
"Language" "English"
// SDK Template Weapons
"SDK_Weapon_Pistol"			"Pistol"
"SDK_Weapon_MP5"			"MP5"
"SDK_Weapon_Shotgun"			"Shotgun"
"SDK_Weapon_Crowbar"			"Crowbar"
"SDK_Weapon_Grenade"			"Grenades"

// Class Menu
"SDK_ClassMenu_SelectClass"		"Select Your Class"
"SDK_ClassMenu_Random"			"Random"
"SDK_ClassMenu_SelectedClass"		"Selected Class"
"SDK_ClassMenu_Full"			"Full"
"SDK_ClassMenu_AutoKill"		"Automatic Suicide on Change"

// Player Classes - These can be named however you want, for the template we'll just call them all light medium and heavy.
"class_pc_class1"			"Light"
"class_pc_class2"			"Medium"
"class_pc_class3"			"Heavy"
"class_random"				"Random"

"game_spawn_as"				"*You will spawn as %s1"
"game_respawn_as"			"*You will respawn as %s1"
"game_spawn_asrandom"			"*You will spawn as random class"
"game_respawn_asrandom"			"*You will respawn as a random class"
"game_now_as"				"*Your player class is now: %s1"

"game_class_limit"			"*Server has reached the limit of number of %s1"
"game_changed_name"			"* %s1 changed name to %s2"

"classinfo_classscout"			"BadImage"
"classinfo_classengineer"		"BadImage"
"classinfo_classsoldier"		"BadImage"
"classinfo_classsniper"			"BadImage"
"classinfo_classrocketeer"		"BadImage"

"classinfo_random"			"BadImage"

// Team Menu
"SDK_TeamMenu_JoinTeam"			"Select A Team"
"SDK_Team_Unassigned"			"Unassigned"
"SDK_Team_Spectator"			"Spectators"
"SDK_Team_Blue"				"Blue"
"SDK_Team_Red"				"Red"
"SDK_Team_AutoAssign"			"Auto Assign"
"SDK_Menu_Spectate"			"Spectate"

"All_Teams_Full"			"All teams are full"
"BlueTeam_Full"				"Blue team is full"
"RedTeam_Full"				"Red team is full"

// Scoreboard
"SDK_ScoreBoard_Player"			"%s1    -   %s2 player"
"SDK_ScoreBoard_Players"		"%s1    -   %s2 players"
"SDK_ScoreBoard_Deathmatch"		"Deathmatch"
"SDK_ScoreBoard_PlayerName"		""
"SDK_ScoreBoard_ClassName"		"Class"

// Misc
"SDK_Cancel"				"Cancel"
"Game_connected"			"%s1 connected"
"Game_disconnected"			"%s1 has left the game"
"Cannot_Be_Spectator"			"This server does not allow spectating"

"SDK_Playerid_sameteam"			"Friend: %s1 Health: %s2"
"SDK_Playerid_diffteam"			"Enemy: %s1"

// Radio and chat strings can have control characters embedded to set colors.  For the control characters to be used, one must be at the start of the string.
// The control characters can be copied and pasted in notepad.
//  = 0x02 (STX) - Use team color up to the end of the player name.  This only works at the start of the string, and precludes using the other control characters.
//  = 0x03 (ETX) - Use team color from this point forward
//  = 0x04 (EOT) - Use location color from this point forward
//  = 0x05 (ENQ) - Use achievement color from this point forward
//  = 0x01 (SOH) - Use normal color from this point forward
"SDK_Chat_Team"				"(Team) %s1 :  %s2"
"SDK_Chat_Team_Dead"			"(Team) %s1 :  %s2"
"SDK_Chat_Spec"				"(Team) %s1 :  %s2"
"SDK_Chat_All"				"%s1 :  %s2"
"SDK_Chat_All_Dead"			"%s1 :  %s2"
"SDK_Chat_All_Spec"			"(Spec) %s1 :  %s2"

"SDK_Spec_Blue_Score"			"Blue :"
"SDK_Spec_Red_Score"			"Red  :"

"SDK_HudArmor"				"Armor"