// sample animation script // // // commands: // Animate // variables: // FgColor // BgColor // Position // Size // Blur (hud panels only) // TextColor (hud panels only) // Ammo2Color (hud panels only) // Alpha (hud weapon selection only) // SelectionAlpha (hud weapon selection only) // TextScan (hud weapon selection only) // // interpolator: // Linear // Accel - starts moving slow, ends fast // Deaccel - starts moving fast, ends slow // // RunEvent // starts another even running at the specified time // // StopEvent // stops another event that is current running at the specified time // // StopAnimation // stops all animations refering to the specified variable in the specified panel // // StopPanelAnimations // stops all active animations operating on the specified panel // // // Useful game console commands: // cl_Animationinfo or // displays all the animatable variables for the hud element // event LevelInit { } event WeaponHighlight { Animate HudWeaponSelection Blur "7" Linear 0.0 0.0 Animate HudWeaponSelection Blur "0" Deaccel 0.01 0.75 Animate HudWeaponSelection SelectedBoxColor "64 64 128 80" Linear 0.0 0.01 Animate HudWeaponSelection SelectedBoxColor "BgColor" Deaccel 0.1 1.5 Animate HudWeaponSelection SelectedFgColor "BrightFg" Linear 0.0 0.1 Animate HudWeaponSelection SelectedFgColor "FgColor" Linear 5.0 1.5 } event OpenWeaponSelectionMenu { StopEvent CloseWeaponSelectionMenu 0.0 StopEvent WeaponPickup 0.0 StopEvent FadeOutWeaponSelectionMenu 0.0 // make the display visible Animate HudWeaponSelection Alpha "128" Linear 0.0 0.1 [$WIN32] Animate HudWeaponSelection Alpha "192" Linear 0.0 0.1 [$X360] Animate HudWeaponSelection SelectionAlpha "255" Linear 0.0 0.1 Animate HudWeaponSelection FgColor "FgColor" Linear 0.0 0.1 Animate HudWeaponSelection TextColor "BrightFg" Linear 0.0 0.1 Animate HudWeaponSelection TextScan "1" Linear 0.0 0.1 } event CloseWeaponSelectionMenu { // hide the whole thing near immediately Animate HudWeaponSelection FgColor "0 0 0 0" Linear 0.0 0.1 Animate HudWeaponSelection TextColor "0 0 0 0" Linear 0.0 0.1 Animate HudWeaponSelection Alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.1 Animate HudWeaponSelection SelectionAlpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.1 } event FadeOutWeaponSelectionMenu { // slowly hide the whole thing Animate HudWeaponSelection FgColor "0 0 0 0" Linear 0.5 1.0 Animate HudWeaponSelection TextColor "0 0 0 0" Linear 0.5 1.0 Animate HudWeaponSelection Alpha "0" Linear 0.5 1.0 Animate HudWeaponSelection SelectionAlpha "0" Linear 0.5 1.0 Animate HudWeaponSelection WeaponBoxDist1Alpha "0 0 0 0" Linear 0.0 0.5 Animate HudWeaponSelection WeaponBoxDist2Alpha "0 0 0 0" Linear 0.0 0.5 Animate HudWeaponSelection WeaponBoxDist3Alpha "0 0 0 0" Linear 0.0 0.5 } event SuitAuxPowerMax { // hide the suit power Animate HudSuitPower BgColor "0 0 0 0" Linear 0.0 0.4 Animate HudSuitPower AuxPowerColor "0 0 0 0" Linear 0.0 0.4 } event SuitAuxPowerNotMax { // show suit power Animate HudSuitPower BgColor "BgColor" Linear 0.0 0.4 Animate HudSuitPower AuxPowerColor "255 220 0 220" Linear 0.0 0.4 } event SuitAuxPowerDecreasedBelow25 { // make color red Animate HudSuitPower AuxPowerColor "255 0 0 220" Linear 0.0 0.4 } event SuitAuxPowerIncreasedAbove25 { // make colr bright Animate HudSuitPower AuxPowerColor "255 220 0 220" Linear 0.0 0.4 } event SuitAuxPowerNoItemsActive { // resize the aux power to be the smallest size Animate HudSuitPower Size "102 26" Linear 0.0 0.4 [$WIN32] Animate HudSuitPower Position "16 400" Linear 0.0 0.4 [$WIN32] Animate HudSuitPower Size "102 32" Linear 0.0 0.4 [$X360] Animate HudSuitPower Position "48 378" Linear 0.0 0.4 [$X360] } event SuitAuxPowerOneItemActive { // resize the aux power to fit one item Animate HudSuitPower Size "102 36" Linear 0.0 0.4 [$WIN32] Animate HudSuitPower Position "16 390" Linear 0.0 0.4 [$WIN32] Animate HudSuitPower Size "102 42" Linear 0.0 0.4 [$X360] Animate HudSuitPower Position "48 368" Linear 0.0 0.4 [$X360] } event SuitAuxPowerTwoItemsActive { // resize the aux power to fit two items Animate HudSuitPower Size "102 46" Linear 0.0 0.4 [$WIN32] Animate HudSuitPower Position "16 380" Linear 0.0 0.4 [$WIN32] Animate HudSuitPower Size "102 52" Linear 0.0 0.4 [$X360] Animate HudSuitPower Position "48 358" Linear 0.0 0.4 [$X360] } event SuitAuxPowerThreeItemsActive { // resize the aux power to fit three items Animate HudSuitPower Size "102 56" Linear 0.0 0.4 [$WIN32] Animate HudSuitPower Position "16 370" Linear 0.0 0.4 [$WIN32] Animate HudSuitPower Size "102 62" Linear 0.0 0.4 [$X360] Animate HudSuitPower Position "48 348" Linear 0.0 0.4 [$X360] } event SuitFlashlightOn { Animate HudFlashlight TextColor "255 220 0 255" Linear 0.0 0.1 Animate HudFlashlight TextColor "255 220 0 160" Deaccel 0.1 0.75 Animate HudFlashlight BgColor "BgColor" Linear 0.0 0.75 } event SuitFlashlightOff { StopEvent SuitFlashlightOn 0.0 Animate HudFlashlight TextColor "0 0 0 0" Linear 0.0 0.4 Animate HudFlashlight BgColor "0 0 0 0" Linear 0.0 0.4 } event HudTakeDamageFront { } event HudTakeDamageLeft { Animate HudDamageIndicator DmgColorLeft "255 88 0 200" Linear 0.0 0.0 Animate HudDamageIndicator DmgColorLeft "255 0 0 200" Linear 0.0 0.3 Animate HudDamageIndicator DmgColorLeft "255 0 0 0" Deaccel 0.3 0.5 } event HudTakeDamageRight { Animate HudDamageIndicator DmgColorRight "255 88 0 200" Linear 0.0 0.0 Animate HudDamageIndicator DmgColorRight "255 0 0 200" Linear 0.0 0.3 Animate HudDamageIndicator DmgColorRight "255 0 0 0" Deaccel 0.3 0.5 } event HudTakeDamageBehind { RunEvent HudTakeDamageLeft 0.0 RunEvent HudTakeDamageRight 0.0 } event HudTakeDamageHighLeft { Animate HudDamageIndicator DmgHighColorLeft "255 88 0 255" Linear 0.0 0.0 Animate HudDamageIndicator DmgHighColorLeft "255 0 0 200" Linear 0.0 0.4 Animate HudDamageIndicator DmgHighColorLeft "255 0 0 0" Deaccel 0.4 2.4 } event HudTakeDamageHighRight { Animate HudDamageIndicator DmgHighColorRight "255 88 0 255" Linear 0.0 0.0 Animate HudDamageIndicator DmgHighColorRight "255 0 0 200" Linear 0.0 0.4 Animate HudDamageIndicator DmgHighColorRight "255 0 0 0" Deaccel 0.4 2.4 } event HudTakeDamageHigh { Animate HudDamageIndicator DmgFullscreenColor "255 88 0 200" Linear 0.0 0.0 Animate HudDamageIndicator DmgFullscreenColor "255 0 0 200" Linear 0.0 0.4 Animate HudDamageIndicator DmgFullscreenColor "255 0 0 0" Deaccel 0.4 2.4 } event