SourceForts 1.9.6 Custom Console Variables ========================================== This file contains a list of custom console commands and variables added to SourceForts. Since many of those were never oficially documented, the meaning of some of them might be lost in time or misunderstood. New Variables, Added in SourceForts Classic 1.0 ----------------------------------------------- Most of these were added to re-enable features that were cut or are disabled by default in SourceForts 1.9.6. These are meant only to be used for fun purposes and shouldn't ever be enabled in public servers or in league matches! * sf_soldier_combineball * Default: 0 * [Fun] Allow Soldiers to spawn with AR2 alt-fire (combine balls) ammo (0-3). This shouldn't ever be enabled in public or competitive matches! Default: 0 * sf_scout_smoke_grenade * Default: 0 * [Experimental] When a Scout player spawn, it spawn with this amount (0-3) grenades. Default: 0 Console Commands ---------------- * togglephase * toggles between Build Phase and Combat Phase * showbanlist * Show list of users globally banned from all SourceForts servers * addtime * adds extra time to the current phase (in seconds) * map_restart (time) (scores *optional*) * Restarts round in (time) seconds, removes all blocks and resets all scores * (scores) is optional and, if is set to one, it keeps the current scores * league_flipteams * Flips the team * league_flipscores * Flips the teams' scores * league_flip * Flips the team and their scores * changeteam * Changes team between Red/Blue/Spectator * changeto * changeto : Changes team and class * dropflag * Drops the flag * stopsoundscape * Stops all soundscape processing and fades current looping sounds * Remarks: Used to fix an issue with looping sounds in the past Existing Variables that have updated behavior --------------------------------------------- * sf_grenade_throw_force_multiplier * Default: 600 * The force multiplier for grenade throws * Remarks: It was unintentionally disabled on SourceForts Everything Else --------------- * sf_forcebalance * Default: 1 * Force players to only be able to join the losing or smaller team. * sf_forceteams * Default: 0 * Force players to a team. * sf_build_long_length * Default: 600 * Default length of first build time (in seconds). * sf_build_short_length * Default: 240 * Default length of all build times appart from the first (in seconds). * sf_combat_length * Default: 600 * Default length of combat. * sf_roundlimit * Default: 2 * Number of paired combat & fight rounds per map. * sf_scorelimit * Default: 1000 * Maximum team score allowed before forcing a map change. * sf_allowspectators * Default: 1 * Allows players to spectate a match. * sf_damage_crossbow * Default: 100 * Sets the damage of the crossbow bolts * sf_repair_increment * Default: 25 * Amount the target block is healed every `sf_repair_delay` seconds * sf_repair_delay * Default: 0.2 * Delay (in seconds) between each healing application * sf_repair_distance * Default: 96 * Maximum distance to allow target block healing * sf_dev_phygun_grenade * Default: 0 * This enables a developer to test physgun grenade throwing without skill: simply hold reload and press left mouse button. * Requires `sv_cheats` enabled * sf_freeze_distance_build * Default: 600 * Freezing distance in build phase * sf_freeze_starting_distance_combat * Default: 128 * Starting freeze distance in combat phase * sf_freeze_continue_distance_combat * Default: 16 * Allowed continued freezing distance in combat phase * sf_freeze_continue_player_move_distance_combat * Default: 16 * Distance the player is allowed to move while freezing a block * sf_combat_unfreeze_friendly * Default: 4 * Necessary time to unfreeze a friendly block on combat phase * sf_combat_freeze_friendly * Default: 6 * Necessary time to freeze a block on combat phase * sf_combat_unfreeze_enemy * Default: 12 * Necessary time to unfreeze an enemy block on combat phase * sf_damage_rpg * Default: 125 * Set the damage of the rocket explosion. * sf_reload_rpg * Default: 2 * Set the delay for the next rocket launching. * sf_block_health * Default: 4000 * Block Health * Requires `sv_cheats` enabled * sf_block_unfreeze_health * Default: 1250 * Real purpose unknown * Requires `sv_cheats` enabled * Remarks: The math behind this is odd. Better to leave this as is. * sf_block_damage_multiplier * Default: 3.75 * Real purpose unknown * Requires `sv_cheats` enabled * Remarks: The math behind this is odd. Better to leave this as is. Setting it to 1.0 will prevent block damage. * sf_block_health_dynamic * Default: 0 * ? * sf_block_health_dist * Default: 80 * ? * sf_block_health_dist_min * Default: 0.4 * ? * sf_team_blocklimit * Default: 50 * Limit of blocks per team * sf_flag_model * Default: "models/Roller_Spikes.mdl" * Flag Model * sf_flag_pickupdelay * Default: 1.3 * Delay after the flag is dropped that a player can interact with it again. * sf_flag_x * Default: 0 * Offset position for the flag when it's on the player's base (X Axis) * sf_flag_y * Default: 0 * Offset position for the flag when it's on the player's base (Y Axis) * sf_flag_z * Default: 100 * Offset position for the flag when it's on the player's base (Z Axis) * sf_flag_returntime * Default: 30 * Flag time on ground until it is returned to the base * sf_flag_drop_distance * Default: 50 * Distance from the player when they drop the flag * mp_sfbanlist * Default: 1 * Server Side Only - Enables the use of global ban list * sf_deny_respawn * Default: 0 * Don't allow players to respawn * sf_team_autoassign * Default: 0 * Auto assign teams when a player joins the server * mp_forcerespawntime * Default: 5 * Seconds to force the player respawn * Classes Convar * sf_health_scout * Default: 100 * sf_health_heavysoldier * Default: 100 * sf_health_builder * Default: 80 * sf_health_rocketeer * Default: 100 * sf_health_sniper * Default: 75 * sf_armor_scout * Default: 15 * sf_armor_heavysoldier * Default: 75 * sf_armor_builder * Default: 20 * sf_armor_rocketeer * Default: 40 * sf_armor_sniper * Default: 0 * Class Limits * sf_player_limits_enabled * Default: 1 * sf_player_limits_scout_percentage * Default: 100 * sf_player_limits_soldier_percentage * Default: 66 * sf_player_limits_engineer_percentage * Default: 75 * sf_player_limits_rocketeer_percentage * Default: 60 * sf_player_limits_sniper_percentage * Default: 25 * AR2 damage falloff * sf_ar2_range1_distance * Default: 1000 * Medium range, where damage will be multiplied by a factor of `sf_ar2_range1_damage`. * sf_ar2_range1_damage * Default: 0.8 * Factor to multiply damage between `sf_ar2_range1_distance` and `sf_ar2_range2_distance` (medium range). * sf_ar2_range2_distance * Default: 2000 * Long range distance. AR2 shots beyond this distance will be multiplied by `sf_ar2_range2_damage`. * sf_ar2_range2_damage * Default: 0.6 * Factor to multiply damage by when it hits beyond `sf_ar2_range2_damage` range (long range). * hud_score_saytext_time * Default: 12 * Amount of time (in seconds) the score messages will be on screen * cl_showclasspanel * Default: 0 * Sets the state of team panel * cl_showteampanel * Default: 0 * Sets the state of team panel * cl_help * Default: 1 * Allows the display of help messages * Remarks: Possibly not used. Intended for flag position display. * stopsoundscape * Stops all soundscape processing and fades current looping sounds * Remarks: Used to fix an issue with looping sounds in the past