SourceForts is a mod in which two teams build a fort for a limited amount of time and then fight. It's currently playable and good fun with a 5v5 game. Building works by placing objects with the gravity gun, and then freezing it (or a teammate can freeze it). There is teamwork in it, with the fighting and guarding of the fort, getting other people to freeze for you etc. You have a limited time to build using physics objects lying around the map. Once the time is over, the battle starts. After the battle time runs out, you go back and rebuild your fort. When the game starts, it'll either be in build state or fight state. In the build state, you have the gravity gun, and a freezer gun and a crowbar/stunstick. In this time, you build your fort with your team mates. Your melee weapon is for stealing objects off people, since you can still kill. In the fight state, you'll have the SMG, Pistol and Grenades, and the stunstick/crowbar, just kill each other. To unfreeze objects, look at the object and hit reload. There isn't an objective right now, but there will be soon. ------------------------ v1.3 06:40 06.02.05 * Added CTF * Fixed flares not being removed after dying * Made melee fire rate the same * Made things buyable * Moved unfreeze to secondary fire of the freeze gun * Made Suit power/HP go in faster * Made SLAMs team responsive (Red explodes only on Blue and vice versa) * Made if you have melee weapons during build mode a cvar * Made a freeze command * sf_testmap: Added wall in the middle and updated models and a few other things * Models: New box/plate models, thanks alot D3fault! (They are in the models/sf directory) * New Maps: sf_citystreets (Pinworm) and sf_overload (D3fault) * Map updates: sf_skywalk (Stinger)