HudTakeDamageDrown { RunEvent HudTakeDamageBehind 0.0 } event HudTakeDamagePoison { Animate HudDamageIndicator DmgFullscreenColor "255 236 128 240" Linear 0.0 0.0 Animate HudDamageIndicator DmgFullscreenColor "255 236 128 0" Deaccel 0.4 0.8 } event HudTakeDamageBurn { Animate HudDamageIndicator DmgFullscreenColor "255 0 0 200" Linear 0.0 0.0 Animate HudDamageIndicator DmgFullscreenColor "255 0 0 0" Deaccel 0.2 0.4 } event HudTakeDamageRadiation { Animate HudDamageIndicator DmgFullscreenColor "255 255 255 128" Deaccel 0.0 0.1 Animate HudDamageIndicator DmgFullscreenColor "255 255 255 0" Deaccel 0.1 0.4 RunEvent HudTakeDamageBehind 0.0 } event HudPlayerDeath { StopEvent HealthLoop 0.0 StopEvent HealthPulse 0.0 Animate HudDamageIndicator DmgFullscreenColor "255 0 0 96" Deaccel 0.1 0.2 Animate HudDamageIndicator DmgFullscreenColor "255 0 0 255" Deaccel 0.3 4.0 } event HealthIncreasedAbove20 { StopEvent HealthLoop 0.0 StopEvent HealthPulse 0.0 StopEvent HealthLow 0.0 Animate HudHealth BgColor "BgColor" Linear 0.0 0.0 Animate HudHealth TextColor "FgColor" Linear 0.0 0.04 Animate HudHealth FgColor "FgColor" Linear 0.0 0.03 Animate HudHealth Blur "3" Linear 0.0 0.1 Animate HudHealth Blur "0" Deaccel 0.1 2.0 } event HealthIncreasedBelow20 { Animate HudHealth FgColor "BrightFg" Linear 0.0 0.25 Animate HudHealth FgColor "FgColor" Linear 0.3 0.75 Animate HudHealth Blur "3" Linear 0.0 0.1 Animate HudHealth Blur "0" Deaccel 0.1 2.0 } event SuitPowerIncreasedAbove20 { StopEvent SuitLoop 0.0 StopEvent SuitPulse 0.0 StopEvent SuitPowerZero 0.0 Animate HudSuit Alpha "255" Linear 0.0 0.0 Animate HudSuit BgColor "BgColor" Linear 0.0 0.0 Animate HudSuit TextColor "FgColor" Linear 0.0 0.05 Animate HudSuit FgColor "FgColor" Linear 0.0 0.05 Animate HudSuit Blur "3" Linear 0.0 0.1 Animate HudSuit Blur "0" Deaccel 0.1 2.0 } event SuitPowerIncreasedBelow20 { StopEvent SuitPowerZero 0.0 Animate HudSuit Alpha "255" Linear 0.0 0.0 Animate HudSuit FgColor "BrightFg" Linear 0.0 0.25 Animate HudSuit FgColor "FgColor" Linear 0.3 0.75 Animate HudSuit Blur "3" Linear 0.0 0.1 Animate HudSuit Blur "0" Deaccel 0.1 2.0 } event SuitPowerZero { StopEvent SuitLoop 0.0 StopEvent SuitPulse 0.0 StopEvent SuitArmorLow 0.0 StopEvent SuitDamageTaken 0.0 Animate HudSuit Alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.4 } event TestMovement { Animate HudHealth Position "256 120" Linear 0.0 2.0 Animate HudHealth Size "128 24" Linear 0.0 1.5 } event HealthDamageTaken { Animate HudHealth FgColor "BrightFg" Linear 0.0 0.25 Animate HudHealth FgColor "FgColor" Linear 0.3 0.75 Animate HudHealth Blur "3" Linear 0.0 0.1 Animate HudHealth Blur "0" Deaccel 0.1 2.0 Animate HudHealth TextColor "BrightFg" Linear 0.0 0.1 Animate HudHealth TextColor "FgColor" Deaccel 0.1 1.2 } event SuitDamageTaken { Animate HudSuit FgColor "BrightFg" Linear 0.0 0.25 Animate HudSuit FgColor "FgColor" Linear 0.3 0.75 Animate HudSuit Blur "3" Linear 0.0 0.1 Animate HudSuit Blur "0" Deaccel 0.1 2.0 Animate HudSuit TextColor "BrightFg" Linear 0.0 0.1 Animate HudSuit TextColor "FgColor" Deaccel 0.1 1.2 } // health has been damaged to below 20% event HealthLow { StopEvent HealthDamageTaken 0.0 StopEvent HealthPulse 0.0 StopEvent