it adds a "GameBin" path, in
// 2. For each "Game" search path, it adds another "Game" path in front of it with _ at the end.
// For example: c:\hl2\cstrike on a french machine would get a c:\hl2\cstrike_french path added to it.
// 3. For the first "Game" search path, it adds a search path called "MOD".
// 4. For the first "Game" search path, it adds a search path called "DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH".
// Search paths are relative to the base directory, which is where hl2.exe is found.
// |gameinfo_path| points at the directory where gameinfo.txt is.
// We always want to mount that directory relative to gameinfo.txt, so
// people can mount stuff in c:\mymod, and the main game resources are in
// someplace like c:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\half-life 2.
GameBin |gameinfo_path|addons\metamod\bin\
Game |gameinfo_path|.
Game hl2mp
Game hl2