Team Neoforts is happy to release an update, Neoforts version 1.78. Changes include ep2
codebase, normalmaps on blocks, and some other minor bugfixes. Download the newest
version here, and extract to /sourcemods/ directory. Linux is not yet included in the release,
hopefully, linux will be fixed released soon.
Also, a guide on how to convert your existing ep1 sourcemod to ep2 engine is located: . Please read over it, and if you enjoy it or find a
bug post it to our forums.
A recent website upgrade allows you to now login with OpenID, so you don't have to
spend half a minute registering. It is now possible to login using openid from Yahoo!
, ,, MySpace and Eventually we hope to soon
allow users to post topics/blogs on our main site, and people with good ideas might get
ingame rewards.
We are still looking for people to help with the development of Neoforts.
Mappers, modelers and artists are still needed. A detailed page on how you can help
will be posted, but until then, please post on our forums or Contact Us.
Neoforts 1.77 : Qui audet vincit.
Updated to new sdk aug/06.
General optimizations in codebase
Rpg damange reduced 50%
New CTF annoucement sounds by Rob Coxford
added spectator mode
added linux binaries
added nf_contestmap by Nick
in build mode, players do not run out of jetpack fuel
added jetpack fuel meter
set blocks to die when 0 health was reached
autobalance team is default on
fixed bug with jetpack
increased size of jetpackmodel
added jetpack commands (serverside only)
added command addtime which increases or decreases the gametimer
switchmode is no longer requires sv_cheats
fixed players keeping the flag when they died
added jetpack meter
added defreeze meter
added jetpack model
added command addtime use (negative to reduce time)
added linux binaries
added new game sounds by Rob Coxford
fixed laggy jetpack
added teammenu
improved block physmodels
improved speed to game
added spectator mode
added nf_contestmap by nick
improved fgd
released example nf_contestmap.vmf
improved player balancing
moved to new sdk
millions of other changes
Neoforts 1.76 : Disillusionment
Team Neoforts is happy to present Neoforts version 1.76. In our latest version we have fixed several bugs, and added a few new changes. Team Neoforts would like to thank all contributers, past and present. Most of all, Team Neoforts would like to thank our countless fans and players of our small mod, Our goal is to make a fun game, and we hope you continue to enjoy playing our mod. Please download and try our exciting, unique, and fun mod today.
syncronized client side player speeds with server side player speeds
increased cost of 357 to 200 dollars
disabled long time bug that caused a dropped flag to be "bouncy" when the player tried to touch the flag
added item_jetpack to precache list
fixed extremely critical bug that would sometimes cause a crash on switch to fight mode
possibly fixed player animation problems associated with the use of the 3 way physgun
fixed longstanding and extremely annoying bug that would sometimes cause a player to move when doing z roation on the physgun
slightly increased player normal running speed
increased default smg ammo from 45 to 135
increased acceleration of jetpack
decreased jetpack maxspeed
decreased default sv_maxspeed to reasonable levels
players now get 5 dollars each time they spawn
increased maximum rpg rounds to 7 (was 3)
rpg is no longer dropped when a player dies
players get 5 rpg rounds when they spawn with rpg(was 3)
Download Now:

Neoforts 1.75: Realization
Heavily optimized code in order to gain performace boost of 4-5%
added entity func_clip_flag which allows mappers to easily prohibit where moveable flag can be placed
added jetpack to game which allows players to create incredible new designs and bases
updated healthchargers slightly
slightly lowered player run and sprint speeds
slightly increased default armor values
added special easter egg, which increases game fun dramatically
removed physgun unfreezing delay
upgraded phygun's responsivess and usefulness
added great new map nf_monument made by Hexadecimal
updated nf_arena2 originally by fuzionmonkey
updated nf_fuzion2 originally by fuzionmonkey
updated nf_quarry2 originally by travis
restored both smg and shotgun damage to normal levels
Neoforts 1.72: bugfix
Version 1.72 includes several bugfixes and optimizations to the server binaries.
Neoforts contains ARGG sourcecode.
Learn more at
about 3-4 errors that lead servers to crash randomly, including one that caused servers to crash on end of fight mode
error that did not give players physgun if they bought mechanic's kit when mp_physgun was enabled
Download Windows Installer:
Download Linux/Windows dedicated server:
MD5: 49428bad59576d902c6efdd964c45a38
Neoforts 1.71 has been completed.
Version 1.71 fixes serious bugs that cause clients/listenservers to crash.
This latest version also includes linux server binaries.