HealthLoop 0.0 Animate HudHealth BgColor "DamagedBg" Linear 0.0 0.1 Animate HudHealth BgColor "BgColor" Deaccel 0.1 1.75 Animate HudHealth FgColor "BrightFg" Linear 0.0 0.2 Animate HudHealth FgColor "DamagedFg" Linear 0.2 1.2 Animate HudHealth TextColor "BrightFg" Linear 0.0 0.1 Animate HudHealth TextColor "DamagedFg" Linear 0.1 1.2 Animate HudHealth Blur "5" Linear 0.0 0.1 Animate HudHealth Blur "3" Deaccel 0.1 0.9 RunEvent HealthPulse 1.0 } event HealthPulse { Animate HudHealth Blur "5" Linear 0.0 0.1 Animate HudHealth Blur "2" Deaccel 0.1 0.8 Animate HudHealth TextColor "BrightDamagedFg" Linear 0.0 0.1 Animate HudHealth TextColor "DamagedFg" Deaccel 0.1 0.8 Animate HudHealth BgColor "100 0 0 80" Linear 0.0 0.1 Animate HudHealth BgColor "BgColor" Deaccel 0.1 0.8 RunEvent HealthLoop 0.8 } // call to loop HealthPulse event HealthLoop { RunEvent HealthPulse 0.0 } // suit armor has been damaged to below 20% event SuitArmorLow { StopEvent SuitDamageTaken 0.0 StopEvent SuitPulse 0.0 StopEvent SuitLoop 0.0 // removing this effect -- matching it to the event for normal suit damage // so, there will be no special indication (redness, flashing) // in the hud that the suit armor is low // Animate HudSuit BgColor "DamagedBg" Linear 0.0 0.1 // Animate HudSuit BgColor "BgColor" Deaccel 0.1 1.75 Animate HudSuit FgColor "BrightFg" Linear 0.0 0.25 Animate HudSuit FgColor "FgColor" Linear 0.3 0.75 Animate HudSuit Blur "3" Linear 0.0 0.1 Animate HudSuit Blur "0" Deaccel 0.1 2.0 Animate HudSuit TextColor "BrightFg" Linear 0.0 0.1 Animate HudSuit TextColor "FgColor" Deaccel 0.1 1.2 // RunEvent SuitPulse 1.0 } event SuitPulse // this even no longer gets called { Animate HudSuit Blur "5" Linear 0.0 0.1 Animate HudSuit Blur "2" Deaccel 0.1 0.8 Animate HudSuit TextColor "BrightDamagedFg" Linear 0.0 0.1 Animate HudSuit TextColor "DamagedFg" Deaccel 0.1 0.8 Animate HudSuit BgColor "100 0 0 80" Linear 0.0 0.1 Animate HudSuit BgColor "BgColor" Deaccel 0.1 0.8 RunEvent SuitLoop 0.8 } event SuitLoop { // this event no longer gets called RunEvent SuitPulse 0.0 } // ammo has been picked up event AmmoIncreased { Animate HudAmmo FgColor "BrightFg" Linear 0.0 0.15 Animate HudAmmo FgColor "FgColor" Deaccel 0.15 1.5 Animate HudAmmo Blur "5" Linear 0.0 0.0 Animate HudAmmo Blur "0" Accel 0.01 1.5 } // ammo has been decreased, but there is still some remaining event AmmoDecreased { StopEvent AmmoIncreased 0.0 Animate HudAmmo Blur "7" Linear 0.0 0.0 Animate HudAmmo Blur "0" Deaccel 0.1 1.5 Animate HudAmmo TextColor "BrightFg" Linear 0.0 0.1 Animate HudAmmo TextColor "FgColor" Deaccel 0.1 0.75 } // primary ammo is zero event AmmoEmpty { Animate Hudammo FgColor "BrightDamagedFg" Linear 0.0 0.2 Animate Hudammo FgColor "DamagedFg" Accel 0.2 1.2 } // ammo2 is the total ammo for a weapon that uses clip ammo event Ammo2Increased { Animate Hudammo ammo2color "BrightFg" Linear 0.0 0.2 Animate Hudammo ammo2color "FgColor" Accel 0.2 1.2 } // total ammo has been decreased, but there is still some remaining event Ammo2Decreased { Animate Hudammo ammo2color "BrightFg" Linear 0.0 0.2 Animate Hudammo ammo2color "FgColor" Accel 0.2 1.2 } // total ammo is zero event Ammo2Empty { Animate Hudammo