"lang" { "Language" "French" "Tokens" { "hl2_AmmoFull" "FULL" "HL2_357Handgun" ".357 MAGNUM" "HL2_Pulse_Rifle" "MILICE STANDARD\n(FUSIL A IMPULSIONS)" "HL2_Bugbait" "PHEROPODE\n(APPAT A INSECTE)" "HL2_Crossbow" "ARBALETTE" "HL2_Crowbar" "PIED DE BICHE" "HL2_Grenade" "GRENADE" "HL2_GravityGun" "PISTOLET ENERGETIQUE POINT ZERO\n(PISTOLET ANTI-GRAVITE)" "HL2_Pistol" "PISTOLET 9MM" "HL2_RPG" "LANCE-ROQUETTE" "HL2_Shotgun" "FUSIL A POMPE" "HL2_SMG1" "MITRAILLETTE" "HL2_SLAM" "MINI-BOMBE" "HL2_StunBaton" "MATRAQUE ELECTRIQUE" "HL2_357Handgun_Menu" ".357 MAGNUM" "HL2_Pulse_Rifle_Menu" "PULSE RIFLE" "HL2_Crossbow_Menu" "CROSSBOW" "HL2_Crowbar_Menu" "CROWBAR" "HL2_Grenade_Menu" "GRENADE" "HL2_GravityGun_Menu" "GRAVITY GUN" "HL2_Pistol_Menu" "9MM PISTOL" "HL2_RPG_Menu" "RPG" "HL2_Shotgun_Menu" "SHOTGUN" "HL2_SMG1_Menu" "SMG" "HL2_SLAM_Menu" "S.L.A.M" "HL2_StunBaton_Menu" "STUNSTICK" "ScoreBoard_Player" "%s1 - %s2 joueur" "ScoreBoard_Players" "%s1 - %s2 joueurs" "ScoreBoard_Deathmatch" "SourceForts" "ScoreBoard_TeamDeathmatch" "SourceForts" "Playerid_sameteam" "Ami: %s1 Santé: %s2" "Playerid_diffteam" "Ennemi: %s1" "Playerid_noteam" "%s1 Santé:%s2" "Team" "Equipe %s1" "Cstrike_Spec_Ter_Score" "Rouge" "Cstrike_Spec_CT_Score" "Bleue" "TeamScore" "%s2 %s1" "Game_connected" "%s1 connecté" "Game_disconnected" "%s1 a quitté le jeu" "Cannot_Be_Spectator" "This server does not allow spectating" // SF Specifics "Flag_touched" "Drapeau Pris!" "Flag_Captured" "Drapeau Ennemi Capturé!" "Unfreeze_eblock" "Bloc ennemi capturé!" "Captured_eblock" "Bloc Capturé!" "Weapon_suicide" "Suicide" "World_suicide" "Suicide Collectif" "Removed_beacon" "Beacon Ennemi Détruit!" "Killed_enemy" "Ennemi Tué !" "Fort_defended" "Fort Défendu!" "Engineer_stoped" "Ingénieur Ennemi arreté!" "Heal_player" "Bonus Médical!" "Repair_block" "Réparation du Bloc!" "Flag_carrier" "Porteur du Drapeau!" "Flag_retrieval" "Drapeau Récupéré!" "Flag_pickedup" "Drapeau Ramassé!" "Combat_build" "Combat Construction!" "Engineer_defended" "Ingénieur Défendu!" "Enemy_flag_def" "Défense du Drapeau Ennemi Dégelée!" "Picked_under_fire" "Drapeau Ramassé sous le Feu Ennemi!" "Died_while_escorting" "Mort pendant l'escorte!" or "Mort en escortant" "Ally_defended" "Allié Défendu!" "Enemy_damaged" "Ennemi Blessé!" "Block_damaged" "Fort Ennemi Endomagé!" "Noevent" " ??? " "Build_Phase" "Build Phase" "Combat_Phase" "Combat Phase" "Power_CoreExploded" "Noyau Ennemi Surchargé!" "Power_CoreActivated" "Noyau Ennemi Sauvé!" "Flag_carried" "Vous avez le drapeau!" "RedFlag_Base" "Drapeau Rouge : Base" "RedFlag_Dropped" "Drapeau Rouge : Tombé" "RedFlag_Taken" "Drapeau Rouge : Pris par %s1" "BlueFlag_Base" "Drapeau Bleu : Base" "BlueFlag_Dropped" "Drapeau Bleu : Tombé" "BlueFlag_Taken" "Drapeau Bleu : Pris par %s1" "Block_CantTake" "Vous ne pouvez pas prendre ce bloc" "Block_Already_In_Use" "Ce bloc est déjà manipulé!" "Block_Nofreeze" "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à geler cet objet ici" "Block_WaitFreeze" "Veuillez attendre avant de dégeler un autre objet." "Block_health" "Santé du Bloc: %s1" "Object_Frozen" "Objet Gelé" "Object_Unfrozen" "Objet Dégelé" "Block_Frozer" "Last Frozen by: %s1" "Block_Unfrozer" "Last Unfrozen by: %s1" "Red_Team" "Red Team [ %s1 ]" "Blue_Team" "Blue Team [ %s1 ]" // Radio and chat strings can have control characters embedded to set colors. For the control characters to be used, one must be at the start of the string. // The control characters can be copied and pasted in notepad. //  = 0x02 (STX) - Use team color up to the end of the player name. This only works at the start of the string, and precludes using the other control characters. //  = 0x03 (ETX) - Use team color from this point forward //  = 0x04 (EOT) - Use location color from this point forward //  = 0x01 (SOH) - Use normal color from this point forward "HL2MP_Chat_Team_Loc" "(TEAM) %s1 @ %s3 : %s2" "HL2MP_Chat_Team" "(TEAM) %s1 : %s2" "HL2MP_Chat_Team_Dead" "*DEAD*(TEAM) %s1 : %s2" "HL2MP_Chat_Spec" "(Spectator) %s1 : %s2" "HL2MP_Chat_All" "%s1 : %s2" "HL2MP_Chat_AllDead" "*DEAD* %s1 : %s2" "HL2MP_Chat_AllSpec" "*SPEC* %s1 : %s2" "HL2MP_Name_Change" "* %s1 changed name to %s2" } }