Neoforts contains ARGG sourcecode.
Learn more at
fixed 2 major bugs that were causing clients (and listenservers) to crash unexpectedly.
moved [Build]/[Fight] to beginning of server name
added linux server download
added new block models/skins by Night-Eagle
added new textures by FuzionMonkey
added seperate zip file containing linux server binaries
NeoForts v1.70: Released!
After a long wait, Team Neoforts, who created the first ever 4 team mod for hl2, is proud to present, the ARGG physgun.
ARGG was created by Adnan Zafar. Visit his website at
Team Neoforts is also first to create the first ARGG physgun that rotates in all 3 ways. Our physgun allows players
to manipulate pitch, yaw, and roll. In our latest release 1,70, 3 new maps have been added : nf_oak by travis,
nf_quarry by travis, and nf_cave by Pr3Va1L.
New Maps:
nf_oak by travis
nf_quarry by travis
nf_cave by Pr3Va1L
---Implimented "Adnan's Rotational Gravity Gun" (ARGG) physgun
More information about ARGG Visit:
auto-team balancing has been enabled set "mp_autoteambalance 1" to activate.
---created convar mp_autoteambalance
---created convar mp_physgun
---added enhanced routine to balance teams
---fixed LONG standing bug that stopped players connecting from serverlist to existing game
---fixed long standing bug that forced dedicated server admins to manually start map
---fixed strange error that caused buildwall to become noclip
---fixed bug that allowed players to spawn as a team different than intended
---added routine that allows clients on serverside to detect if a map has green/yellow spawns
---players no longer die if they try to switch to green/yellow team if map only has red/blue spawns
---created convar mp_autoteambalance
---created convar mp_physgun
---added enhanced routine to balance teams
---fixed a random error that caused clients to crash
---stopped flag slowly floating into the sky
---disabled boat + jeep spawning
---disabled createhairball which crashed servers when cheats were on
---fixed issue when flags were being held on switch to build time
NeoForts v1.6
added four team gameplay (red,blue,yellow,green)
added four team fgd(included)
added yellow_flag
added green_flag
added gman, mossman, breen models for green team
added alyx, kleiner, barney, monk models for yellow team
green team has green text
slam's laser are collored yellow and green
slightly increased player run speeds
added maps
nf_enter_revisited by WillyDavidK
nf_crossv2 partially made by DJ_Monkey_Pilot
nf_fuzion_beta by FuzionMonkey
nf_overwater by Rahhh!
added new mainmenu image
made physgun "tighter"
pressing "x" works with physgun
renamed combine team to blue team
renamed rebels team to red team
fixed crash when removing player entities
fixed crash when attempting to join non-existing team
physics contraints are no longer destroyed
NeoForts 1.52
add map nf_arena by FuzionMonkey
add map nf_box_v3 by Kylegar
add map nf_hugeflatmap by WillyDavidK
add map nf_waterhole by Zeiris
add map making fgd thanks to Knifa
pieces are again transparent in build
stunstick has 35 dmg improved speed
crowbar has 35 dmg
flags now have been fixed
repair gun now works
texture on blocks have been realigned
texture on blocks have been sized the same
shooting flag at teammates with physcannon no longer kills them
physics damage has been removed
new cvar "mp_ctf_blocksdie"
new cvar "mp_ctf_flagreturn"
fixed flag bounce bug!
flag now movable!(THX NIGHT-EAGLE!)
added new map nf_lights (THX YAHOO!)
added new map nf_waterprocessing (THX NIGHT-EAGLE!)
added new models(THX COLLO!)
added new textures(THX AUN!)
added new sounds for ultrasonic destructor(THX YAHOO!)
added new CTF sounds!!
Since Knifa's sourceforts 1.4.1 what have we fixed?
secondary freeze gun does not kill players
when you switch teams with the flag you no longer keep the flag
fixed server crash bug
added buy menu
fixed linux server binaries
fixed flag bounce bug
removed lazer on rpg
improved shotgun damage
added mp_ctf_flagreturn cvar
added mp_ctf_blocksdie cvar
slams no longer crash servers
when you use subharmonic on slams servers no longer crash
fixed the issue of gametimer crashing servers
fixed it so ammo you buy stays the whole round
changed the money for flag captures
physgun has been optimized.
Possibly fixed memory could not be read at 0x00000040 memory error.
Eliminated thousand cap bug (not fully tested so far)
Added shotgun damage +20%
Reduced smg damage -30%
added physical damage back
added build.cfg
added fight.cfg