ammo2color "BrightDamagedFg" Linear 0.0 0.2 Animate Hudammo ammo2color "DamagedFg" Accel 0.2 1.2 } event AmmoSecondaryIncreased { Animate HudAmmoSecondary FgColor "BrightFg" Linear 0.0 0.15 Animate HudAmmoSecondary FgColor "FgColor" Deaccel 0.15 1.5 Animate HudAmmoSecondary Blur "5" Linear 0.0 0.0 Animate HudAmmoSecondary Blur "0" Accel 0.01 1.5 } event AmmoSecondaryDecreased { StopEvent AmmoSecondaryIncreased 0.0 Animate HudAmmoSecondary Blur "7" Linear 0.0 0.0 Animate HudAmmoSecondary Blur "0" Deaccel 0.1 1.5 Animate HudAmmoSecondary TextColor "BrightFg" Linear 0.0 0.1 Animate HudAmmoSecondary TextColor "FgColor" Deaccel 0.1 0.75 } event AmmoSecondaryEmpty { Animate HudAmmoSecondary FgColor "BrightDamagedFg" Linear 0.0 0.2 Animate HudAmmoSecondary FgColor "DamagedFg" Accel 0.2 1.2 Animate HudAmmoSecondary Blur "7" Linear 0.0 0.0 Animate HudAmmoSecondary Blur "0" Deaccel 0.1 1.5 } // current weapon has been changed event WeaponChanged { Animate HudAmmo BgColor "46 109 123 80" Linear 0.0 0.1 Animate HudAmmo BgColor "BgColor" Deaccel 0.1 1.0 Animate HudAmmo FgColor "BrightFg" Linear 0.0 0.1 Animate HudAmmo FgColor "FgColor" Linear 0.2 1.5 } // ran if we just changed to a weapon that needs clip ammo event WeaponUsesClips [$WIN32] { Animate HudAmmo Position "r150 432" Deaccel 0.0 0.4 Animate HudAmmo Size "132 36" Deaccel 0.0 0.4 } event WeaponUsesClips [$X360] { Animate HudAmmo Position "r208 416" Deaccel 0.001 0.4 Animate HudAmmo Size "160 36" Deaccel 0.0 0.4 } // ran if we just changed to a weapon that does not use clip ammo event WeaponDoesNotUseClips [$WIN32] { Animate HudAmmo Position "r118 432" Deaccel 0.0 0.4 Animate HudAmmo Size "100 36" Deaccel 0.0 0.4 } event WeaponDoesNotUseClips [$X360] { Animate HudAmmo Position "r175 416" Deaccel 0.0 0.4 Animate HudAmmo Size "125 36" Deaccel 0.0 0.4 } event WeaponUsesSecondaryAmmo { StopAnimation HudAmmo Position 0.0 StopAnimation HudAmmo Size 0.0 StopPanelAnimations HudAmmoSecondary 0.0 //StopPanelAnimations HudAmmo 0.0 Animate HudAmmoSecondary BgColor "250 220 0 60" Linear 0.0 0.1 Animate HudAmmoSecondary BgColor "BgColor" Deaccel 0.1 1.0 Animate HudAmmoSecondary FgColor "BrightFg" Linear 0.0 0.1 Animate HudAmmoSecondary FgColor "FgColor" Linear 0.2 1.5 Animate HudAmmoSecondary Alpha 255 Linear 0.0 0.1 Animate HudAmmo Position "r222 432" Deaccel 0.0 0.5 [$WIN32] Animate HudAmmo Size "132 36" Deaccel 0.0 0.4 [$WIN32] Animate HudAmmo Position "r279 416" Deaccel 0.0 0.5 [$X360] Animate HudAmmo Size "155 36" Deaccel 0.0 0.4 [$X360] } event WeaponDoesNotUseSecondaryAmmo { StopPanelAnimations HudAmmoSecondary 0.0 Animate HudAmmoSecondary FgColor "0 0 0 0" Linear 0.0 0.4 Animate HudAmmoSecondary BgColor "0 0 0 0" Linear 0.0 0.4 Animate HudAmmoSecondary Alpha 0 Linear 0.0 0.1 } event CraneMagnetFlash { Animate HudCraneMagnet TextColor "255 220 0 255" Linear 0.0 0.1 Animate HudCraneMagnet TextColor "255 220 0 160" Deaccel 0.1 0.3 Animate HudCraneMagnet TextColor "255 170 0 220" Deaccel 0.4 0.3 Animate HudCraneMagnet TextColor "255 220 0 255" Linear 0.8 0.2 } event HintMessageShow { StopPanelAnimations HudHintDisplay 0.0 Animate HudHintDisplay HintSize "1" Deaccel 0.0 0.3 Animate HudHintDisplay FgColor "FgColor" Linear 0.4 0.4 // flash text Animate HudHintDisplay FgColor "FgColor" Linear 1.5 0.01 Animate HudHintDisplay FgColor "255 220 0 255" Linear 2.0 0.2 Animate HudHintDisplay FgColor "FgColor" Linear 2.2 0.2 Animate HudHintDisplay FgColor "255 220 0 255" Linear 3.0 0.2 Animate HudHintDisplay FgColor "FgColor" Linear 3.2 0.2 // hide the panel after a while Animate HudHintDisplay FgColor "255 220 0 0" Linear 10.0 0.2 Animate HudHintDisplay HintSize "0" Deaccel 10.2 0.3 } event HintMessageHide { Animate HudHintDisplay FgColor "255 220 0 0" Linear 0.0 0.2 Animate HudHintDisplay HintSize "0" Deaccel 0.2 0.3 } event KeyHintMessageShow { StopPanelAnimations HudHintKeyDisplay 0.0 // show the hints Animate HudHintKeyDisplay Alpha 255 Linear 0.0 0.5 // flash text Animate HudHintKeyDisplay FgColor "FgColor" Linear 0.0 0.01 Animate HudHintKeyDisplay FgColor "255 220 0 255" Linear 0.5 0.2 Animate HudHintKeyDisplay FgColor "FgColor" Linear 0.7 0.2 Animate HudHintKeyDisplay FgColor "255 220 0 255" Linear 1.5 0.2 Animate HudHintKeyDisplay FgColor "FgColor" Linear 1.7 0.2 // hide the panel after a while Animate HudHintKeyDisplay Alpha 0 Linear 12.0 1.0 } event KeyHintMessageHide { Animate HudHintKeyDisplay Alpha 0 Linear 0.0 0.5 } event SquadMemberAdded { StopEvent SquadMemberDied 0.0 StopEvent SquadMemberLeft 0.0 // add in the squad member, brighter then normal color Animate HudSquadStatus LastMemberColor "255 220 0 255" Linear 0.0 0.3 Animate HudSquadStatus LastMemberColor "255 220 0 160" Linear 0.3 0.3 } event SquadMemberLeft { StopEvent SquadMemberDied 0.0 StopEvent SquadMemberAdded 0.0 // fade out the icon Animate HudSquadStatus LastMemberColor "255 220 0 0" Linear 0.0 0.5 } event SquadMemberDied { StopEvent SquadMemberAdded 0.0 StopEvent SquadMemberLeft 0.0 // flash red, hold, then disappear Animate HudSquadStatus LastMemberColor "255 0 0 255" Linear 0.0 0.5 Animate HudSquadStatus LastMemberColor "255 0 0 0" Linear 2.0 2.0 } event SquadMembersFollowing { StopEvent SquadMembersStationed 0.0 Animate HudSquadStatus SquadTextColor "255 220 0 255" Linear 0.0 0.2 Animate HudSquadStatus SquadTextColor "255 220 0 160" Linear 0.2 0.4 } event SquadMembersStationed { StopEvent SquadMembersFollowing 0.0 Animate HudSquadStatus SquadTextColor "255 220 0 160" Linear 0.5 0.5 } event PoisonDamageTaken { Animate HudPoisonDamageIndicator Alpha 255 Linear 0.0 1.0 RunEvent PoisonLoop 0.0 } event PoisonDamageCured { StopEvent PoisonDamageTaken 0.0 StopEvent PoisonLoop 0.0 StopEvent PoisonPulse 0.0 Animate HudPoisonDamageIndicator Alpha 0 Linear 0.0 1.0 } event PoisonPulse { Animate HudPoisonDamageIndicator TextColor "BrightFg" Linear 0.0 0.1 Animate HudPoisonDamageIndicator TextColor "FgColor" Deaccel 0.1 0.8 Animate HudPoisonDamageIndicator BgColor "100 0 0 80" Linear 0.0 0.1 Animate HudPoisonDamageIndicator BgColor "BgColor" Deaccel 0.1 0.8 RunEvent PoisonLoop 0.8 } // call to loop PoisonLoop event PoisonLoop { RunEvent PoisonPulse 0.0 } // Commentary hud element event ShowCommentary { StopEvent HideCommentary 0.0 Animate HudCommentary Alpha 255 Linear 0.0 0.5 } event HideCommentary { StopEvent ShowCommentary 0.0 Animate HudCommentary Alpha 0 Linear 0.0 0.5 }